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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Nicky I know exactly what you mean we are dealing with people telling us we need to give him cereal so he will gain weight. His dr told me to stop supplementing him and breastfeed exclusively. We still give him one or two bottles of formula but I nurse him at least 10x a day. One of our friends said we needed to ignore the dr and switch to formula because he isn't going to gain weight just breastfeeding. Her problem is she only breastfed her daughter 6 weeks and dried up and she cant stand when people do things she couldn't. Like my husband and I are losing weight. I've lost 40 lbs since last year. And now all of a sudden she heard about it and is on a health kick or her husband is a football coach also and she doesn't like football until I come around because I like it. I say she has to be a one upper. She has been negative towards me breastfeeding since before I had him and that I'm not feeding him enough now or he would've gained more weight. It's just frustrating. Sorry for the rant I'm just tired of her telling me how I should be taking care of my baby

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

9 years ago

Gotta love know it alls. If my sister is trying to make a decision on something with her son...I'll research it for her. But I wont shove it down her throat.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Athena -oh the breast feeding haters !!! My grandmother constantly asked "is he on the bottle yet ?" Or the fact that I cloth diaper most of the time .i exclusively breast fed until lo was a month old and he started breaking out and screaming for hours on end ..he had a dairy allergy so I had to give him special formula for a few days until I could get it out of my system ( I'm a cheese addict lol) and he never latched again after those few days .I tried so hard I cried and cried and saw lc .I ended up exclusively pumping until I dried up at 6 months (talk about some hard work ) and now we are on formula and I have a awesome milk donor :) but I keep it a secret .It was hard enough convincing my fianc�© that he was not goin to die and it was way better for him lol .But I've brought it up in casual convo with other moms ..ya know just to see what they think and every time they look at me like I asked would they ever shoot their baby up with heroin lmao . .oh and my lo is 10 months and weighs 17 lbs .hes tiny .he always has been .he was 7 11 at birth as didn't get back to that until he was almost 2 ped just always asks how much he's eating and says not to worry he is fine .babies come in all shapes and sizes :) that reminds me thanksgiving at dfs family thing ..I got so many "he's so tiny ,you need to feed him ,why is he so little ? " comments and his uncle seriously not joking , start feeding him pumpkin pie with his hands ...and I freaked out and he was like its good for him! You need to let him come stay with me for a week you won't even recognize him when he comes home .poor thing ." Like for real starve my child .i had to literally snatch him away from him .
Isn't family awesome ... Srry for the mommy rants ladies .Sometimes in my busy world I never get time to really breathe .i get to get on my phone a total of 5 min during the day ,so once everyone's tucked in I get my 30 mi of me time !

9 years ago

It's okay Nicky :) This is a place to vent. So you do you think the adventure you had this month, may make you want to start trying for #2? No pressure, just curious :).

Temps are looking good! But I know temps mean squat in the tww lol. I have some good news though. Well good and bad news. Good news is my cat does actually have a UTI. Bad news is he has a UTI lol. Good meaning it's not behavioral and I can relax now. Thursday evening I noticed him acting funny and knew something was up (licking himself more, moving slow, out of it). Then yesterday, I watched him pee and sure enough...classic UTI signs! Bought some gravel and used it for his litter to catch a clean urine sample and like I thought..UTI! He had blood in his urine but his ph was overly high. After researching, it turns out the blue buffalo he's on has a bad habit of causing high ph and crystals leading to UTI's and blockages in some cats. So his diet has changed and he's on a week's worth of antibiotics. Poor baby! But I'm relieved cause now I'm not freaking out that it's behavioral and he wont be peeing on stuff sporadically for the rest of his life. Another positive...I dont have to take down my christmas tree right away! YEA!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Nicky Eli was 6 lbs 7 oz when he was born, he dropped to 5 lbs 12 oz after 2 days because he was jaundice. He was 3 weeks early and had like 0 body fat. His arms and legs had skin just hanging. Dh said he looked like a fat guy that lost a bunch of weight too quickly and had all the excess skin. His arms and legs have filled out to where there's no skin hanging and have a little fat, his belly is still skinny though. He was 9 lbs 6.5 oz Tuesday and yesterday he was up to 9 lbs 10 oz so he's obviously gaining weight. We bought a scale so we could keep track of it. We also give him premie formula if we give him formula to get him some extra protein and fat. His dr has been concerned mainly because his height and head growth is normal, but his weight is below the chart <5th percentile. People don't think about how tiny he was when he started.

Tara I miss you we used to talk daily. Hope your kitty feels better. I'm also glad your temps are looking good. I'm glad the soy is working for you. Can't wait to see what this tww holds for you.

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone has a happy holidays

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

9 years ago

I watched my friends 3 month old today ..with my lo alone .I def think I am not trying for #2 anytime soon! Lmao .i just hate putting bc or any other medicine or chemical in my body ,but we also aren't the best at remembering we are out of condoms till mid bd .Jumping up naked ,scrambling through drawers for 20 min hoping we might find one :D I think I may just buy a giant 40 count box offline .i have to use the non laytex so finding them is hard enough ,and when we do it's always 6-8 count I know this is a ttc forum so this a odd question .Have you ladies ever tried any other form of bc that works ? I know there is some wild stuff out there .i just have a super sensitive hoo ha .non hormonal ? I figured it was a uti Tara .Blue has ha so many complaints and usually has too high of levels in protein .We feed 4health brand or diamond from tractor supply .I actually prefer it to taste of the wild .less stinky poop and cheaper ,but still a good quality balanced grain free option food :) oh and the Christmas thing was tonight ...dfs mom poured diet coke in ds mouth when she thought I walked out and I cought her and it got ugly .Like really ?! Aspertame and caffeine ...from your dirty backwash cup .I made a wee bit of a scene ;) ok it's 4 am .my eyes are closing ! Good night /Morning ladies :))

9 years ago

I'd pour the diet coke over her head LOL. Our bc was just condoms and the pill. Little did I know that my body was the best birth control

8dpo today. Been cramping off and on past two days in lower abdomen and nipples are sore. Feels like menstrual cramps a bit. This time my last soy cycle I was already starting af so it looks like I have some good progesterone this time around. Super tired. Just want to lie around all day but alas...cake pops need to be made and presents need to be wrapped! Seriously right now I'm sitting here at the kitchen table with devil's food cake in the oven and my lower abdomen feels like my uterus is doing the samba. It's not my bowels. POAS this morning...I know I know I said I'd wait but I'm a known poas addict...bfn but 8dpo is too early anyways. I mostlyl start early cause if I wait I get all panicked.I will wait til Wednesday though. So badly want this for Christmas!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Cd 9 and lots of menstrual cramps! Just sitting here I feel like I should have a tampon in.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Merry Christmas my twisted sisters!!!
I hope everyone had a Merry, Merry Christmas!

My Christmas was blessed and joyous...yet strange. lol. My FIL was in a grumpy mood. We celebrate Christmas with them on christmas eve and Christmas day with my parents but my inlaws are still invited to my parent's christmas. No biggie but my FIL decided he wanted to gripe about my family's christmas tradition of playing 24 hours of a Christmas Story. I'm sorry but I dont walk into his house and bash his holiday traditions. He was already rubbing me the wrong way cause he yelled at me and my MIL for singing christmas carols . Yea...he was being a scrooge.
But that aside, it was another great Christmas cause I got to be with my family. I took an hpt this morning and it was bfn-ish. lol. Merry Christmas and Happy Line Eye Day! Saw a little something on the wondfo and the frer but probably the antibody strip. I'll test again tomorrow. Af due on sunday. If AF comes...I got a tequila/vodka gift pack for christmas so dh and I'll enjoy some drinks at home on new years lol!

Anyways, Merry Christmas girls!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Happy christmas everyone xxx

Just popped in to say baby boy was born on the
19th dec after another fast labour weighing 8lbs 10oz his name is Lincoln Thomas John fudge
Zia is being a very good big sister :)

Hope u all have a happy new year xxx

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9 years ago

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