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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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i have docs monday to talk about things so will let u all know how that goes

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11 years ago

Good Luck Marielle .

Enbutler- I have an anal fissure too!!! It sucks. I cant go #2 without bleeding!

Lammy- cant wait to hear the outcome!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@lammy good luck

@waiting i have the same problem. It also feels like a sharp stabbing pain when it happens and i have to grab on to something to keep me from yelling because it hurts so bad.

11 years ago

Well I am 2 dpo I suppose my lh is going down like I did surge

had a lot of fun with the nieces, apparently my 3 yr old niece told her teacher all day long that I was picking her up and she was spending the night when I walked in one of her teachers was up front and she said you must be her auntie Christie. We had a good time, watched old Christmas cartoons and had popcorn. They both packed their bags last night and my older niece is 11 and she helped the younger pack her clothes toothbrush and the older has a nintendo 3d ds, well the little one has some little handheld game, I think it's some kind of leap frog and they both sat in the backseat of my car playing their games. They remind me so much of my sister and I. We are 7 yrs and 8 months apart and they are 7 yrs 10 months apart and now they will have a little brother just like we do. My sister really is like my mom.

My mom needs some prayers right now. My grandma is hanging on, just barely and has a hospice nurse that comes every day now. The other day my mom and her youngest sister were with my grandma while the nurse was there and the nurse asked if she could give her some morphine, Neither of them would answer and she said it would help with the pain. well one of the middle sisters (she has 3 sisters and 11 brothers) was complaining at the hospital that when they give her pain meds all she does is sleep and she acts like my grandma is going to get better and be fine. While I wish that were the case, sometimes you have to go with the reality of the situation. so back to the story, well my mom finally said that if it would make her comfortable and was what she recommended then give it to her. Well my moms youngest sister talked to the sister that is in denial and told her my mom ok'd giving her the pain meds andshe texts my mom and says that now she won't eat the rest of the day and curses her out and says that she is killing their mom. Then proceeds to try to get my uncles on her side and the first one she calls says "she is dying and in pain and if that will make her comfortable then that is what should be done" So most weren't on her side, but my sister told me that she is concerned that when she does pass my aunt will cause a scene at the funeral home and cause a rift in the family. My mom is already in a bad way, she was fired from her job that she had been at for over 15 yrs because a new lady took over and didn't like her making more than "her girls" and said the job was made up so moved my mom to another dept. but had her train one of "her girls" for the supposed made up job that another lady before my mom retired from after over 30 yrs. So she is depressed about being jobless and she and my dad are having money troubles. So she just needs prayers all around.

Sorry for such a long post just needed to vent. to all and to all a goodnight of

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@athena prayers go out to your mother and grandmother. I have a 9 yr old niece and a 6 yr old niece and i seen them a couple of weeks ago (they live in arkansas, 3 & 1/2 hrs away.) and they were stuck to me like glue. . My sister and i are really close, we're 5 yrs apart. I'm the youngest out of 4 and i have 2 brothers and my sister. I'm glad i'm not the only one that has to vent about things on here.

My nieces definitely didn't want me to leave and my mom stayed there for a week and they started crying when she came back home. They're nana's girls. They are growing so fast, the 9 yr old is almost as tall as me, granted i am short, but that's not the i'm only 5'0. The 6 yr old is not far behind her sister and they're so smart and i'm very proud of both of them. I helped raise them when they lived here in Kansas City. Anyways, sorry about the randomness. I was just giving a little background about me.

11 years ago

It's ok, I was just about to ask you where you lived til I got to the bottom because I live in Tennessee. My sister got pregnant 3 months after she and my brother in law got married and she was born 8 days after their 1st anniversary,but they weren't ready for her and my sister was starting college so they lived with us (meaning my parents my brother and I) til she was 4. So she was a big part of my life. The funny thing is my older niece was supposed to call my parents nana and papaw, but she just said paw and it stuck well my younger niece I guess wanted to be different so she calls them nanny and poppy.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

lol. That's cute. My nieces call my parents nana and papa. I used to live in Tennessee. I lived in Johnson City for 3 years.

11 years ago

I live about 45 minutes northwest of nashville. My mom's family is from murfreesburo.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Oh ok. That's cool. I was a navy brat from 1999 to 2006, so i moved a lot.

11 years ago

I'm from northern Alabama about an hour & 1/2 from Nashville and live in SC now.

Tested with FRER this morning - negative.

Sorry your family is having a hard time.

11 years ago

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