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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@pisces -lololol! I have hypoglycemia and it makes me dizzy but never like that so I got to my car and downed a whole vitamin water and a bag of m&ms in seconds ! But then I felt like I was gonna puke . Good to know I'm not alone on that .i had my cna and did that for a while too so I could for sure picture that happening

11 years ago

Athena - you talked me into it!

Pisces- Good luck! I would consider freezing sperm just in case of miscarriage, too, so if something was to happen you could try again with him away. It would be terrible to have a loss and not be able to look forward to trying right away. And from experience, if you are pregnant, I would move back near my family, so I had help with the baby. I was a single mom of two for over a year in a place with no family, and it was extremely hard. I still wish I could go home.

Holly - miss you! Hope things are going well & you get that BFP soon.

Nicky - I have low blood sugar, too, but I never had that passing out thing happen. I used to see stars a lot if I stood up or moved too quickly, and I got lightheaded a lot. Congrats on your pregnancy. Progesterone issues are typically thought not to be maternally related. Rather, the thought is there was something about the pregnancy that wasn't quite right that wouldn't allow it to properly progress. My OB office prescribes it, but they don't have much faith in it. I sure hope everything is smooth sailing.

Tara - I talk to you almost every day, so I'm just gonna say hi. :-)

Afm, my big news is I went from common-law married to officially married when I went to Vegas for business & dh came with. He dressed up as Elvis in a gold lame suit. It was a riot! My other big news is that after fence-sitting for quite some time DH seems much more receptive to the idea of another little one, so I'm going to start temping & doing Opk's because I want another boy, so my timing needs to be right on to have a better chance. I'm still taking my antibiotic for my face, but I'm not doing the Accutane for now. I'll stop the antibiotic if I get a BFP.

Good to be back!

11 years ago

Oh, I just had a completely stupid moment.

I went to my profile to change my hair color, and while I was there I saw an icon that said, "TTC #4," and I thought, "Wow, who's that crazy bitch? That's a LOT of kids". Then I realized it was me! ROFL

11 years ago

Morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well and getting closer to a BFP.

I did my Ovidrel yesterday so bd today and tomorrow. Also bd 2 days ago just for fun. Lol. Fertility doc is away next month so if this time doesn't work I have to skip the ovidrel for a month...

11 years ago

Been taking tests showing progression :) pic posted .

11 years ago

Nicky - your tests look awesome!

11 years ago

I started taking a blend of Royal Jelly, Propolis & Bee Pollen for better health, and the brochure says it's good for both female & male fertility issues!

11 years ago

Morning sickness has officially started .well kinda mid afternoon .but mouth waters uncontrollably .all day .im carrying around a spit cup because there is so much i can't swallow it all .talk about embarrassing !just wanted to share something else as well.the day I went to the doctor my so was on his way home from work and he said he saw a Moma guinea cross the road and he went to go and had to slam on the brakes ,because out of the grass came a tiny little gray baby doing everything it could to catch up .he said he looked up and there was a woman coming In the other lane so he jumped out of the car and scooted the baby across the street holding up traffic on both sides .he made it to his Moma and waited for them to disappear into the woods .how amazing is that ? He was so excited to tell me the story .i just smiled. The whole time :) god is great

11 years ago

CD 14! Getting closer. Feeling pumped today . Declaring fertility and that I WILL OVULATE in Jesus name! I have about a week left until then. Hoping dr will call me back on monday and schedule an ultasound. I so badly want to see a couple big follies ready to pop! This week is going to be busy though. I work monday, tuesday, 27th birthday is on wednesday ! Then thursday/friday I'll be making my nephew's first birthday cake and smash cake! I've made decorative cakes occasionally over the past 10 yrs but surprisingly this is my first sheet cake . So I'm a bit nervous! Then saturday is his party! And somewhere in their I have to get dressed up and take pics of myself in a cowboy outfit with my guitar, superimpose lyrics onto the pics and email them to a woman in Texas who's throwing a wedding shower for my friend . I've got my hands full. But my plan is to do nothing but RELAX once I OV!!! I want the best peaceful, nonstressful environment for an implanting egg .

What's going to be interesting is that my AF will be due probably while I'm in Texas on vacation for my friend's wedding. Meaning I'll be secretly POAS in her bathroom! Hopefully I'll get a bfp and she'll get an awesome wedding present....she wants me pregnant soooooooooo bad !!!!!! She was really hoping I'd be pregnant for the wedding...hopefully I will be!

@nicky- I'm so sorry you're feeling so sick but at the same time I'm super happy that you've got tons of hcg kicking your butt! Your tests look amazing too! At least it's regular spit and not tobacco chew. Women on dh's side of the family carry tobacco spit jars everywhere. It's disgusting !

Oh speaking of dh's family.... I was reading an article yesterday about how the police had arrested some people for purchasing pseudo-ephedrine for their supplier to make meth. Low and behold....dh's cousin!!! She was arrested back in April and no one knew we know why ! Sheesh!

@pisces- femara wasnt too bad. It's hard to tell honestly. I've been having horrible headaches the past week. At first I thought it was just the femara but while rubbing my head I found a soft spot that's super sensitive! Like I was hit with a baseball bat . When I touch it, it sends shooting pain through my head and makes me nauseous. I've read that it can either be a small separation of the sutures in my skull causing it or I may have a patch of blood vessels under my scalp that can become inflamed during times when hormones are high. It's not as sensitive now, so....the femara may have caused it cause I've NEVER had this before. I'll have to wait and see if it happens again if this cycle doesnt work. I checked your FF page and saw that you have indeed OV! Now if you get your bfp this cycle...would dh be able to come home for a while around the birth? Oh and your story about collapsing in the shower....sooo cute!!!

@phat- Hi crazy lady! Just imagining you basting yourself in grape jelly!

@jojojo- GO JOJO get your fertilization on!!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@ phatgurl -four is alot !!!! But 3 isn't enough;) i agree with tara all i can picture is someone rubbing purple jelly with gold flakes ( since its royal) all over themselves . @ waiting aka Tara - my grandma does that .bluhhh .its so gross .and yea don't think there is a family in ga that doesn't have a meth head in it ! Lol where r u ?

11 years ago

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