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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Well, CD3 for me. Clomid again CD3-7, I will go in CD10 for another ultrasound to measure follies and see if I trigger that day or not. We will do an IUI this cycle. Fingers crossed!

Sorry about AF Sugar! :-( That sucks.. Are you going to try anything different this cycle?

9 years ago

GRRR! I'm so sorry sugaarplum!!
I think this is all how we feel right now....
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Hugs sweetie . DEATH TO THE !!!!!

@xomandy- Does he have you on the same dosage?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Yes, 100mg CD3-7. She said if I wanted him to switch me to Femera I would have to come back in and discuss that with him. DUMB! I know! So we kept it the same and when I go in CD10 I am going to tell him IF I do not get pregnant this cycle then note in there that I want to switch to Femera next cycle. She said then when I call in they will be able to prescribe me Femera without having to come in cause it will be noted in my chart. So if I do the same as last cycle I will trigger CD10 depending on how the follies look I suppose which is Monday and then IUI on CD12. I asked her why I triggered so early last tine and she said by the ultrasound I was ready to ovulate so they didn't wanna miss it by putting my trigger off until CD12.

9 years ago

Exactly how I feel except my hairs in flames as well lol..thinking of trying preseed...hmm.

What I don't understand is why I felt those pinches under my belly button along with pulling? [gasp

9 years ago

I've had those pulls and twinges too. But I've had them in both pregnant and non-pregnant cycles. They were stronger when I was pregnant but I can never trust them :(. Totally try preseed. I love it! In fact I've been out for a while and I cringe when dh and I need to use my other lubes.

@omandy- I know how much it sucks but I'm jealous of you honey . You are so blessed to be able to ovulate around cd14.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Should totally give you guys my facebook info so you can check out my facebook feed. Not kidding...every post right now is a picture of a different baby. So many newborns taking over my newsfeed lol. When oh when can I have 1 or 2 take over my life!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

@ Waiting, my cousin and a friend of mine just announced yesterday they were both pregnant.. Ruined my day especially beings that the friend wasn't even trying! Nor needs one.

9 years ago

Why oh why do I always have to be the one to plan Valentine's day...reservations and all? Granted we dont bother with cards or presents but not gonna lie, it'd be nice to get flowers. Dh has only gotten me flowers once for Valentine's day in 9 years
I want to go see 50 Shades but I have no one to go with. Dh doesnt mind going but I'd feel weird seeing it with him. So instead he said we could go to the seafood place I suggested. He never called for reservations cause he thinks restaurants no longer take reservations Ugh...ok. So of course it's booked along with every almost every other restaurant. Sooo...knowing my luck it'll be an manly action movie on netflix and fast food of my choice.
Sorry for the vent. I'd just like to get dressed up and feel pretty and romantic instead of dinner in front of the tv with dh in his boxer shorts.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Thank you, Miracle <3. I'm praying you're next, seriously, you deserve it so much.

9 years ago

hello ladies,
Ok here is what i learned from my new Dr at the Houston Fertility Center... First off my RE I have right now is a horrible man. No She did not say that but that is what we where all thinking.

She was astounded that he never did any tests on my tubes or my uterus. She said that the only test he did does not count. When he checked to see if i was in menopause it never counted because he did it in the middle of my cycle. if it is not done on the first of your cycle it is basically useless information. He had me on 250 Clomid for 6 months and no one should be on any clomid over 200, and then only in 3 cycle max....

She was highly disappointed when i told her of my last 3 iui the sperm was at my Dr office for more then 2 weeks. She said donor sperm is only good for 7 days after it leaves the sperm bank. So i have been doing my last 3 iui with bad sperm.

I told her my dr was going to do my next round with Femara and she said hell no. They refuse to use that drug. She said that it has been shown to cause Down Syndrome, in children who were conceived on it. So if i am 36 i am already in the higher range of birth issues, then add the fact that i would have conceived on Femara then it would have been doubled risk of downs.

So the best part she said is that no matter what i have wrong be it tubes, fibroids, or what she can fix it. The only way we can not fix it is if i am in menopause be she is highly sure that i am not. Even if the fibroids are to big or they are in my uterus wall we can have surgery and fix that as well. She said she is very confident that one way or another i will be able to conceive.

So here is the game plan. I call her on my first day of my period. i will come in for blood work and a baseline ultrasound. then day 8 come in for a HSG and the other test cant think of the other test. that will tell her the shape of my uterus is in and if my tubes are open. She said if they are not no problem we will just jump to ivf. if they are then we can discuss IUI with injectables. we will not ever do clomid again. if i choose to do IUI then we will do three and if no success then just have to we will move to IVF. I just have to chose what i want to do, IUI or IVF. She said my insurance will cover all the testing, and such. If i choose IUI i am looking at 400 and if i chose IVF it will be 8,675. My insurance will cover the meds she thinks, and if not she will write it so that it should at least be mostly covered.

So here i am happy and for once in my life ready for AF to come. I am just excited to have options and a plan.

9 years ago

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