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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I need your alls help...I seem to have lost my sanity!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Well after a crazy ride of constant temp increases, it plummeted today and she showed.....been spotting for two days so had a feeling a it was coming. Sucks but now we won't be able to try again until February's cycle. At least that's when our schedules free up and we will be able to travel as needed (he works 300 miles away). So now I get to exercise and focus on me for a little bit. Which I think is very much needed. It's hard not to get so wrapped up in all of this. And in 5 months or so, we will be moving to be with him so trying will be much easier! On that note, I hope everyone is having a good start to their Monday.

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9 years ago

I'm sorry AF showed EB . How's Af going? Any pain?
I'll still be here to support you in February :)

AFM- CD11 already. Crazy! My chin feels like I had a fast ball hit it. At least it shows the soy is working again. I've been SOOOOO stressed out too. Our cat is being a Booger Meister Meister Booger. This is his first christmas and the sudden appearance of a 9' christmas tree, twinkling lights and light up santa have him stressed out. The tree he seems to be enjoying though...he's already climbed multiple times and broken some ornaments. He only does it when we're not home cause we're watching him. But the stress of everything has made him develop a really bad habit! After the first time he destroyed the christmas tree (bent branches etc), dh and I kinda raised our voices at him. It freaked him out and he immediately went out to his cat bed near his litter box and peed on it! I cleaned the rug under it and tossed the bed. Since then he's been fine (besides climbing the tree which will stop soon cause we bought a cat barrier that inserts under the tree). Until today. Dh was going to put him in the mudroom with his litter/food while we were gone so he didnt get into the tree. I told dh to put down a towel in the floor so he had something cozy to lay on. Dh put it in the floor and the cat automatically peed on it. Full on, emptying of bladder! Ugh! No urinary tract infection..just stress from the decorations. I guess he now thinks soft fluffy towels etc in the mudroom are a second litter box. So I have to go buy special enzyme cleaner after work to remove the cat pee from the rug that was under the towel (2nd time cleaning it). Plus we need to make sure there are no towels or blankets on the floor for him to use. He's still using his litter box's just those 2 times. So as you can tell, I'm a bit stressed out . To top it off, money is super tight for christmas cause of everything we've had to do to get the cat normal again. SO happy I'm off for a week so I can pause and take a breath.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh no That's crazy..they sell some sort of spray you spray on the tree to keep pets away. I trained my cat at a few months old by simply spraying it on things I don't want him being on and now (his first christmas) he was biting it and after i sprayed it bam he stopped :) It's a life saver definately give it a go !!

And I'm so sorry about the way you feel hun :( x

9 years ago

Hello everyone hope u all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with ur families. Sorry I haven't had much time or strength to get on til now but I'm back lol! Been very busy this holiday week, as I'm sure it was for all of us.

Waitingonmymiracle it sounds like u have ur hands full wit ur kitty. Omg I used to have indoor cats but my dh got upset that one of them had an accident out of their litter box and that was it. Next day he built them a cat house n they seemed to ebony enjoy it quite nicely until he moved them or to the porch they freaked and ran inside. The first nite they refused to sleep in it they just plopped in front of the door waiting for it to open to make their OO7 move lol. But dh was determined to keep them there they ate about a week they finally got used to the fact that they would stay outside but not to the fact that it was dh that sent them there lol they would not play or get near him for about 2 months. They loved me but they resented him for kicking then out. I felt bad for dh he really tried to get them to forgive him but they weren't having it. Finally about 2 months later it was as if nothing ever happened they were his best friends again all was well. My dh is a bit of a neat freak n had very little patience with messes except for baby messes those he will gladly clean lol thank God for that cuz my poor boys would be living in the dog house next to our kitties lmbo jk.

Well back to baby news little one doing great except for Tuesday I had to go to er the morning sickness (all-day sickness) was too much to bear hadn't eaten for 3 days nothing would stay was getting dehydrated. Dr sent me too er to get fluids n they have me some nausea meds. Thankfully baby was fine strong heart beat at 172. Just mommy was miserable but feeling better meds dont work all the time but has helped keep something down so my little one can grow strong n healthy. Dr appt on monday for check up. At least I was able to see my little one again keep growing Baby girl

Praying for u all n

9 years ago

Oh noooo Im glad you and baby are ok now...

9 years ago

@lilliam- I'm sorry morning sickness is kicking your butt hun. I hope the meds kick in. Keep us updated :). It's funny...we go our lives trying to prevent the stomach flu but we are begging and pleading for morning sickness when ttc. My greatest christmas gift would be super sore breasts and nausea ROFL!

CD 14 over here and waiting for the big O. My cervix is heading in the 'ripe' direction. Not surprised that this ov date is later than the last time I did the soy cause I started it two days later and used it for one day longer (my normal prescribed regimen). And this every other day is for the bird! It's when I cant get it that I want it the most. And dh knows this. For example, days we cant BD...he breathes heavy in my ear and tmi...puts his all over me while I'm trying to make dinner lol. He's such a tease .

Things are much better with kitty! We got this awesome Christmas Tree Defender that snaps into place between the bottom layers of branches. It's too high for him to pull himself up and he cant climb up from the bottom. You cant even see it so it's awesome! And no more peeing outside of the box. My dad and I are going to build him a cat tree so he can rough house on that. But I'm trying to draw a design. Saw this cool lotus design but not sure :/. Anyways...I love you ladies. I'll keep you updated on OV! :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter this has been a crazy day in the ttc department! lol. Before bed I checked my cervix and it felt softer but still kinda closed. I hadnt taken an opk yet so I took one at midnight (I was up late lol). It was quite dark and so close to positive! I went to bed but couldnt sleep. About 30 minutes later I suddenly had to pee again. On a whim, I took another opk (obsess much ). It was positive . I stood in the bathroom for 10 minutes trying to decide what to do. Either have middle of the night lovins or wait til the morning. I went for it! I crawled over to dh on the bed and woke him up. I said, "Wake up and screw me!" I honestly tried to make sound sexy but I'm pretty sure it came off desperate. He opened one eye and cracked a smile. I dont normally talk that way but I felt bad waking him up so I figured I'd try to lol. Anyways, I woke up this morning to a a cervix so open I could drive a bus through it . Praying for a big temp spike tomorrow!

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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii ladies !!!!!!!!! I finally broke back into my account ! I lost my passwor and got a new email .I still stalk you guys daily :) so happy for Athena !!! And all of the other ladies on this board who gottheir bfp ! Ds is a 9 month old bouncing happy little cuddle moster ! me and df (still not married lol) got a little drunk a couple of weeks ago and Dtd while i was having 0 symptoms so I figured I would hack back into my account finally and update you ladies during my unplanned tww.Im 8 days post bd .neg tests .either way we would be fine .We are just usually careful and with an emergency c section 9 months ago we decided to wait at least two years so I could go for a vbac .Tara -your little kitty on the tree lmao .Hope this one is your month .Even though I've been silent I haven't missed a single post !!! I was so hoping the parints place would be your final answer ! you are so strong and such an inspiration ! your always in my prayers :) I was reading older posts earlier .Remember our dildo convo everyone was talking about ?! Lmao I was laughing so hard !!!!!! Hey new ladies ! Maybe I'm missing some people --- Tara can you tell me whay happened with phat & holly ?

9 years ago

Nicky thank you. I also stalk too lol. Our baby boy is 3 months on Saturday.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

9 years ago

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