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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Morning Ladies! Sitting here waiting for the state inspector to do his bi-annual visit so I can renew my business license. Figured I'd jump on here and keep myself busy. I dont know why I'm nervous . Anyways, CD 11 and waiting for the Big OV! Temps are up and down and opks are negative (which I'm fine with cause I want my egg to be perfectly matured ). My highest temp so far has been 97.6 and my lowest has been 97.0. So not much to report on...just waiting. Planning on taking a nice hot bath tonight.

@wildstraw-Wow, talk about 8 months of torture!

@enbutler- Well, at least you know about your thyroid now instead of later! Never heard of the fish dream. Ecoli in the uterus???? So I guess that means she's not prego?

@hkellerman- . Hopefully it's just taking time to show up on the test. Maybe your bf will pop the question on Christmas!

@holly- I'm sorry Holly. Great Christmas gift to yourself. I dont have the monitor but I heard they are great. Has dh been tested?

@kcordell- Right on K!!! Getting so excited for OV but nervous at same time!

@athena- Happy Birthday! My oldest sister tried to hide all 3 of her pregnancies. I've becomed trained in the signs. I've been able to find out when coworkers are prego just by watching them. lol

@lammy- Your dream cracked me up. I dreamt that dh and I got into a fight last night. I woke this morning and realized he left without saying goodbye. I thought, "Oh no, did that fight really happen"! I texted him and he said he told me goodbye and hugged me but I was passed out cold in bed! LOL

I love my inspector...his name is JOY. Yep, a boy named Joy. He's so sweet :). Two years ago when I knew a inspector was coming, I was so scared and I asked God to send me someone with Joy in their heart. When I opened the door and he introduced himself as 'Joy'! Prayer answered! LOL!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks everyone for your apologies for the Witch finding me again this month. Suprisingly I'm okay with it.

CD2 is a wrap -about to get ready for bed soon, so I hope to O again in less than 2 weeks. Can't wait to see what happens with my new Fertility Monitor that I purchased. This cycle I am also going to try and drink more green tea, more water, and grapefruit juice. FXD it helps! I will be 42 this summer and lawd knows I want to have a baby long before I turn 43!!!!

My BFF is also TTCing for her first and both of us had a MC this summer, so hopefully we will get our s soon. I keep reminding myself that in less than 30 days I could be announcing my , so that is uplifting.

Can't wait until stops so I can start ing again with DH !

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11 years ago

The idea of getting a BFP in less than 30 days is very uplifting to think about!!!!!
Been drinking my grapefruit juice too! CM seems very dry once I stopped Clomid. Had a feeling it would happen. Praying for EWCM!!! Nite ladies!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

the last few days ive had some dental problems and last night before bed i said a little paryer i asked god that today could he make the pain less painfull i didnt mind some pain but just not as bad it was and well today he answered them its given me so much hope knowing he heard me makes me feel like he has heard my baby paryers too and i know he is working on them

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11 years ago

ok ladies super confused, HELP!!!

9-10 dpo, + OPk on the 4th so I called that O day, which would make me 10 dpo, btw that + was at noon on 4th, 3pm was a lot lighter. So If 4th was O I would be 10, if it was 5th 9. Took an hpt this am with FMU. BFN of course. Now when I (TMI) wiped, I have a ton of brown CM, it looks like what I get right before AF turns Red. AF is due 17th which would be CD27/1 so I am on CD 24. Other than that no symptoms....this is so it implant? or is it early AF!!! Did not dance last night so couldnt be left overs, last BD was Saturday or Tuesday, cant remember. Tommorow is little ones 6th b-day.....feel like im going insane.....brown CM BFN....Af still a few days out.....bout to lose my mind!!! The BFN wasnt a suprise but the brown CM was. Im gonna watch the CM character the rest of the day and of course HPT in am.

11 years ago

Hkellerman - it could be signs of implantation. If so, on a very sensitive test you could start showing 24-48 hours after. COULD being the operative word. :-)

11 years ago

Watching the news today made my maternal instincts kick in a bit. Found myself feeling extra protective over my nephew and over ovaries. I'm not even pregnant yet and I wanted to protect my womb!
Cat woke me up this morning. I thought it was only 3am so I sat up. Then realized it was 5am and I'd have to get up in 30 minutes meaning I shouldnt have sat up!!! So I collapsed back in bed and stuck the thermometer in my mouth. I was either 96.7 or 97.7...I know big difference but my therm memory disappeared before I was ready to type and only saw the .7 part. My opks are negative and my cervix is low/firm/closed still so I know I didnt miss anything too important. CM is watery today...better than dry!

I'm doing my continuing education in Prenatal massage which is pretty cool. My textbooks are like "what to expect when your expecting". I'm on the infertility chapter...weird reading about it when I'm experiencing it!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@waiting i am glad i know about my thyroid now. Yea about the e coli i'm not really sure how it happened, never asked, but i doubt she's preggo. It's okay, well, i start my bcp this sunday. Also making progress with the bf. He said he may come by tomorrow, i have to clean up my room when i get off work so it won't be so messy.

Between work and sleep and when i was going back and forth between my bfs and home, i never had time to clean it for a long time. Ugh, but i will get it done in time. My motivation is just not there, apparently it has quite a bit to do with my thyroid. Anyway, got some xmas shopping done today and yesterday with my mom. Now i just got a few people to work on.

11 years ago

Oh Tara I know exactly what you mean. We heard about it at lunch time we were waiting for a table and he went online on his phone and saw a bunch of posts. I hear him say oh my goodness and I was like what? and he said hold on a second and handed me his phone and I was in shock. I couldn't imagine being in those parents shoes. It scary enough that my dh is a high school teacher and all it would take is one kid getting angry and doing something like that. Or like in that case a crazy person. People think schools are secure but obviously not if that guy just walked in. He apparently killed his mother before going to the school to kill so many children and adults.

Today I found out that I have a sweet sweet husband. I went to buy a dress at forever 21 which is not a store he likes. He was like I'm going to go to this hippie store lol. We get in the car and he was like I felt bad that you didn't get a present on your b-day, cause my boots came in and apparently Ugg wants everyone to know what is in the box, so he gives me this little box, He said I might think it is cheesy. I open it and it is a necklace. It has this card with it that says it is a love necklace that balances out all these things and reduces stress and the last line says and be careful cause it increases fertility . I was like put it on me lol and he was like how crazy would it be if you end up pregnant next month. I also got all these homeopathic pcos remedies that I ordered in the mail today YAY

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Waiting - the shooting is horrid. I tried to put myself in the place of those parents and first responders, but I can't. It's so sad.

Athena - I'm glad your husband did something sweet for you.

11 years ago

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