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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Mandy I think you need to stay away from those forelife brands it seems to be giving false positives. But you may want to get bloods to confirm.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

I will keep testing. I will test twice again tomorrow as the line has got darker from this morning. As long as you think I am going to ovulate that's what matters. Because then I know I have a chance. My dh is going to be worn out lol

10 years ago

Confused the bad thing about opk's is that they don't really confirm that you ovulate. Which is why I recommended temping along with it. I've gotten positives in the past but it was due to my pcos raising my lh. So when you get a positive you make sure you bd and if you're temping by then it should elevate after ovulation. Basically opk's alone won't tell if you did ovulate. I also wanted to tell you, you said you didn't think you had pcos because your ovaries and what not looked fine, mine were perfect in my ultrasound but my hormones were not. So you may want to look into some hormone testing just in case.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

I am waiting to have some blood tests for all my hormones. But I have to wait a while as I had spotting this month my doc wants to make sure I have my af necpxt month. Then I have to wait ten days before the one after that. It feels like ages away. Well it is ages away. I predict if I am on time I won't be tested until early November. Which really sucks. I didn't know you could have pcos and your ovaries look fine tbh. I thought it would have shown up when they looked inside me. They also looked at my bowel and my ovaries etc when they operated to rule out my ovaries being the cause of e pain I was having.

10 years ago

Hello Ladies!

N many many congratulations Catchwin!

@Waiting, Hope I can call u Tara

I really don't know what to feel or think at this point of time...Currently on cd 25 (Thursaday 3rd October) of my average cycle length of 26 days. Feeling nothing other than wetness all day and I must be crazy coz there is not much down there (Sorry if tmi).

AF is due on Saturday (N there has been nothing to feel like its not gonna show up this cycle)

Lots n lots of to all of us!

10 years ago

I didn't have any cysts til this past August when I had one painful one. But the u/s was last year and she said everything was perfect except my hormones, I had elevated testosterone. I don't really remember the rest except elevated lh. It was so strange because I had always been regular since my period started at 11, I was on bc on and off between 18-22. Then a little after we got married I went off and we used condoms because it started messing with my cycles. I had regular cycles again until las September when I missed my period and have been irregular ever since. I'd gained 60 lbs since getting married, I'm down 14 now though, and I have facial hair and hair on my areolas on my breasts which is also from pcos. My sister has the more traditional pcos and she has 3 children 12,4, and 6 months. So I have some hope.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Morning Ladies! Im guessing most of you are State Side as theres plenty of action on here after I go to bed lol!
Well I POAS. Still only faint, but its still there! Today would of been my day for AF I only have a 11 day LP.

Im glad everyone is friends in here again! Oh we did get into a tizz last night! These damn hormones!!!!!

Some women just know their own bodies, we all have our own little aches and pains. We have been in them for a while. Some more than others, ie me! I knew day after the big O something was happening. I know I know I know, you can't at that stage, but I just knew! I had cramping and headaches. I told my GF at 3dpo that I thought I might be pregnant, she was like "Don't be daft girl!"

I've literally spent 10 days convinced, I didn't say anything to DF but before he left to go abroad for his job on Monday morning he asked did I feel pregnant? So I am guessing I didnt hide my feelings to well from him. BTW I just answered "yes honey with twin girls!" That shut him up!

So all I am going to say is this, science is great, but according to science I am too old to be BFP but here I am! If any woman says shes convinced then stuff science and say hello mother nature!

10 years ago

Catchwin I understand what you are saying and I do think there is an instinct to just know with some women, but there are also women that month after month convince themselves they are pregnant but aren't they say they just know they are but then af shows and they are a mess. I'm not talking about anyone in here so don't bite my head off, if you look in the hpt gallery you will see it a lot, women have hundreds of tests they've posted within a few months that are negative but they swear they see a line. I don't think I'll ever just believe I'm pregnant because of how I feel, I'm a see it to believe it kind of girl and because I know progesterone and hcg have such similar symptoms I'm not reading into them whether it's normal or not. I'm not saying everyone has to be like that but I do think it helps with the emotional aspect if af does come. Maybe it's because I've been doing for so long idk. Science doesn't say you can't get pregnant though, if you are ovulating no matter your age it is possible. I think it does say should be harder for someone your age but you disproved that :)

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Oh I hear you! I know exactly what you're saying, basically the want is so great that the mind reproduces what you need! Phantoms!
Its could be a coping method that these ladies need every month, the hope! The TWW is an awfully long time when you are hoping, so to some it may be better to believe for a week or two then get the dreaded AF than to sit back patiently and wait without hope! Its like placing a bet at the races, you dont know if your horse will win, but you're so convinced you place a bet. Some ppl may place a small bet, and other may think its a sure thing! But nothing is ever a sure thing, but its human nature to think so!
If it works for some ladies to have phantom signs, ( not saying all are) and poas 10 times a day. Its their way of getting through each cycle!

I am not great at putting things down on paper, I have a habbit of putting it down compleatly wrongly what it is I am trying to convay!


10 years ago

Catchwin - I am sorry to say but reading your posts, I find your comment to be Insensitive. Re : phantom symptoms ( of course yours are real 3 dpo )
Also your post with all the Bfp pics, well there is a gallery for that we can choose to view. Then your post after that was incredibly insensitive to all that have been trying for a very long time. I can only speak for myself, but felt that you were gloating at your acheivement. In the post you had to mention twice your age and that it is your first time ttc. I felt it was with a side of salt. When I asked you last night about your cycle my responses were sarcastic. I find it very hard to believe that at 47 and 12 years of having a coil that your cycle regulated and you got pregnant all within 6 weeks. You say the herbs were the reason, sorry but 2 weeks of herbs would not of even started to take effect. I know this from many years of trying and trying everything. This is the reason I asked which herbs. I think maybe you should not say that so e ladies on here are having phantom symptoms as I think you infact have evap lines on your tests, I looked at the ones in the gallery and you said they appeared after 10 minutes. I really like this forum but feel the people like yourself should never sit in judgement of others. If you are pregnant I wish you all the best and a happy healthy pregnancy. I really feel feel for the other ladies on here as we are all struggling with ttc. Everyone wants to here the great news of a bfp even if it is from someone else, that just gives us hope to keep trying.
so having said all that I think you should think twice write once.

10 years ago

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