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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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urghhhh sorry story going to be in 2 halfs as wont let me post even tho its under 6000 characters

as we are all talking about PCOS i'll tell u my story lol ( sorry if its long lol )
so when i was 8 started docs told me i was too young and gave me meds to stop it when i was 11 all my mates at school had started but i hadnt i was soo worried that the meds i had messed me up but when i was 12 sure enuff she came ( and now we dont want her lol ) .
my was so bad i had to have a week off school and the pain i couldnt get out of bed the bleed was so heavy i would have to wear really thick pads or more then one ( sorry if TMI lol )
so they say it takes about a year to sort out the after the year things were still bad so my mum took me to the doc and i was given birth control pills these worked and i was on them for 3 years till i started to get pains in my legs .

one day these pains were so bad i was rushed to hosp i had a possiable blood clot from being on the b/c pill for so long and was told i had to come off it and try a diffrent type . as i wasnt i thought i would come off of it for a year to see what would now be like and she was worse then ever so after a year of being off i went back on a diffrfent type .

after being on this type for a year i was not happy with it so i came off b/c again for a year

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11 years ago

im 18 ( not now but in my story lol ) been on b/c since i was 13 and only had 2years gap . i got into a relationship and was my 1st time in this relationship ( who is now my hubby yep ive only been with one man ) so i went back on b/c as didnt want a baby back then not long being on this b/c pill i was getting cramps all the time was painful as i was new to the whole thing i thought it was just that but it got worse so i told doc who sent me to the hosp he was 99% sure i had endometriosis as had all the symtoms and sent me for a laparoscopy in the recovery room ( when i was half out of it ) i was told everything was fine then the next mornign when doc came round before being sent home she told me i had cyst on my ovrys and had PCOS and that i had to go on yet another b/c to help with the symtoms so i went on depo the jab u get every 3 months .

was the WORSE thing i ever did i put on soo much weight in 1year on being on it i had put on 42lb-56lbs
so i came off that on went back on the pill but a diffrent one again and have been on that one for 4years .

so after the laparoscopy i went to my docs to talk about what to do and guess what the report they got back from the hosp said NOTHING was wrong so im so i just left it as it is .

from nov 2010 till feb 2012 i was having every 2 weeks ... i was bleeding for 1 week stop for 1 week back the week after and so on i went to docs and told them and they said it was the hormones in birth control and would sort its self out in a few weeks like i said this happend from nov 10 till feb 12 so i sat now with my partner and said i was coming off b/c in july after wedding anyways so why not come off it now so i did and of course the 1st was over the shot but at least it wasnt every 2 weeks then she came bang on every 28days for 4 months then the 6th month didnt come we was excited thinging it was but then i started getting right side pain ( u know the hosp trips i had not going to explain them again lol )
so had scan no cyst at all ( oh forgot to say in april 2011 i had a cyst burst ) came day after scan 2 and a bit weeks late very painful very heavy very cloty now just waiting to see if will be on time this month or a

i also went to the docs to get metformin for my PCOS and to help with my weight but as i have moved and they dont have all my notes they wont give it to me till i have tests even tho ive had a laparoscopy they want to do bloods mid cycle but i dont know when that is as is not playing fair .

so i dont know if i do or dont have PCOS

and with all the cramps i been getting the last week im even more as they are like the ones i had when i was 18 and had the laparoscopy but had scan not long ago and no cyst . so im
so will just have to see whats happening with then go from there .
also my mum took clomid for 10years to get me and my brothers my aunt cant have kids and has endometriosis and PCOS so i have always been worried if i could have kids or not

sorry about my mega long post but i hope this helps explain my story abit better

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11 years ago

i saw this and thought it was so me and im sure this is some of u too

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11 years ago

So for a quick little update, HIDA scan went as planned, showed gallbladder disease, had it removed, in a lot of pain but i will live..i suppose.. i am still bummed that i will most likely be out this cycle. Now that we have opks hpts and preseed sitting in our night stand i am questioning weather to use the opks this cycle. What would ya'll do?

I need to get caught up on the conversation but wishing you all the best of luck and Tara- I am super eager to find out whats going on with you hun! I am praying for your BFP, your symptoms sound promising!!

how do you search a picture by the picture number?

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Lammy, your post felt like I was reading quantum phyics! I'm sorry you've had to deal with so much. My sister got her period when she was 10. I didnt get mine til I went on bc at 18 (even then it wasnt a real AF). Sheesh.

@Shay-You cant search by number. You just have to sort thru the page numbers til the ref# matches. lol.
I'm not sure if I ovulated monday or not. But my cousin telling me what she told me...anything is possible with God.

I told dh tonight that I'm having cramps. He got all excited (AF or baby). I told him I dont know if it's uterine cramps, gas or metamucil poo. LOL. He about went off the road he was laughing so hard!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Shay - I would wait until you're completely healed & healthy before you try again. I don't know how your surgery was performed, but any abdominal weakness becomes extraordinarily uncomfortable during pregnancy. Rest, heal & get your body ready. I'm glad things went well.

11 years ago

waitingonmymiracle.... Dont mind me im always self consious lol....i have tried to catch up reading here and there....soo i must of missed the post. Lol....The doctors r being not cooperative..they r going on the assumption its impossible. I have been seen in the my PcP...and my a gyn doctor...all focus right in on the whole its not possible theory. Its really irritating...and they told me if its not pregnancy it probably just what .....omg....ive been going nuts....
But. I wanted to shaw this with all of horoscope yesterday was said to believe my inner thoughts and not to ignore physical symptoms..get to the bottom of the weird is that ???

11 years ago

Tara- I agree with God all things are possible! I am keeping my fingers crossed that your cramps are either AF or Ovulation OR A BFP!

Phat- Yah i am going to wait its just irritating l0l any bumps in the road while ttc is oh so very irritating! I have had quite a number of abdominal surgeries my belly looks like a road map, i fear what it is going to look like when im pregnant! I thought of getting a maze tattoo'd or zippers hmm l0l

My house is bonkers right now, Dh is all sorts of grumpy (as always when he wakes up) It is the biggest thing that irritates me about him, He is worse then i am when AF is here. I swear! And he sleeps till like 10:30-11 AM every morning so i dont get it he gets like 10 hours of sleep where i am up every morning with Haleigh, she gets up around 7:30 every morning never fails. I get off at 7 am and have to stay up till he gets up and most of the time dont end up going to sleep until its her nap time at 2 then i get up and go to work. Blah hectic schedules suck! Dh seems to be on a hissy fit of everything being about him lately kind of aggravating, Everything i say him to him goes in one ear and out the other and it gets turned around back on me and turns into a "Who can hurt the other person more" fight. I dont know if this ttc process is wearing on him as well but something has gotta give before i really do go insane! He really wont like me then! :)

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Hey ladies, I have completely lost my mind and there is no getting it back I think. On July 3rd I had a miscarriage at 8weeks , once the. Lessing stopped we were ttc. On July 25 I could've sworn I was ovulating because my discharge was very watery to egg white a to watery and that while wk I did the nasty every day. My pregnancy symptoms have came back but aug 1 I was spotting aug second af came down, aug 3rd light af and aug 4th just some discharge it's over and I always have a 6day af. So I am losing it, could implantation look heavy for a day? Was that my period? Could I still be pregnant? Or am I crazy? And I'm pretty sure the only one I can answer yes to is an I crazy...I've completely lost my mind... In jan I lost my daughter to SIDS and now this miscarriage, I just want a baby is that so hard to ask for =( this month I plan on doing the nasty every other day at least I need my bfp =(

11 years ago

I've been reading about a lot of Fertilitea users that say it takes about 3 weeks for AF to arrive or BFP. One week for ovulation plus a 2WW. So I'm praying next weekend we'll see something. Going to test for addiction purposes tomorrow morning .

@aprincessa-Well if it's not pregnancy, what else could it be? I think that's what's worrying me. Has your general doctor done blood tests besides hcg etc.? I know stress can do crazy things to you, but liquid coming from your nipples? Something is going on.

@Shay-I agree with Phat. Hold off til you heal :). TTC is so stressful! It may do you both good to take a break while you're healing. What does your dh do..besides aggravate you ?

@Tiffany-Welcome to the asylum! I'm so sorry about your losses. I cant begin to imagine what that is like nor would I want to. It's always possible that it could be implantation, but I know that after a chemical, AF is really screwed up. I think you may just be regulating still . I'll be praying that you have a healthy egg pop out soon, a healthy sperm to say hello to it, and a comfy safe home for 9 months.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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