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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Oh well you still may want to check in your local store. After a little research I found that Walmart owns Asda stores in the Uk. I don't know if that is accurate but you may want to check there if it is and there is one near you. They are with the tampons here. They are very expensive online.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Lammy - check out Amazon for the soft cups - Instead brand

Mooney - hey, hey, hey! I hope the bleeding's a good sign!

Shay - I had bad and vivid dreams with all 3 kids, but it didn't start right away. I did have major food aversions almost immediately, though. Yay for you!

Holly - glad you made it home safely. Can I go with next time? I'll guard you squirrel hole!

Alishakaye - I'll check your pics & comment.

11 years ago

Hi everyone. Hope you ladies are having a nice evening. I just had some questions. I was wondering how you tell you are ovulating besides OPKs. Like do you feel anything. I was just curious. Are there other ways to tell.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Oh and lots of and hope everyone gets their and don't forget the

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Happy Monday! Been a busy woman today cleaning bathrooms, sewing dh's pants (his bubble butt always blows out the pockets. I'm not complaining though cause his butt is FINE! ), grocery shopping, etc. Basically doing anything I can to get my mind off my sister . Yesterday I sat there for 30 minutes listening to all of her pregnancy symptoms. Yep, her tests are negative still but she's been having symptoms for 2+ weeks (she missed 2 pills). She's for certain she pregnant but her doctor thinks it her birth control. It took all I had to smile and nod. Definitely did some deep breathing exercises! But it made me feel A BIT better to know that her and her dh said they would feel bad cause they want me to have the next baby. SOOOO, she went for hcg bloodwork today so tomorrow I will know whether to commit myself for real or take a sigh of relief! Today I'm tired and starting to notice some pains in my boobs but no sore nips. Last night had some funky cramping too. Ugh. Not really excited over it cause well...I havent been lucky so far. Oh, dinner is done. I'll be back on shortly to respond to everyones posts . But for now...I'm starving!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry Tara, she should be a little more considerate. I hope that you get your bfp. I've been cleaning today too. Since we are about to move I am trying to get stuff in order before we pack so it's not too crazy. I was a little irritated with my brother's gf yesterday, we were talking about my sister's baby and I asked if her sister was going to have kids anytime soon since she got married a month after dh and I, she said no that she thinks her sister wants to adopt. Then proceeds to talk about how she wants to have a baby by the time she is 25. She and my brother aren't engaged, even though she has been pushing it for over a year. She asked for a ring for Christmas last year. My brother is 22 and isn't ready and now not only is she pushing marriage, she has set a time limit on when she wants to have kids. If that is what my brother wanted then I wouldn't care but the pressuring irritates me. I told him that when my dh and I got engaged we both wanted it, it was a mutual decision and that he needs to wait until he is ready and if she can't handle that then she isn't the one.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

all right someone fill me in on soft cups, I get the jist, they got them at walmart, do they work and how do I use them? And what about preseed, is in neccessary if you are usually..."well lubricated" naturally?

11 years ago

no you dont have to use preseed as for the soft cup im not 100% sure on it but if it keeps the swimmers it thats all that matters to me

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11 years ago

I have read that they work, don't know personally yet, but thought I would try them. From what I have read there are two ways to use them , the first is the way I do and I put it in after we bd and leave it in over night, you can leave it in 12 hours. From my experience it also catches it and it keeps it close to the cervix, the second way that I read about was to have him ejaculate into the cup and then put it in. My dh I feel would not be keen on that lol. Once I get it in I don't feel it, but you have to be careful taking it out as it catches the semen and may spill.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Well my sister just texted me and told me that her cramps are getting worse and more often. I really hope that means she's getting ready to start AF or something. I'm a basketcase wondering. I really dont want her to be, I dont want to be angry. I find myself looking up to the sky with a confused look on my face Really God? But being a christian doesnt mean that life will be easy. It means that you're going to go thru hell but you WILL get out on the otherside with the victory. Meaning, I'm in my own little hell right now and I will have a baby at some point! AMEN! But it is a really long wait! I'll update tomorrow morning as soon as I know anything!!!!

@Phat-I agree. It is nice to have our group going again. And I just realized you changed your avatar to match your dyed hair.

@hkellerman-I'm a massage therapist . Oh, and once dh told me he was ring shopping, I couldnt leave him alone. I was so curious . Pretty much had to duct tape my mouth shut! Just scrolled down....your spotting was orange!!! If you have enough EWCM around OV time, then you dont need Preseed.

@Holly- WTF-(what's this for)....HILARIOUS! Hiphiphooray for August baby!

@Athena- When it comes to PCOS, it's up in the air with opks. Some have ups and downs, some have constants, some have both. And some have normal OV day but it's later in cycle. As for me, I started opks on the first day AF stopped cause I dont know when OV will come. At some points, LH goes up & down and then plateaus for 4-5 days. It's super annoying! PCOS just sucks !!! I get almost positives and then boom, the bottom falls out and Lh is low again. I've gotten to checking my cervix and cervical mucus everyday so I can tell if I'm close to ovulating. But the best way is to get a BBT thermometer, there is no question of OV like the opks. And you know if you OV even if you dont catch your surge on the opks.

@shay-I stopped the fertilitea cause one..was temporarily without work, two..I knew I needed to lose more weight. But I may get more soon. I'm a twilight fan too! Havent seen the movie yet but will. Dh loves them too!! Sorry your Olive garden was ruined by your stomach! I have vivid weird dreams all the time so it's not a symptom of mine. But I do have lots of tornado dreams but I love mine...I'm a closet storm chaser ! Cant believe the psych patient broke your phone. That must be an awesome story!

Fingers Crossed Kcordell!

MooneyBABY! Hope it's implantation!

@Lammy- o~ o~ o~ Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!!

The thought of a cup in me is weird, but then again I thought checking my cervix was weird but look at me now!...I'm fingering myself everyday! And time to submit and post this extremely long post! LOL Sorry.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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