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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies! Sorry I have been MIA. I was out of town for work this week and am just getting caught up! It will take me some time to catch up, so forgive me.

@Lammy - glad all is well and you have announced your good news! Can't wait for more updates on your pregnancy! So happy for you.

@xomandyxocheyxo and Kat143mygirls - I hope the witch is not on her way and you both get your BFPs.

@Kat143mygirls, if you don't get your BFP, you should consider temping and OPKs. They really give you a better understanding of what is happening.

@Waiting - I looked at the pic and could not see a clear line. I think it could be the color of the photo. It is kind of yellow, so it is hard for me to see. I didn't vote though. Fingers crossed that you have a BFP! that would be totally awesome.

AFM - I got my first peak ever on my Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor! This is technically the 3rd cycle I have used it and got a bunch of highs before, but never a peak! I also took a CBE OPK digital this cycle as a back up and got a smiley face with FMU and this evening! Luckily DH and I BDd last night (around 6:00 pm) and again today at around noon. I hope we were able to catch the egg. I may try to convince him to BD again tonight before we go to bed. If not, I will pounce on him first thing in the morning!

I'm temping, so I can't wait to confirm O in a few days. I also have my first appointment with the RE on Wednesday (4/17). It would be nice to get pregnant again this cycle and have a specialist to monitor my hormone levels early on and do what they can to make this a sticky bean!

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11 years ago

@waiting **Watson we may have a mystery to solve** **eyebrow raised, leans closer to get a closer look**. Poas again in the morning. I could get a good look at it. I worked my second job today and I was in a corner hiding from my boss scrutinizing the picture. Like Holly, I didn't vote because I couldn't see the pic good enough. **very very interesting** I am intrigued.

@holly ...yayyyyyyyyy! Positive OPK! Yeeeeeeeee haw!

@lammy yeeeeeeee haw! Shout it out girlfriend !!!! I smile every time I see your name wishing you and the bean a

@xoxo please poas again in the morning, you're still in unless the witch shows up

AFM: trying figure out if I am 2 or 3 DPO... Temp was way up today. CTP says 2 DPO and Fert Friend says 3 DPO. **shoulder shrug**

11 years ago

Good Morning ! How is everyone this Sunday afternoon!

How all is well!

AFM: decided this morning that its not 3DPO it's just 3DP (3 days pregnant) and the 2ww will be changed to WTP (waiting to prove it). **there is a bean and it will be sticky** this girl is believing in the power of positive thinking. I am closing my eyes and envisioning a healthy, sticky bean !!!!

11 years ago

@pisces- that is too cute! I really hope that this is it for you!! Keep up that great positive attitude

@lammy- it's gotta feel pretty good being able to let it out and tell! I'm still so excited and happy for you!

@holly- Keep us posted!!

@waiting- hope you're doing well! Did you ever do another Poas?

AFM- still having fun charting temps! My dh and I weren't really trying this month, as Dec is really crazy for us. He's in Texas this week for work, so I'm on my own til Thursday- but enjoying spending some time curled up with a book

11 years ago

@s.tag I woke up feeling very positive this morning so my goal is to keep that attitude for the's those little seeds of doubt that drives us nuts. I can't do it this time. But isn't charting very interesting? This is my first full cycle doing it and its very interesting. This morning my temp was like 98.25, I need @waiting and @xoxo to take a look at my chart. They are the chary guru's. CTP has me at 3DP and Fert Friend has me at 4DP **shoulder shrug** I told this blastocyst to be a good boy/girl and get down there and fasten your seat belt (implant). Lol... I'm so silly today!

@waiting poas! Heading to the gym but will be back to check in for your post.

11 years ago

Warning may be TMI Ok ladies I had something strange happen again. I was going to the bathroom and was like that's weird I feel like something just came out of my vagina. I had just taken my tampon out so I wipe and there is a giant blob. I thought it was a clot but this thing was rubbery and solid, usually clot break up but this thing wasn't. I am baffled. I am going to go to the doctor though because it is day 6 of bleeding and it is still pretty heavy. I've been through a half a box of supers and was running through them so I bought a box of super + and am now out of those. It is getting a little lighter but still not normal. I did take a pic of the clot to show my doctor. Any ideas?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@piscesgirl229 - I love your positive affirmations! I need to adapt them myself. At this moment I am proclaiming I am pregnant!

@s.taggart910 - I looked at your chart and agree with FF. You are 4 DPO (or 4 days pregnant in the words of piscesgirl )

@athena - That sounds really strange. I have no idea. At least you took a photo of it to show to your physician. Hopefully (s)he can give you some answers.

AFM - This morning with FMU, I got another smiley face again today , another peak on my fertility monitor, and two positives on my cheap OPKs (wondfo and wal-mart .88 cent brand). This morning and early afternoon I had O pains DH and I yesterday, but I wanted to do it again today since today is likely O day. We this afternoon and afterwards, I went to the bathroom about an hour later and had some pink spotting. That was about 4 hours ago. I just went to the bathroom again and it was very pale pink when I wiped. I hope this is a good sign that I O'd and we were able to catch the egg!

Has anyone else ever spotted during O after ?

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11 years ago

I'm scared ladies . I've had camps all day like af is here cramps bad enuff to want to take pain killers :( I have had cramps but on and off and not this strong I keep going to the bathroom to check but no blood . Am I just over thinking this ?

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11 years ago

@Lammy - I am so sorry to hear that you are experiencing pain and are worried. I have heard that some women have similiar pains during their first trimester and go on to have a healthy pregnancy, so try not to worry. However, you should contact your physician as soon as you can just to be on the safe side.

I'm about to go to bed, but will say a prayer for you and your sticky bean before go to bed.

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11 years ago

@holly wow I heard spotting during O time is a very fertile sign. I hope this is it! And that's right girlfriend own that pregnancy!!!!

11 years ago

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