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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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No Pisces the next step is either Clomid or bc for a few months. I kind of took it upon myself though to go on my bc I had leftover starting last night so I could have a fresh start come vacation. I go back to the dr may 17 to see if everything has been better. She is just baffled by me lol. She said I for sure have pcos. But none of my hormone levels are very high. Just barely over normal. I have good insulin levels which isn't normal for pcos. I personally think my weight is the biggest factor. I have gained a lot over the past few years and so I think that if I get it under control my cycle will go back to normal like it was before we started ttc. I just need to buckle down which my last exam is next week. And the gym is going to become my best friend.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hi Ladies! 13 DPO and BFN!

@piscesgirl229 - thanks for asking for an update. I saw your post and ran to the loo to check for AF before I provided an update. I'm still spotting (but only when I do a CM check - I have some brown or pink CM on my fingers. Nothing heavy enough to to even be seen in my underwear and I'm wearing white on purpose!

Early this morning - I had a temp dip not as low as my coverline though, but during the day it is still higher than normal. I just took at and it is 98.55. Typically, it is around 97.5 around the time of AF and until after I ovulate.

Since tomorrow will be 14 days after I ovulated, perhaps AF will come tomorrow? I normally have a 28 day cycle and today is CD 29 - but it is my first semi-normal cycle since my miscarriage, so maybe this one will be longer. Also, I wonder if the progesterone is delaying AF?

I would think it would come with a vengeance because my period only lasted less than 1-day last time.

If AF does not come tomorrow, I may stop taking the progesterone if I get another BFN. That would make me 14DPO.

What do you guys think? If I'm not pregnant, I'm anxious to move on to the next cycle and try the new protocol my doctor suggested.

Also, I'm thinking about skipping timed intercourse and going straight for IUI. I'll be 42 in a few months and don't want to waste any good eggs.

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11 years ago

@athena the weight thing is a good place to start. I was packing my holiday weight 10lbs into the new year and then I had the tubal reversal in January all honesty that surgery was a bitch!!! I gain about 15 laying around. So here I am 25 more than I ever needed to be so last cycle when AF came I started back to the gym and mostly just cardio. I am about 8 pounds down but feeling better. If you just start out walking then gradually increase. I'll be praying for ya

11 years ago

Well I'm down about 12 lbs. it's just hard to be consistent. I get lazy. I have gained 90+ lbs in the past 5 yrs. The pcos doesn't help cause it makes it that much harder to lose weight and gaining is very easy, it just kind of sneaks up on you.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

The Dr said I am ovulating as we speak to BD my butt off and that everything is PERFECT! If I want him to do a SA on the hubbs he will but he thinks since we have already conceived twice that his sperm is good but he will do whatever we want. We are going to try a couple more cycles then send him in :-) He wished I would have came in Friday which would have been CD14 but they didn't have an opening so we had no choice! So here I sit at CD17 with +OPKS for two days! Yippeeeeeee :-) HOWEVER, we only baby danced once within my fertile period and that was yesterday. I will again twice when he gets home but if I have ovulated already today it might be to late for today's to help any.

@Holly, glad to hear you are at least starting to get your regular cycles back!

@Athena, I too get LAZY! I love working out but then i hit these spells where I can't bring myself to work out at all and then I gain 5 lbs.. I usually average 120, I am at 132 now so I gotta get my ass back to the gym! And yes when you are 4'11.5" every single lbs shows!

11 years ago

@Mem, How are you stranger???? Been thinking about you a lot honey.

@pisces, HI! Has AF left you yet?? Good Luck this cycle!

11 years ago

Well I'm 5'10" so I don't normally look what I weigh,but it has gotten out of hand. Something always happens like I'll get sick or hurt and won't be able to work out and then I gain back what I lost and then some.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hi Ladies! I'm really going nuts right now. I'm supposed to be working and I cannot concentrate!

I really thought I was out this month, but now I have a little hope! AF normally comes on CD 29. It did not show yesterday. However, FF said AF is due today. I think it is because I ovulated on the CD16. My LP is typically 13 days, so that would mean AF on CD 29 right?

Anywhoo...this morning I took a wondfo when I took my temp (which dipped below the coverline today). I went to sleep and when I woke up, I saw a faint line on it. I quickly took another wondfo with the same FMU and it also had a second line around 5 minutes. I thought maybe this is a fluke, so I just went to the loo and took a wondfo with SMU. Again a faint line! I also wanted to mention that I took a FRER with FMU and it was negative.

Is it possible to have a viable pregnancy with late implantation? Or is it really not late for someone who ovulated on CD 16? For example - for a women who ovulates on CD 14, it is not uncommon for them to get a positive on 12DPO.

I hope my lines are real! I have 4 FRERs left and I want to save them. If AF does not show today (and my temp goes back up), I may take another FRER tomorrow morning. I don't want to contact my doctor until I have a really obvious BFP!

Here's my link to my photo in the gallery. Let me know what you think!

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11 years ago

@holly yayyyyyyyy! I don't think so many faints are a fluke. I really think its real Holly!!! How exciting !!!!!!!

11 years ago

I'm looking forward to being pregnant again, but I've realized something different this cycle from the rest. I didnt know what cd I was today ...(I'm cd 9 btw). I think I'm just sort of going thru the motions. I'm temping but I'm not thinking about it. I may start getting more excited once I get closer to OV. I'm at least 10 days away. I'm supposed to start opks on cd 11 but I havent bought my next stash yet. I have 5 to get me thru til I can get some more. I feel bad that I'm sort of a zombie this cycle. Not sure if that's a good thing. I'm not stressed about ttc...I just have my mind on other stuff.
I got an email from a woman wanting to hire me to do chair massage for her bible study group. But it's been a couple years since I've done a chair massage so I'm out of practice. Because I'm taking care of my sister and nephew 80% of this week cause of her injured hand, I dont have time to get ready for the the massages on friday, so I had to turn her down. It sucks and it's making me feel guilty and depressed cause it would have been a great opportunity. Say a prayer for me girls to get out of this funk .

@xomandy- your post gets me excited about going to my ultrasound next week. Praying I get some good news too!

@pisces- I'm sorry you went through that. Dh is always trying to be my voice of reason. It can get annoying . Today is my last clomid day. I take it at night too. I have a bad headache today but it's probably stress. The clomid is giving me hot flashes at night though. I sleep naked and still sweating bullets! I soaked the sheets 3 times the other night! At least it's not pee!!!

@athena- You are baffling! Is it bad I feel almost blessed to not have a cycle at all over constant bleeding? I need to get back to losing weight. I've been holding at 150 the past 4 months, which is still 22 lbs less than I was at this time last year. But I feel guilty not losing anymore.

@holly- I see lines on all 3 but I cant tell if they are pink or not. I know some wondfo batches have been causing false positives. I cant remember the batch numbers though. Praying stays away! I know you dont want to call the RE but that's what he's there for and would probably want to know what going on. The more info the better for them. If you can afford it...I'd say go for the IUI!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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