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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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oh yes who wouldn't miss the insanity...
Af is STILL not here :s...
I was joking with my friends at church... because I really wanted pd... and it's like it's the carrot at the end of the stick God has strapped to my back...
everyone is kinda thinking it's stress... i figure if it's not here by monday... I'm boned :(
I did the cervex check... and it's low and hard... like af is coming... but it's suuuper tender... like a bruise :(

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11 years ago

I just uploaded yesterday's test looks darker to me as was only a 2and half he hold . Not done one today as been busy but going to hold and do one in a bit please go look at my pic . Heartburn is still bad had it all day it's like breathing fire :(

Af due tomorrow

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11 years ago

@soarys- Wait, I'm confused....are you happy you could be pregnant or sad you could be pregnant?

@lammy- I SEE A LINE!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

It's super freaky lol I told u about the Mary statue at Christmas and that af is due on Easter Sunday but also we always said we didn't want a dec baby as too many birthdays in dec but at Christmas we said we didn't care as long as we have a baby also we have fertility doc on the 8th and dhs retest on the 12th we wanted a 2013 baby as 13 is my lucky number .

Spokey right

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11 years ago

I could only hold for a hour but its darker

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11 years ago

hey there on CD 26 of 26/27. just took a test after reading everyones posts, still BFN :(, I feel like AF is gonna start tonight. I have taken two days off of the fertilaid, been taking it prob 20 days, I figure why do I need it if AF is about to start. Seeing if it does make my cycle longer, last one was 2 days late not on Fertilaid, just because of crazy work. I got the man fertilaid and count boost for men. he will start that tommorow, feeeling crampy and just wish Af would come if she is going to, hoping the FA didnt mess anything up. We will see. Trying to give it at least another month before seeing doc. Gonna try and not stress out ( ha been saying that for 6 months). Ive got enough OV tests to get through april.....gonna try not to get any tests and maybe I will get a birthday Bfp in may. had a pap 3 weeks ago....had "atypical squamos cells" not cancerous but need recheck in 6 months. I think i will continue fertil CM as i do not see much EW mucus, I only get very little.

11 years ago

I'm a little confused myself (Real name is Heidi btw)
I am excited at the prospect of a baby.... esp for a little girl...
but... i will be a little sad because I've wanted PD for SO long... and I've been working SO hard to get there...

on your (if i've read your posts correctly)
I told Hubby I don't want to test till Monday? maybe even wait till Thursday .... just between stress and... this is the first Miscarriage in... 15 years? so I don't know how my body is reacting now...
I'm being a little Chicken here so...

but this is day 2 of
I'm not having any symptoms this time... like i had last time...
I had a LITTLE nausea today, but i don't know if that was heat stroke or not (we did the easter parade today, and I got kinda crispy)
hubby just isn't sure if it's stress, or miscarriage, or what... So i don't know what to do/say here...

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11 years ago

@heidi- Lammy has the , not me! If you did truly have a chemical, then you're period would probably be late cause your hormones have to get back to normal before a new cycle can start.

Way to go Lammy!!!!!! Praying your stays away! I'm so nervous for you!!!

@hkellerman-I had the same results on a pap years ago. I had a colposcopy but everything came back clean. They get weird cells occasionally for no reason.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

OH LOL... well grats to lammy...
My doc said that if i'm so regular, i should stay regular... because it was so early in...
I never actually got a BFP on any of the tests... I just flipped out because that period was INSANELY short...
WHich is why i went to the doc.. who confirmed from there that it was a miscarriage...

so IDK... I didn't really get sick with my son... untill second or third month...

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11 years ago

Soarys from experience I can tell you that just because you are regular does not mean you always will be. I was regular for 13.5 years, down to I knew exactly the day I would start.i just completely stopped having cycles in September, we had been ttc for two cycles and so I thought I was pregnant but only had neg tests, turns out now I have pcos. Also stress can affect it, and ttc definitely is stressful. Not saying you didn't have a chemical, just saying being regular isn't necessarily a good indicator.

Lammy I am so excited for you, praying it sticks and continues to get darker

I'm Christie in case anyone was wondering but Athena is shorter lol. Well I got excited because the bleeding stopped for 2 days and now it has started again, hopefully the meds work and stop it but if not ill have to go back to the dr. Ahhhh!!!!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

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