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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. You told her!!!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

IKR! I was typing so fast I didn't spell check, but I'm sure she got the gist even with that other lady's message stuck in there with mine. Mean, mean woman - maybe she's on some kind of fertility treatment that makes her nutso. Poor thing

11 years ago

I feel kinda bad for her, you know? Why is she so angry? High blood pressure/anger isnt good for a possible baby.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I know. I felt bad for her after I was done being mad at her, but I'm the typical "angry woman," and I don't go around fussing at people because they don't tell my why they think my test is negative. Maybe she's teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown or something.

11 years ago

My My Ladies.....frustrated are we tonight lol
Well I dont know who you two ....are referring for the record...Im not on Fertility Drugs...or anything like that :)
Just incase.....yes I am highly upset...but I have every right to be upset...expecially after todays visit. Im hopeful, but this was NOT planned....nor expected. Yes it would be a good thing, but if its not pregnancy I wish someone would tell me why my hormones are going crazy. I got the Blood test back negative...Im trying to be optimistic...but I sware..I cant even do dishes without feeling like Im going to pass out. Im soo drained...and soo weak....and soooo frustrated. But Tonight I let it go....God will make it known to all soon. Today was supposed to be day 1 on my time of the month and nothing as of we shall see where August gets us :)
Much love and pryaers to you ladies tonight. Sorry I tend to always think someones talking bad about me....sooo I wanted to make sure I did not say something you ladies did not agree upon. :)

11 years ago

Aprincessa - no way it was about you. This crazy lady went on a rant above one of her pregnancy test pics on here. That was the number I put in my first email about it. I told her to get over herself and I would tell you the same if you were being nasty! :-)

11 years ago

crazy sex dream yep i think i joined u on that one tara lol

i have a question lol ( me and my strang questions lol )

so some peoples CM changes when they ov whats if its the same the whole month does that mean your not ov ?

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11 years ago

Oh dear no aprincessa!!! Back about 4 pages or so Phatgurl mentioned a girl on the hpt gallery that told everyone to basically go jump off a cliff because they were getting negative votes. Phatgurl mentioned the ref # of the gallery so I could look at her rant. Trust me hun, we were not talking about you!!!! We definitely believe something is going on with your body. Praying it's like your other pregnancies and you didnt get a positive test til further in. I'm worried about you. Are the doctors trying to figure out whats going on or are they just saying "you're not pregnant, go away"?

@Lammy- I know what you mean. They say that ovulation CM is like eggwhites and stretches over an inch between your fingers when you pull it apart. But I have that almost all the time anyways. So I cant test for ovulation wiht that trick. Thought about getting a basal temp thermometer.

I feel like a walking medicine cabinet . Lol. Morning-cinnamon pill & fertilitea. Afternoon and before dinner on days when I eat at my inlaws (butter on everything)- metamucil. Bedtime-cinnamon pill, fertilitea, prenatals, and Zyrtec.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi gals,
I binged and read this forum from start to finish today! I am not officially ttc, and use a diaphragm, but at ~5-6 dpo my bb broke out into the most extreme tenderness/pain/tingling/itching and then my uterus started chattering at me (cramps, burbles, etc.). I had a chemical pregnancy in April, also using a diaphragm, and this feels kind of similar (but hopefully sticky!). Last time, I figured out what I had done wrong to conceive, this time, if I am pg, no clue. I'd love to be pg, though my bf would prefer to be more deliberate.

But I'm posting less to share my story and more because I was diagnosed with PCOS about a decade ago and have become an old hand at it. PCOS is shockingly common, massively underdiagnosed, and even when diagnosed, mistreated. I think several of you have/might have it, so I thought I'd share what I've learned.

First, though it manifests as a gyn problem, it is at root an insuline problem, and in addition to fertility problems, it makes us at high risk of diabetes. So just treating the fertility problems but not the underlying blood sugar problem does a huge disservice.

The best way to treat PCOS is diet modification, metformin (a very safe, generic diabetes drug), and, I think, acupuncture. I've had success in getting my cycle mostly on track by doing all three. Basically, you should act like you already have type II diabetes: no sugar, no juice, no bread, minimal carbs. If you do, you'll see the weight melt away and your periods regulate. Metformin helps regulate your blood sugar and makes your insulin more effective, so your sugar crashes -- which make you crave carbs desperately -- are less likely to happen.

I recently read a great book, Gary Taubes' "Why We Get Fat" which totally shreds the sneering or giggling doctors some of you have had the misfortune of encountering. Being fat is not a moral failing, and most of what we have been told to do about it is wrong. His prescription for sustainable weight loss is the same as the PCOS-fighting diet: minimal carbs. The joy, though, is that nothing else matters. Eat as much fat as you want (and indeed you _have_ to), so....bacon!!! I've just lost about 10 lbs, keeping carbs to <70g a day and eating bacon often twice a day! My appetite regulates itself and my cravings for sweet things has dropped way off.

Anyway, the system so completely fails women with PCOS. It makes me so mad! If your gyn isn't helpful, I recommend seeing an endocrinologist if you can. They are actually trained to treat the underlying syndrome.

11 years ago

Welcome yikes/yay! And thank you for sharing. Makes me smile that you read the whole thing! Haha! Hopefully you got a few laughs. After my cycle passed 60 days, it hit me that I probably had PCOS. My sister has it and when I looked up the symptoms I was right...I had it too. It hurt but it was good that my doctor was flat out honest with me about loosing weight and correct the underlying issues. Granted I'm not huge by any means, I just carry weight in my hips/abdomen, which is the worst place and a symptom of PC. I'm apple shaped with chicken legs and skinny arms. When I read others posts on here sometimes I wonder if they have PCOS, especially when it runs in their family too. So far, I'm down 8 pounds. Cutting out 80% of my carbs/sugars. I have oatmeal with cinnamon and honey for breakfast, for lunch I have leftovers from dinner night before, snacks are fruits, veggies, yogurt, and dinner is close to the same. I actually cook very healthy. Small plates=small portions. A proper portion of protein, a bunch of veggies, and I've started replacing rice/pasta with more veggies. I'm taking cinnamon pills to help regulate my blood sugar (surprisingly my blood sugar has been perfect but my insulin levels are starting to get funky. So even though my blood sugars are fine now...a little later down the road they wont be if things get worse. I think my biggest problem is my love of sweets. I never buy them so they are not in my house but my parents and inlaws always put them in front of me. Hard to turn down. But I've been very good! I allow myself a little dessert once a week. And I mean LITTLE. Just have to learn that it's okay to say no.
What's your dpo???

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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