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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey ladies,

Can I jump in here? Looking for cycle buddies. I'm currently 10dpo and only getting BFN's so I think I'm out this cycle.

BUT I'm looking forward to trying again and making friends with all you lovely ladies in the same heartbreaking but hopefully totally worth it boat :)

Where in your cycle are you guys?

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Thanks. My dh wants me to get tested for endo but I hate this stuff don't know what to expect and don't want to hear any bad news. Weirdo I know.

9 years ago

@enbutler- Glad you had a nice Easter. I need to see the dentist too lol

@astrid- Some doctors believe different things when it comes to mthfr. But pretty much all agree it can cause miscarriage later on in the gestation that's why they usually prescribe extra folic acid and baby aspirin. My regular obgyn being one. However, after talking with other doctors in my area and following research of other doctors who specialize in mthfr...newer research (in the past few years) is showing that it can affect the pregnancy in early gestation. It's just that some doctors dont look into newer research cause it's not set in stone in medical books yet. My doctor even admits that. Knowledge is always changing. And every person's genetic makeup is different and we are all affected differenty. Mthfr is has different types of mutation, some not as bad and others being a major cause of miscarriage and strokes. After everything, I just want to take all the precautions I can. The way I see it, they once thought the earth was flat and eggs were bad for you LOL.

@ELG-Welcome hun! 10dpo is still early so dont give up :) I've had most my bfps after 10dpo. I am currently, cycle day 8 and waiting to see if I ovulate this cycle :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

@sugaarplum- You're not weird hun! I need to be tested too and I'm scared crapless! Feel like my body is against me enough already lol. Doesnt help that it requires outpatient surgery to be checked for it. And I think it was like $500 for me to get it.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Alright Tara, what is your opinion on Vitex and Maca Root? I ordered me some to try beings we are taking a break from the RE/IUI for a couple months. I read it is like a Herbal version of Clomid :-) Have you tried it?
UPDATE: I just did more research since I'm at the office and it says you shouldn't take it if you have normal cycles! UGHHHHHHHH I hate this.

Sugar, honey we are all weird in ways :-) I think it's better to be tested and then at least you guys will know.

ELG, 10DPO is early. Stay positive and welcome!

Astrid, I go Monday for my scan as well! I started my Femara Monday. CD3-7 I am sure we will trigger Tuesday and IUI Thursday like the last couple months. This will be my last cycle with meds/IUI for a couple months. We have so much coming up that I do not to stress or worry about Drs appointments and such. We will continue to try on our own though :-) I 100% believe that MTHFR is a cause for miscarriages. I would definitely take a Prenatal with L-methylfolate in it.

Enbutler, I had my teeth cleaned today too! I love having clean teeth! So glad you got WIC and that you are doing great.

9 years ago

@xomandy- Heads up on the works differently than clomid and can work against it so if you take it, make sure you wait to take it during an off cycle. They also say that if you have a normal cycle, to be aware that vitex can make you ovulate later than usual. So far I like it but I've only been taking it for a couple weeks so it's hard to tell what difference it's making so far. But I know my AF was shorterened and less painful so that's a plus :). I took maca for a cycle but ran out about the same that I found out my testosterone went haywire. I backed off all my meds to figure out the culpret. I believe it was the soy. So I need to pick up more maca. Luckily maca is just considered food so it doesnt effect medications :). I say go for it on the maca but when you do the vitex, maybe start out on a lower dose maybe to see how it affects you:).
Everytime I turn around I feel like you're triggering again lol. Time is flying.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

I'm not taking the Vitex, I will give it away to someone in need :-) You want it? I am going to try the Maca though. I have such regular cycles and my progesterone is always normal so I don't think the Vitex is for me. I don't want to chance screwing it up! I did read that you can NOT take it while taking fertility medicine as well. Which after this month I am taking off a couple months so that wouldn't have been an issue but I am not chancing it.

Lol I know, these cycles fly by! I have always had 28-30 day cycles though. The shortest I have had is 26 days and that was the first month we did IUI. I triggered CD10! I was like holy cow batman! My first month triggering and I was like no way, that is wayyyyyyyyy to early! Now I trigger CD11 and IUI CD13 and my LP has been 15 days instead of my normal 13. I don't get freaked out anymore with doing everything early like that.

9 years ago

@xomandy- I remember them wanting to trigger me at cd15 which was 4 days before I usually OV'd....FREAKED ME OUT! I'm like, "I dont want to pay $300 for you to screw up". I was actually right though. When they rechecked my follicles they still needed a couple days to grow. Yea, I'd hate for your cycle to get screwed up. I'd LOVE the vitex! What brand did you buy?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Fertilica Vitex 500mg (60 Vegetarian Caps)

I will mail it to you as soon as I get them, they shipped already today and just chose 7-10 days. :-)

9 years ago

Welcome ELGtrying!! Now you can't lose hope at only 10 dpo! That's still really early.. I've never gotten a positive until after a week late!! I'm only a couple days past ov, so I still have a while to go. Thanks for joining us! How many months have you been TTC?

I've been taking a much needed less stressful month so far. Only temping every other day, took one opk on usual o day, keeping extremely busy so I don't have much down time to think about all this TTC stuff.. and its going a whole lot easier thus far - but it doesn't usually get unbearable til the second half of the tww so keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a little less stress next week!!

Some people may think we're crazy Tara, but if only one person sees it and it helps them like your stories have helped me then its absolutely worth it!! :-)

Happy Hump Day !

9 years ago

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