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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Shay-Keeping my fingers crossed for you honey! . Probably too soon for digi but my hopes are high!!! Saw the AZO. Thanks for the review. I was curious if that stuff was worth buying. Been drinking my diluted cranberry juice . Still having cramps,especially last night. It was weird, the cramps were around my hips, on the front and sides. But today the cramps are just lower abdominal. It drives me nuts! Always have it in the back of my mind it possible? Probably not but I'm going to test again on Monday to be safe. Dont want to be taking the provera if I am. I feel stupid for typing that...just wishful thinking I guess.
My situation is opposite of yours. I cant have sex with this uti but dh can...well he better not be having sex! But, he did come out of the shower with a smile on his face if you know what I mean !
As far as the family reunion's my husband's reunion. Every year on labor day weekend his dad's family gets together for a 3-4 day reunion...camping, bonfires, fish fry, bbq etc. It's fun. They alternate every year who will host it. But this past year has been full of reunions. He was adopted as a baby but last valentine's day his gift from me was his biological family. I had found them for him . Even though his biological mother passed 2 years earlier, he got to reunite with his aunt, uncle, cousins, and his brother and sister. Still havent located his biological father though..he's from canada. I know that look you're talking about It's the look I get when I go to Philly and ask for gooey butter cake or porksteaks. Been snacking on amish kettle corn today!

@Kadokshe-sorry the flew in . I'll be praying for an abundant fertilitly for you hun! How old are you again?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@waitingonmymiracle- im 22. i know i have years but with hypothryroidism and lots of medical problems it wouldbt suprise me that i couldnt have kifs either. and im sorry again...on my phone.

Nikki DB is Big D, D for short haha. Trying for my first! Trying to survive the TWW!

11 years ago

Tara- Your DHs smile is all to familiar lol DH was feeling better this morning but my crams were quite persistent, This may be TMI but o-well lol The cramps feel like pressure like i need to pass a bm (but i dont if that makes sense) I do not recall my early on symptoms with my other pregnancies and they do NOT feel like AF cramps and even after ttc for 2 years I have never tried to pay attention to O symptoms besides CM and dtd every other day so i do not know if i am just ovulating late or what is going on right now. I am stressing over it big time now, I tried to get my mind off of it and i just scrubbed the house top to bottom, DD helped she loves to vaccum i think i may have cursed her with my OCD she is very particular with where her toys go & god forbid you put her socks in her pantey drawer! lol
That was amazing of you to find your DHs biological family!! Sorry to hear about his mom though! You are a very nice person!
That is really cool to have reunions, I have been to 1 and i believe i was 12 a bunch of my family got together in Long Beach, all us kids surfed and all the adults pretty much did their own individual thing up on the beach, Frankly i do not think anybody even conversed with each other besides us kids lol I wish we had a tight nit family though. My mom, dad, brother, sister & I were really close with my grand parents. For me my best friend was my grand father- May he RIP. I miss him terribly but anyways we always did every holiday with them now my grand father has passed away and us kids have grown up and we havent all been together in the same room for oh idk 4-5 years!
You are making my mouth water with all this delicious sounding food women! lol
Maybe your cramps are related to implantation too, you could of recently ovulated hence the negative tests and now your going through implantation.. I am praying this is Yours, Phats and Mines month!
Your cramps just do not sound UTI related and you would think with the cranberry juice it would start to diminish them.. hmm.. and yes no problem AZO is surely worth the money!
I emailed you the e-book, Just down load the attachment like you would a photo and open it with ADOBE and start reading! I am hooked! I love getting myself into a good book!
I am hoping it is to early for the digi did you take a look at my hpt images i posted, what do you think about those?
Sorry i am completely bouncing from subject to subject in this reply. I can not think straight! Thank you for the positive reinforcement!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

I really am not feeling it this month. Besides my 2 - frer's today I took 2 $.88 tests. I got so excited because the first one looked + in a strange way then I took it back out later & I'm pretty sure the line I saw was on the top of the hormone strip because there was a wider white strip underneath it. It was sort of like the dye went on either side of the strip. So of course I had to take another. I posted a pic of them. I tried to judge the proper distance between the control & test lines by looking at + tests posted of the same brand, but I couldn't really judge it. The top one of the two looks odd on invert. Oh well, I know it's early still.

Shay - depending on which brand you got of the digital it's not as sensitive as the dip tests, so I wouldn't lose hope. FRER early result pink dye & FRER Gold Digital are supposed to be the most sensitive I believe.

11 years ago

It's ok Shay! We're all a little ADHD...oh shiney ! Guess I better start at the beginning of your subject jumping lol...the cramps yesterday felt like they were right under my belly button and went straight down (my sister said she has gotten those same weird pains/cramps with her uti's). Those have stopped but last night it was all in my hip..which is way lower than my kidney but I thought maybe it was referred pain from my right ureter, like the infection was moving up . And this evening I had the hip cramping pain again but didnt feel like muscle have medical background so I'll use that to my advantage lol...the pain today was located around my R inferior external oblique, just superior to iliac crest (aka:hand on hip ). It's gone now ..wait it did it again...but I still have cramps like when you're bladder is really full and you're trying to keep it in so you dont pee down your leg. lol. And the opening to my urethra burns like the dickens when I pee! Not everytime now so hopefully the juice is helping. Next subject-your mother-daughter OCD relationship sounds like mine and my dad's. Because of him...I have drafts for grocery lists. LOL
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, I just lost both my grandparents 4 months ago within 2wks of eachother. I know how much it sucks and how much you miss him. But I would have killed for a reunion at the beach!! Surfed in Hawaii, next time I hope to have stronger arms to battle the waves. And I wish it was implantation! Time will tell if this provera kicks in. I did look at your dipstrips. The bottom one looked positive!...but weird that the line moved Praying it's positive for you hun! Oh and I my father in law who believes that exercise and healthy eating doesnt do anything good for your health...thru a fit tonight about my MIL cooking healthier when I come over. He wants to buy me frozen diet tv dinners to eat when I'm there so he can still eat his butter soaked veggies and deep fried meat.

@kadokshe-It's okay. Sometimes my fingers wont work and backspace button is my friend. lol. If God wants you to have a will happen Trust me.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Tara- Damn make me bust out my anatomy book! lol Have you fathomed the thought of a hernia associated with the pains? I have never heard of such pain with a UTI.. Doesnt mean its not a UTI. I do know that when the infection travels it can radiate pain to other quadrants of your abdomen but that is typically due to some sort of kidney stone, but your back and under rib cage would be hurting. The pain with urination sounds like a UTI but can also be raw from dtd so much. I would keep up with the diluted juice and if you notice the pain working its way up your abdomen and around your back id recommend going and getting the AZO, it will turn your pee a vibrant orange so dont be alarmed lol
I got into my car accident on December 3, 2010 then
My grand father on my moms side (the one i was close with) passed away december 20th then my grandpa on my dads side passed away January 3rd, I was still recovering from major surgery and having my spleen removed so i was able to attend their services or even say good bye, then about 2 mos ago my grandma on my dads side passed away. till this day i HATE the month of december but i put on a smile for DD and Xmas!
I am sorry to hear about your grand parents as well! May they all rest in paradise!
The line didnt move until my dumbness fucked with the test.. so i dont know i am going to go get some line tests in the am.

Phat- I took the FR DIGI GOLD. :(
I am just trying to not get my hopes up at this point!
and keeping my fingers crossed and you in my prayers as well!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Phat- I see the line on the top test but it doesnt look distorted to me.. it looks like a faint +.. i also think i see something on your frer!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Shay - have I told you lately how much I love you?

For the sake of hilariousness I have to tell you all a story. My now 11 year old was all bent out of shape one day. We have really weird relationship dynamics. Here's some background: I severe chemical depression helped by medication. I was in therapy & taking meds about a year before he was born & my dpession was deepening . I was doing all I was told by my docs, but nothing helped. My ex-husband is a selfish ass who can't grasp the concept of depression & got really frustrated because I wasn't "choosing" to be happy. We got to a critical point & he wanted a divorce. It was my 2nd marriage (first was to a very bad drug addict & alcoholic & I ended it after 2 years), and I felt like such a failure. My depression got even worse, and I took 60 amitriptilline (so?) With a couple beers & laid down to go to sleep forever. I was sleeping on the couch & my ex was in our bed. Our English bulldogs woke him up because I was seizing, he called 911 & did CPR on mrpe until the paramedics arrived. I lived with surprisingly no permanent heart or brain damage even though I coded more than once. I don't remember any of it other than having my blood gases drawn from my arteries after they had resucitated me & pumped my stomach. So I recovered from thast, our marriage did not dissolve & I did much better on different meds. My ex & I started talking about a baby & I got pregnant 3 months later at 25. I had my son when I was 26 in August. He cried for 6 months straight. I wonder now if maybe there were withdrawals related to my anti-depressants or what else could have been wrong. I still don't know why he cried so much. I dearly loved him, but the crying caused a slight rift between us. Until you haven't slept for more than 2 hours for six months I can't really explain what it's like. His father & I divorced when he was a year old. My depression returned full force & I started drinking way too much. I was not being a good mom & not living right at all. To make a long story shorter, I finally got my act together after 6 months or so & still struggle with depression & have had very dark days. My son literally saved my life. If I did not have him to live for I am positive I would be dead. So today he & I have an odd relationship. He talks back to me all the time & pushes my buttons & we yell a lot & he thinks he can talk to me like he's grown & we fight all the time. Parenting tip: do not allow your kids to talk back to you - once you start arguing with them it doesn't stop - nip it in the bud early.

One day a few weeks ago we were arguing & I sat him down for a talk. I explained to him that life isn't all happy with everything going your way & unicorns farting rainbows, so he needs to develop some dissapointment coping skills that don't involve yelling at other people & pitching fits.

I got him a birthday card yesterday that had me busting a gut in Walmart. It was part of a new collection that has a part you pull out & it talks or plays music. This card has a rainbow over clouds with a unicorn you pull out. It plays some kind of sparkly sounding music with this high-pitched elf voice saying what an amazing birthday it's going to be. He thought it was hilarious & got the joke right away.

I know this was totally off topic. :-)

On topic, my FRER & Walmart cheap ie were still inconclusive this morning.

11 years ago

Shay - have I told you lately how much I love you?

For the sake of hilariousness I have to tell you all a story. My now 11 year old was all bent out of shape one day. We have really weird relationship dynamics. Here's some background: I have severe chemical depression helped by medication. I was in therapy & taking meds about a year before he was born & my depression was deepening . I was doing all I was told by my docs, but nothing helped. My ex-husband is a selfish ass who can't grasp the concept of depression & got really frustrated because I wasn't "choosing" to be happy. We got to a critical point & he wanted a divorce. It was my 2nd marriage (first was to a very bad drug addict & alcoholic & I ended it after 2 years), and I felt like such a failure. My depression got even worse, and I took 60 amitriptilline (sp?) with a couple beers & laid down to go to sleep forever. I was sleeping on the couch & my ex was in our bed. Our English bulldogs woke him up because I was seizing, he called 911 & did CPR on me until the paramedics arrived. I lived with surprisingly no permanent heart or brain damage even though I coded more than once. I don't remember any of it other than having my blood gases drawn from my arteries after they had resuscitated me & pumped my stomach. So I recovered from that, our marriage did not dissolve & I did much better on different meds. My ex & I started talking about a baby & I got pregnant 3 months later at 25. I had my son when I was 26 in August. He cried for 6 months straight. I wonder now if maybe there were withdrawals related to my anti-depressants or what else could have been wrong. I still don't know why he cried so much. I dearly loved him, but the crying caused a slight rift between us. Until you haven't slept for more than 2 hours for six months I can't really explain what it's like. His father & I divorced when he was a year old. My depression returned full force & I started drinking way too much. I was not being a good mom & not living right at all. To make a long story shorter, I finally got my act together after 6 months or so & still struggle with depression & have had very dark days. My son literally saved my life. If I did not have him to live for I am positive I would be dead. So today he & I have an odd relationship. He talks back to me all the time & pushes my buttons & we yell a lot & he thinks he can talk to me like he's grown & we fight all the time. Parenting tip: do not allow your kids to talk back to you - once you start arguing with them it doesn't stop - nip it in the bud early.

One day a few weeks ago we were arguing & I sat him down for a talk. I explained to him that life isn't all happy with everything going your way & unicorns farting rainbows, so he needs to develop some dissapointment coping skills that don't involve yelling at other people & pitching fits.

I got him a birthday card yesterday that had me busting a gut in Walmart. It was part of a new collection that has a part you pull out & it talks or plays music. This card has a rainbow over clouds with a unicorn you pull out. It plays some kind of sparkly sounding music with this high-pitched elf voice saying what an amazing birthday it's going to be. He thought it was hilarious & got the joke right away.

I know this was totally off topic. :-)

On topic, my FRER & Walmart cheap ie were still inconclusive this morning.

11 years ago

Phat- lol love you too!
That is a sad story with a happy ending! I am glad you got your life back on track! DD talks back to me too and when she wants me to do something oh the attitude in her voice and body language! MOM GET ME SOME JUICE! words all spaced out and everything. I laugh inside but tell her "nope not until you know how to ask nicely" So she will say it again the same exact way but add the word PLEASE to the end of it... smart ass... lol so slowly but surely she is getting better at it. I do not like to raise my voice, i had a very traumatic child hood with yelling and beatings so evey time i start to raise my voice or my hand to spank her bottom i have flash backs and i cave! :( Im the good cop daddies the bi polar cop lol Nice & Mean! lol
That is cute about the card as i was reading it i was like YES she found a car with a unicorn farting haha im not the brightest crayon in the box this morning.
tell him Happy Birthday from your batch of craziness on here lol
I am pretty sure i see a line on your 2 bottom FRERS!!! I only have one digi left and i dont know if i should just take it today or wait a couple days, I dont think i can wait.. GRRR!!!!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

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