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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Got some good Kegel exercises in this morning. I woke up REALLY dizzy and couldnt move without the room spinning. When I finally got up and went pee and half stream I remembered to test. So *squeeze!!!!*. Grabbed a cup under the sink and continued peeing.....then I tested it. Like looking at freaking blank canvas ! Posted pic. So, I'll tell dh tonight. He's been asking me why I've been so out of it since yesterday. He's afraid I'm tired of him. Poor guy.
I'm now entering my tourets phase! Yelling at my cramps to shut up! Hoping I at least have a period this weekend.
Onward and Upward!...

@aprincessa- I'm sorry no baby . But I'm glad you finally got an answer on whether or not you were. Let us know if your symptoms still continue despite having AF.

@Shell-thank you honey!

@Shay- YES! It's like, really??? You're questioning that?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Sometimes the gallary pictures drive me nuts too, especially the ones that are so very positive. Maybe that is because I want one so bad!

11 years ago

Went to visit my new great-niece in the hospital. Such a sweet little face. I wanted to hold her, but I was afraid because I had my kids with me & I didn't want to share any more germs than necessary. I didn't think until I left that I should have asked for a gown & sanitized my hands so I could hold her. I lovebabies!!

11 years ago

Moral dilemma - I'm pretty sure my niece is on this site. She doesn't know I am ttc & I'm not supposed to know she is ttc, but a family member "mentioned" it. Should I hint around that I know her & see if she is responsive or just let it go? I thought it might be a bonding experience & let her know she isn't alone.

11 years ago

Good question...I dont know. On one hand it could bond the two of you or do the opposite. Hmm...are the two of you close to begin with?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Yes, and no. There's a significant age difference, and she's just now fully coming into her own. I will wait a while until I think it's better timing. In the meantime I will post comments on her tests & be supportive. Maybe once she's preg I will say something to her that incorporates my screen name so she'll realize it was me all along. She lost her mother about 4 years ago unexpectedly, and I hate to think of her going through ttc without anyone to lean on.

11 years ago

Good Morning Ladies!

Phat- Are you positive it is her? I dont see what conflict it could cause unless she shouldnt be ttc, as in to young or you know she wont be able to take care of a baby, but it doesnt sound that way, I think if you were to write her a message telling her your here for her and you know her pain she may need someone to talk to about it and it may benefit the both of you. I think if you were to wait till she gets pregnant she may feel bad and kind of steer away from being around you just to not hurt your feelings.. I only see 2 reasons not to say anything to her and that would be if you didnt trust her to keep yours a secret as well or if you felt she shouldnt be ttc. Good Luck hun!

So, first day back at work been here 45 minutes and i am already exhausted! It feels really weird not ttc this cycle, DH is a little taken back to be honest, i turned him down last night after sleeping ALL day no kidding Took my daughter to school at 9:30 came home and slept until 6pm, (i needed it) and i tried using the excuse "im to tired" he got a bit angry with me rolled over and was asleep in 2 minutes. I guess i will have to talk to him tonight.

Tara- How are you feeling? What did DH say? I do not know what it is that makes them question it, just put it under positive! They will get the same comments as if it was unsure and everyone knew it was positive.
I agree with you jlgulley im sure its the same for me I just want one of my own! Dont get me wrong i am happy for them and will congratulate them but with pictures like the one i put on her forum its like really! lol

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Good morning new friends! Well I did a major no no and tested yesterday afterwork on 9 DPO and guess what a bfn. Grrhh.. Why do I continue to do that to myself. I need to stop testing and just wait for the month and which I FINALLY miss my period. I need some self control cause those bfn every month are starting to wear on me and freak me out! I keep thinking I am broken now after my DNC in January, which I had to have cause my body and heart just couldn't seem to let go of the no longer growing baby inside me!

11 years ago

Shay - my dilemma is that I would love to have someone close to me know I am ttc, and I want to be able to be there for her, but I'm afraid I will scare her off the site if she doesn't want me knowing her business. I don't want to ruin this as a resource & outlet for her if she thinks she's being "watched".

11 years ago

phatgurl - dont say anything about this site just drop hints other ways i agree with others that it will be good to both of u . i only have you lot to talk to

jlgulley - have u been check out by doc since the DNC ? might be worth talking to doc about it

as for me last night i had one of them dreams that feel soo real and they hurt your feelings as if they are real . i woke up quite upset today over a dream that was stupid i dreamt that my brother in law and his soon to be wi fe had a baby before us as i was upset that she didnt tell anyone till he had given birth and that they had a baby 1st when i wanted to have the 1st grandcild on both sides . i was veryannoyed with my self at how selfish i was and i really did hurt my feelings . but in the dream the baby was soo cute and all i could think of was how much i wanted that 5 days till or not

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11 years ago

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