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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Erin it could be ovulation spotting since it's so early in your tww. I only had it happen once.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

9 years ago

What exactly is ovulation spotting? FF confirmed along with my opk's that I ovulated 4 days ago. I got the spotting of very bright pink/red 3dpo in the evening and then just a little brown the morning of 4 dpo (which is today) and nothing since this morning. If it was ovulation spotting, wouldn't it be brown or old since it happened 4 days ago? I'm wondering if it has something to do with the possibility of endo since thats what my doctors are throwing around....

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9 years ago

Sounds like part of the uterine lining left behind from last AF, 3 DPO sounds a little early for IB, and a little late for OB but you never know!

9 years ago

Hello ladies just a quick update I'm 7days late an still getting a BFN I'm not sure what's happening I still have all the same symptoms just not getting a positive result this is the first time iv ever been late and not gotten a BFP

9 years ago

I was just wondering how you were ! Is there any way you can get an hcg blood test?

9 years ago

I'm hoping so I'm going to call the doctor in the morning and see if they will do one. I'll update more once I have more information

9 years ago

Good luck!!

9 years ago

Sam~ Any news? Were you able to get a hold of the doctor?

I spotted a very tiny bit of light brown yesterday. So no clue what it is. Just trying to stay sane until test day.

So yesterday, my daughter and I picked up 3 kittens from a local shelter that needed a foster for them. They are about 3.5 weeks, still bottle fed and in the night we lost one. I got up at 1:30 to do their scheduled feeding and got her to eat about 2 cc but she was pretty lethargic then. I thought I had more time to get her to a vet today. I'm thinking that she was already showing signs of failure to thrive before I got her because by the time we did, she was very lethargic. So we are starting out the day on a sad note. The other two are doing famously. They are all white with a little Siamese. We named them Yoda (her ears are shaped just like yoda's and wiggle when she eats) and Meetu as in "feed me too" cause she is a talker. The one we lost was named Fluffy cause she was just a little fluff ball. She was so tiny. Probably the runt. Don't know their whole story, just that if a foster wasn't found, they would have been eu'd. I am trying to make myself feel a little better cause Fluffy did purr for me at her last feeding so I know she felt some comfort. And now she doesn't have to struggle anymore. My daughter is really feeling it though. More so than when our own babies passed from old age. So blah..... I hope everyone else is having a better start to their day. We need to get some BFP's up in here!!!

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9 years ago

@EB- I'm sorry hun! I know the pain. I had the same thing happen years ago but it was with my neighbor's cats. They didnt want to care for them and all but 1 died. We took the mother and baby to the emergency clinic to save them. The mother had a uterine infection and the baby wasnt being fed properly. So we wound up tube feeding the baby to save it. Hurt my heart so bad to see it struggle. When things started looking up, the neighbor took them back and the baby died 2 days later. Ticked me off so much after all the care we put into it. Broke my heart :(. And the stupid owners didnt get the cat spayed so it happened again but luckily a relative took the cat in and her doberman actually raised the babies. It's been 15 years but I still remember tube feeding that baby kitten like it was yesterday and it's what got me into animal medicine. You did all you could honey. It sounds like by the time you got her, it's likely her bodily systems were already shutting down and even the vet likely wouldnt have been able to keep her alive much longer. But it sounds like she had a great last day on Earth in such loving, caring arms :).

@samwal- ? waiting anxiously !

@sugaarplum- likely OV spotting. And I would love to have a cocktail with you! That goes for everybody lol. If you are ever in St louis, shoot me a message! Maybe we can meet up :)

OV spotting happens either before, during or after OV. When you are fertile, your cervix is soft, high and open. Your uterine lining is also thicker to support a possible pregnancy. However at this time, your progesterone isnt at it's peak to keep your lining from shedding like a period. So, if your cervix is open, lining is thick, and progesterone hasnt spiked can get a little spotting. Hope that made sense lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Tara! Thanks. That does make me feel better, though your story is awful. I am such an avid animal lover, I would probably beat them. And you think the bright pink spotting on 3dpo could be ov spotting? I was thinking it was something more along the lines of endo somehow. Some new tissue trying to shred. If it was ov spotting, I would think it would have been brown since ovulation was 3 days prior. I got some more residual from it yesterday and knew its way too early for IB, but just love these funky new things that keep occurring.


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9 years ago

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