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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Pieces girl ask away lol waiting has pcos too so if cant answer she probably can cause she has helped me a lot.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

topo - i would defintely wait on the blood test or to POAS because you might get a false positive and that will just drive you more crazy! Good luck managing on your 2WW!!!

Pisces- i had very minimal cramping the past 3 days or so (i think i'm 12 DPO, if i ovulated) and now it is back... with a vengeance!!! I felt NO symptoms a few days ago at all, now i have sore BBS (started out sore under my armpits and now my whole boobs hurt!), I'm having pinching/cramping in my lower abdomen and i cannot sleep at night!! My BBS kind of feel like AF pain, but i'm thinking they feel a bit more tender. I guess time will tell.

Athena- how's your 2WW going? Any symptoms?

Waiting - hope you are having fun, 1 day till O isn't it???

the lab told me today it will be thursday or friday before i have my results. Looking at my chart, i might have had an implantation dip a few days ago, and my temps have spiked since then. I've had raised temps for 3 days now pretty consistant so maybe it's a sticky bean? I sure hope so! Waiting until Friday will be agony!

11 years ago

memphrika I don't look too much into symptoms because progesterone can cause similar symptoms whether you are pregnant or not. When you have a 90 day cycle and you are so sure you are pregnant because of symptoms and then it turns out you aren't you can be a little bitter towards symptoms lol. And it is way too early anyways implantation doesn't occur til 7-10 dpo.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

This TWW what is driving me crazy!!! i'm cycle day 22 and DPO7 and I want test so bad but, with the symptoms and thinking that is this really happening I don't know. I hope we all get big !! so I give everyone

11 years ago

we are all going crazy for this tww girlys we can do this lol
@ Memphrika yes i agree thats why i am just freaking myself out ur symptoms are just like mine wiht the sore bbs n hurting where they are hurting but i agree with athena8789 bitter towards symptoms hey ladies i had a question hopefully someone can help idk if it is two late to temp but i took my temp at 500pm it was 99.4 how do i keep track of it if my temp is hi does it me i am pregers lolz what does temping mean what does poas mean sorry still kinda new

11 years ago

when you temp you get a basal thermometer and it will gie you a temp like 97.35. You take your temp the second you wake up in the morning at the same time everyday. I take mine at 6 since that is when dh gets up. and you are supposed to start at cd 1 so you can see if you ovulated and you can see what your average temp is before so you know when it dips and then when it spikes

poas is pee on a stick. pcos is polycystic ovary syndrome.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

athena8789 so its to late to temp then lol no point i wouldnt no poas lolz duh and pcos i know i was falsely diagnoised with it in 2006 and in 2011 i was advised i dnt have pcos but thanks luv

11 years ago

Wow! The forum is busy! Tomorrow is O DAY (cd19)!!!! Super excited yet super nervous. Opk was negative today but the last time I OV'd, cd 18 was negative too. Trying not to think about it's so hard not to! Every little cramp I feel, I wonder if it's the ovary kicking into gear. When I OV'd I had one sided cramps the day before I ov'd but I havent felt it as much yet so I'm freaking myself out.

@soayrs- your comment about dh's stupid dog makes me think of the scene from lion king..." before sunrise, he's still your son". Glad you got him back.

@memphrika- Looking forward to your results!!

@pisces- LOL! Little Barry White! My darling I, cant get enough of your love babe!!! I've been dying to do! I feel bad for my children...their family tree is going to be jacked up!!! My family is easy but dh has his adoptive parents, his maternal family, and his paternal family!!!! The first time they come home with an ancestry project, I'm going to have an aneurysm! Like athena said...ask away. I've been dealing with PCOS for a long while!!!!

@babybundle- You're halfway there!!!!

@topowifey- I love you babe but I'm having troubles reading your posts. I cant tell where one sentence ends and the other begins . Temping has helped keep me sane. Basal body temperature is your resting body temp and it can only be measured when you first wake up in the morning. There are a lot of websites that teach you to do it ...that's how I learned.

Bed time ladies! Can I ask a favor...think of baby dust as a snowstorm and send me 2ft of !!! Lot of prayers needed...for my sanity!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well i was feeling day went from bad to wirse real quick lol...
After the dog... found out the battery in my car finally had it (was trying to limp it along one more week) ... and got chewed out from my prof for my sub par work last week... then dh came home... hoped to use his truck to jump dtart my car... sept.... his truck was dead... and we couldn't push it fast enough to jump start it....... new battery with oil etc that i had been holding off on... 200 bucks... when i finally get home... as i am cooking i realize the milk had spoiled.... all the dishes i had planned on... poof!

I looked at dh, burst into tears and said "I QUIT!"

Im beginning to wonder if i am pg now ... because i am not on meds today... and had two random instances of nausea ...and the smell and taste of bacon ( we ended up with blt's for dinner) had me feeling very sick....and my joints and bbs hurt so much... my back usually hurts kinda bad near my af...but not as bad... and my other joints don't usually join in...

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11 years ago

Hey yall!!!
i am definately going crazy... I want this so bad that i think maybe i'm immagining some symptoms... I do however have this very uncomfortable, pressure in my uterus. Now is this because there might be a small minute chance of a little life, or is it just my body getting ready for AF... I get moody and emotional , last night, at about 01:00 i woke up crying, my hubby asked me what is the matter, and i just looked at him funny for having the nurve to ask me whats the matter... and then he looked hurt, and i started crying again because i hurt him... Everywhere i go i see babies and baby things what am i supposed to do. im 10 dpo and i really want to test, but then i think i should wait till af. I cant stand the wait, but then again i think i'm not pg this month.

Any support is very much appreciated!!

to all and


11 years ago

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