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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Click on my link, that is my March 11th chart. I'm not saying you high jacked it, I am just saying that there is no possible way that anyone on this earth has the IDENTICAL chart as mine! That chart has my same OPKS, HPTs, TEMPS, BD days, etc... Same start date, same end date, same period flows. Maybe there was a mix-up in codes or something but its my chart :-)

11 years ago

Lacey temping now won't really show anything. It's best to start at the beginning of your cycle so you know what's your normal and what not.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

xomandyxocheyxo - I thought you were just kidding. Perhaps the way that I saved my chart made your FF chart pop up when you clicked on it. I saved it a different way using the sharing "Chart Thumbnail Option" this might help. When I looked at your chart from March 11th I didn't see many similarities, which is why I think it was an error.

Take a look again.

By the way...i think the thumbnail version is better than the huge one I had! Takes up less space.

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11 years ago

AFM - feeling a little cramping today. Not sure if I am imagining it though.

I wonder if this is a side effect of Progesterone...

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11 years ago

Yea it's a totally different chart in your signature now. You can't click on the chart in your signature so there was no way the "link" was being transferred to my page. We can only see what it shows in your box.
Either way lol it's changed now. No biggie it was just really weird.

I hope the progesterone side affects get better.

11 years ago

See now it does let you click on it! Earlier you couldn't click on it.

11 years ago

xomandyxocheyxo - Glad you pointed out the issue. I would have a bunch of people thinking my chart looked like theirs!

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11 years ago

I couldn't help but laugh earlier cause the name of the thread was fitting for my "I know I'm not flippin crazy! That's my chart in her signature!"
Lol yea it's fixed now cause earlier it wouldn't even let me click on the chart.

11 years ago

News Flash...We are all crazy!

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11 years ago

Hi ladies. Glad everyone is surviving.

I'm pretty sure I need to leave DH. We aren't legally married, we were married on a commune a few years ago-paper free. So leaving him won't be costly and I really have nothing to lose... he has his own place and I've got mine. My house is really nice, I make 3x as much money as he does, I clean my whole house by myself already and frankly, my life is a whole lot less stressful when he's not around. I think I've known this for a while and I've been using him so I can have a baby. Now I REALLY sound crazy! He's been my best friend for almost 10 years so I guess it's not like I just picked him up off the street or anything... ha!

I don't think I can tolerate his presence any longer. There's this commune a few miles away from here and every weekend that I have my boys here he has to leave ( going through a visious custody battle and he can't be around due to his criminal record) so he goes to this commune without me every time he's alone for 5 minutes. He blocks my number sometimes while he's up there. Earlier I was joking with him because there's a huge 4:20 fest tomorrow and I was like "so you aren't going to the hill right?" And he said no. Then literally the next sentence was " so I'm going to the hill for that party tonight and staying up there for the weekend". WTF???

He's an alcoholic and I told him he needed to choose between me and the booze, I actually left him for a few months last year because of it. I went to his place last weekend to help him clean his house and I found empty 6 packs of beer hidden under his sink and asked him where they came from and he said he hid them there when I broke up with him because I was coming over to talk with him and he didn't want to get yelled at. So he went to thus commune the past 2 weekends we were apart. I finally forgave him last week. He's going up there again tonight and I bet he's going to drink.

11 years ago

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