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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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thank you phatgurl

showed up as i suspected never mind, just glad that i am healthy after a mc, and got my sooner rather than later, as i have heard some women dont have af for a while after mc, so i have to look at as a good thing. so lets hope for a september baby!!! come on

11 years ago

Nova I am sorry for your loss as well!

WELL I am trying not to be crazy this month. I have kept pretty calm and haven't even tested. Just preparing for our new year with TTC! Pretty excited. DH and I will be changing our lifestyles in this next year! We are finally going to do all of those things we've always wanted. We have over come some major obstacles as a young couple in the last few years and we are so incredibly happy now that we want nothing more than to add another blessing to our life. So that starts with getting as healthy as possible and doing a detox fast and hitting the gym! I honestly can't wait. Even preggers I want to stay fit. Yep super excited. I also figured out my new regime to get that EWCM. Green tea until O, EPO until O, DROWNING myself in grapefruit juice, and water. and if that doesn't work I will add the mucinex or robitussin. Of course I already take my prenatals and baby aspirin daily. Well if AF is coming she'll be here between tomorrow and Monday!

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11 years ago

Okay so I seriously hope I am pregnant or else I am just a raging b**tch today. GRRR. AF is due between tomorrow and Monday. Irregular cycles are the worst.

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11 years ago

Kcordell - wow, that was a fast switch!

11 years ago

@Novalunar i'm sorry for your loss.

Right now, i'm at work as Reading Fifty Shades of Grey, almost on Chapter Ten. Quite interesting so far. Things seem to be going well so far with my bf. I'm even getting more "I love you and I miss you" texts from him. He's not a texter at all or even a phone person for that matter. I kinda changed that a little. Anyways, dropping in to say hello to all you ladies. Hope everyone is doing okay.

11 years ago

lmao I know right Phat. It just hit me while I was cooking dinner. mood swings. nooo fun!! Still super excited for the new year!!

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11 years ago

Evening girlies! 6DPO and nipples are still killing me . I know they can hurt post OV but I figured they would have subsided by now. They got a little better yesterday but are worse today ! Having pressure like cramps too. I was exhausted yesterday but couldnt fall asleep and was up every hour. Spent the day with dh babysitting my nephew. We get him tomorrow too but he's coming to our house . We got a free packnplay, carseat and stroller in August from my mom when an order got screwed up so I have the packnplay set up for naptime and the carseat is installed in the car for when we take him home. Dh is enjoying it sooo much, probably too much actually, lol (just wish my sister wouldnt give me a guilt trip about having to leave her house 30 minutes early to drop him off before see, I go to her house to babysit 2-3 times a week and this is the 1st time she is bringing him to me).

Anyways, getting off that subject cause she's stressing me out...MY DOCTOR CALLED TODAY!!! My progesterone levels came back great! HIGH actually....10.5!!!! And that was at 5dpo! On top of that, progesterone should be tested in the morning before eating cause it can decrease progesterone levels in blood by as much as 50%! I had it tested in the afternoon after a nice sized meal!!! So who knows what my levels were earlier that day! I'm just freaking out...Phat has me thinking that if I am pregnant....that's it's clomid twins! Trying to hold off testing til New Years Eve (10dpo)

@kelsey- Feel free to vent to us here. We're here cause our husbands got annoyed with us constantly talking about it!

@hkellerman- YAYA OVULATION!!! I love those softcups. I feel so much more relaxed knowing swimmers are up there swimming around o~ LOL

@nova- I'm sorry showed but I'm glad you're regulating!

@kcordell- The keyword there is TRYING! LOL! If the grapefruit juice is too tart to drink from a glass...try a shot glass! Much more fun! Plus, it sounds like you could use a pretend drink!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you novalunar and I am sorry for your loss. My grandma was 76. She had a rough year. Had a stroke in February and I think she kept having mini strokes. She was probably not much more than 70lbs because she refused to eat and then was basically in a coma the passed month. I was looking at pictures of her from last Christmas and its hard to believe she went down hill as fast as she did.

Afm I got my vitex today and as I have said I am very excited. If you have trouble with your cycles being regular you should look into it. I just pray that it works. I am finally off of the.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Thank you novalunar and I am sorry for your loss. My grandma was 76. She had a rough year. Had a stroke in February and I think she kept having mini strokes. She was probably not much more than 70lbs because she refused to eat and then was basically in a coma the passed month. I was looking at pictures of her from last Christmas and its hard to believe she went down hill as fast as she did.

Afm I got my vitex today and as I have said I am very excited. If you have trouble with your cycles being regular you should look into it. I just pray that it works. I am finally off of the.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

lol I know it Tara I need a drink ;) better today than last night. Back to my excited self. 12dpo. Still haven't tested. Waiting until new years eve so I can tell hubby at midnight if I am pregnant :) Boobs are killing me today. Lots of pressure last night and woke up to temp at 99.1. soooo. Could be my typical high temps back in action or maybe this could be it . I am tempted to test since my mom is in town from California and last time I was preggers I had to call her and tell her. Oh and I actually love grapefruit juice. I had some change my first month with it but this month I didn't notice too much. Just going to keep at it anyways.

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11 years ago

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