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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Tara - I received my nail wraps. have to use a heater or blow dryer? Ugh....the other ones I got you just had to apply. How cumbersome is it to use the hair dryer to apply and also set wraps? I was going to apply last night, but then I read the directions and lost motivation! Lol, seriously, some things just exhaust me anymore!

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10 years ago

@kristi-. LOL...dont worry it's super easy!!!!!!!!! Phat's turned out AWESOME! I'll send you a link to an application video.

There's a few ways you can do it but the simplest is this....
Prep your nails by pushing back the cuticles, buffing and cleaning with alcohol.

Choose the wrap that fits the nail best, cut it in half then place it on your nail. Rub it with your opposite thumb to get a good seal. Then blow a hairdryer on it for 5 seconds. This activates the special adhesive. Use a little more pressure to seal it, file off the excess (straight down at a 90degree angle) and DONE....takes less than a minute per nail! Super easy and it gets easier each time you do it. I can do a manicure in 15 minutes and I'm good to go to cook dinner or whatever :)!

The reason why it has more steps than just sticking them on is because they are much higher quality than any other nail wrap/polish sheet out there!!! They last 2 weeks and stand up to a lot! The adhesive is activated by heat and pressure and it's what creates the water tight seal. These wraps are so popular compared to other wraps on the market that they are even used during NY fashion week on designer Ann Yee's models....Heidi Klum even prefers them. Trust me...they are worth the 5 seconds of heat :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

I cant post a link on the forum but if you want a link to the application video, just ask and I'll message it to any of you ladies :).

In case anyone is remove them, DO NOT just peel off. It's a strong adhesive and will damage the nail if not done properly. Just pull back the corner of the wrap, dip in nail polish remover for 5-10 seconds then peel off :)
If you want a more natural removal method, soak them in warm oil (any oil- olive, canola etc) for 10 minutes and slowly work them off. The oil is great for your nails :)

BTW....if anyone on here is curious to try them but afraid to...I can send a free sample to you :)

Still awaiting my other blood results. I've also been in worried mode ALL DAY. lol. My little Monroe got neutered this morning! Poor kitty but it needed to be done lol.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

It's really rough not being able to tell family what's going on. We have extended family wanting to come in in the next few weeks and do a bunch of stuff including bowling, going out to eat, pretty much anything spending money. My sister really wants them to come in soon and well, she makes a lot of money so when we tell her that we cant have the family come in for a couple months so we can afford to do stuff in the's like talking to a brick wall. She just doesnt understand that when I say I CANT afford to go bowling...I CANT afford to go bowling. When you're spending $800 extra a month on u/s, IUIs and CANT go bowling....btw...all of our meds today ran almost $50...blah!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara - living on a tight budget stinks!

10 years ago

Hi Tara - I watched the video. Thanks! I'll try and give it a go this weekend when I have time. I just don't have the energy or patience to do during the week after work.
Ugh, I'm at the phase of just being tired all the time. I can't wait to go on maternity leave. This would probably be easier if I didn't have to get up and work full time every day. I'm exhausted. Lugging this big belly around is no joke! I'm tired of everyone's comments and advice. I wanted to cry yesterday because I was just sick and tired and depressed from people asking me how much longer because 8 wks feels like an eternity! Also I am tired of fake laughing at everyone's comments. Seriously people say the dumbest shit to pregnant women. :/
Sorry, I've been a downer this week. Time just seems stuck. The doctor's added another week to my "sentence" last week at my appointment. They were telling me 37 wks, then they said no we meant 38 wks. Ugh, it's like a bomb dropped. I know a week is no biggie normally, but pregnancy time it is waaayyy different. don't get me wrong, I think they twins should stay in there as long as possible. I want them to be healthy and strong and ready to come home iwth us. But I just had a my mind set on May 3 rd this whole time and now it's pushed back to May 10th.
I'm just whining pathetically. I am so uncomfortable.
Alright, I'm done.
Tara - that stinks you don't have anyone in your family you can share your journey with. And when it comes to money matters, it's noones business what the hell you spend your money on and if you say you don't have the money to do something they should shut the hell up and accept it. They don't live with and pay your bills so it's none of their damn business. I would tell them to go shove it you know where.
Sorry, can you tell my nerves on the verge of snapping?!
OMG, I should not post anything till this phase passes. Sorry!

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10 years ago

Tara I have my fingers crossed for you that this is it. I'm praying for you. I understand you being upset that your sister won't back off, but your family has no clue what's going on with you so it's kind of hard for them to be understanding when they have no clue. I agree she should back off though when you said you don't have the money to go.

Kristi not much longer til those twins get here, I'm sure it feels like an eternity yo you though.

Afm I bought a Doppler and am very disappointed that I haven't found the hb yet. I'm sure it's just too early or the baby is anterior. I'm so ready for our next ultrasound.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@kristi- It's ok honey. You vent all you need to! This is reality...not a pampers commercial. :) I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable. I know you hate advice apparently, lol, but have you received a prenatal massage yet. I've helped many women get through pregnancies. Granted they werent carrying twins. If I was nearby you...I'd give you a free one :)
Hey is all else fails....dh even knows how to apply them. Your hubby can give you a mani! You can just rest with your feet up and sip on a virgin daiquiri! In all seriousness....I'd love to pamper you and help you feel better. It's what I do :)

@athena- I wish I could say it was because of her not knowing but she's always acted this way. Let me put it this parents are broke. They run their own company by creating blueprints for bridges. It's very lucrative but they only get paid when the job is done. Building a bridge takes a LONG time. Sometimes I try to buy them a big chicken or pork tenderloin for dinners cause all they eat are $1 pot pies. Sometimes they cant even pay they bills for a couple months (it wasnt always like mom and dad lost their jobs due to company shutdowns about 4 years ago.) Mmy sister doesnt understand the concept of broke. She's never been broke a day in her life. When she was growing up, my parents were able to pay for her braces, college, car etc. But when she graduated and started working as a nurse she was able to take care of herself but still lived at home saving her money. When I reached the age to get braces, my parents couldnt afford them anymore, I bought my own car, paying for my own college tuition.

Anyways, other's idea of being broke- 'Can I pay all my bills. how much do I have to spend on groceries, will my electric be shut off?'
My sister's idea of being broke- 'all my bills are paid, pantry is stocked, money is in the retirement/kid's college funds/and we can only go out to dinner a few times a month but besides that we cant afford anything'.
See what I mean? So when we tell her broke...she doesnt understand what broke means. I'm sure she'd lighten up if I told her the truth...but I'm in too deep. Hopefully in a couple months I can finally tell them :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara that is tough. Hopefully you will get to tell them in a few months. I really think this is it for you. I'm so excited for you,

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Tara, Sorry to hear that you're having a tough time with your sister. It's sad that she's not as compassionate as she should be. Hopeful you'll be able to open up to her soon and find some peace with that situation. I definitely know what it's like not to be on the same page with your "sister". I've had a few fall outs over the years with my younger sister but now we're back on track again and we've been doing good. It will feel a lot better when you two reach that "happy" place. It just seems like you have too many stress related issues going on right now and I hope it's not affecting your fertility. I'm sorry that this is your reality right now and again, I'm rooting for you in every aspect of your life. I must say that you're a strong cookie.

Hi Athena, hope all is well with you. I actually visited this new baby store in the area called buy buy baby. It reminds me of a bed bath and beyond store, only with baby items. I saw the hb monitor and I thought it was soooo cute.

Kris, I'm hoping that you can find some comfort. I've never had twins before, but I know that 1 can be a bit much to carry. In reference to the idiots who make stupid comments...I wouldn't fake smile. You should tell them in a nice way that their comments make you feel uncomfortable. Just be real with them. Lucky it's not me..I'm so blunt with people. Don't get me wrong, I'm nice and people always take to me, but one thing I've learned is to stand up for myself in every situation and let my feelings be known. You don't deserve to be in that situation and feel like that.

AFM, DH and I just booked a spring break cruise to take the kids on. They have no clue yet and we sail in 12 days. So excited and looking forward to this vacation. Hope I get a BFP this cycle. It'll be great to celebrate that as well while at sea.

Also, my little sister is prego w/ baby# 3 (BOY) and she's due 7/3/14, a day before my middle daughter turns 16. Then, my first cousin is also pregnant with baby#3 (GIRL) and she's due 7/2/14, a day before my sister. Talk about having baby blues. I'm happy for them, but also kind of jealous at the same time. O, well. My time will come soon. Yours too Tara / Phat!!!

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10 years ago

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