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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Lh levels are still eh. Kinda hovering around the same levels, so I'm gonna call the dr tomorrow. I might mention the inositol to her but something about taking a supplement used for bipolar disorders seems a bit...weird. LOL. On the other hand, it might be nice to balance out my present crazyiness.
Spent yesterday celebrating dh's 33rd birthday at his family reunion. He enjoyed flipping 900lb tractor tires with his brother and then I enjoyed bandaging up his skinned shoulder. lol.

@LAMMY- getting sooo excited for you!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Tara - what did the doc say?

Some of you may remember that I say my children get sick every time I'm in my 2ww. Well, I felt really nauseous yesterday & today, so sure enough the daycare calls for me to pick up my vomiting 2 year old. WTH?

I got a weird pink line on one of my Wondfo's yesterday in the test area, but nothing since with the 10 others I've done. :/

11 years ago

@Phat...sorry to hear about the sick child, but I hope the line you saw on the Wondfo is the start of a BFP1 for you too!

AFM - I just got a call from my doctor's office. My initial fertility tests all came back normal. They checked my thyroid, prolactin levels, and I can't remember what else. But that is good news to start.

Question...does anyone know of a good (and reliable) BBT? My thermometer is very inconsistent! I can take my first temp and if I repeat it (right after and without getting out of bed), it can vary by .5 (and sometimes even more). This is really starting to drive me crazy because I feel like my chart is not accurate. Help!

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11 years ago

im going crazy at how bad i feel but only at night

from day 1 of my cycle i had a feeling that THIS is out month i still belive this i know my body and i know this is way diffrent from anything i have been throught before .

the other night dh was asleep but i was awake feeling sick he rolled over rubbed my tummy and said my baby when i said to him what did u said he didnt say anything he was out of it fast sleep i was like thats twice this month he has suggest im preg

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11 years ago

Holly - are you making sure you warm the thermometer before you put it in your mouth? That could account for the difference. I don't chart or use a BBT.

I saw something on 2 of today's wondfo's, too. Not sure what it means. Not getting my hopes up yet. My OPK was much lighter today than yesterday, but my urine could just be diluted. Still feel sick, my lower back hurts & my BB's are sore. We shall see...

11 years ago

Hmm....*tapping fingers gingerly on the keyboard* . Well I had an interesting talk with my doctor this evening. At least she took time after her work hours to talk to me. Ok here goes....I called today and told them about my opks, weight loss, inositol, etc, and asked about updated bld test to show progession of hormone levels. These were her words exactly, "I know you are wanting to be pregnant yesterday, how often are you taking the ovulation tests?..cause I dont want you to get your hopes up that you're actually going to ovulate this cycle. I dont want you wasting your money."
*stilll tapping fingers*....

Need I say more?

Told her that I use dollar tree tests, so I'm not too worried about the money issue. Planning on getting some wondfo's from amazon anyways. She finally gave in and put in for another bloodtest. Cant go til Wednesday with my schedule. She said a bld test was silly cause my insulin/hormones levels werent going to be all that different despite my 10% weightloss. Told her that even though I see results on the outside...I need to see the numbers to keep me going. I need to know that my internal issues are getting better. She gave in. Said that she'd compare the two and decide if I should go on Metformin. She said she did some research on the inositol and she's uncomfortable with recommending it since it's mostly for bilpolar people with schizophrenia. She'd rather try metformin first. What drove me the most crazy was her saying, "I know you want to be pregnant yesterday". Yes I really want to conceive (who else finds themselves infront of the mirror pushing their gut out?) but right now, I'm not really concentrating on the ovulate, sex sex sex sex, CONCEIVE part. I just really want my body to work again. It did it twice on it's own and then just....stopped! And even though I spend $7 on 7 OPKs, I'd rather take the tests and KNOW that I didnt ovulate, than wonder if I did and go crazy again imagining prego symptoms. Just feeling sorta quiet now....This weekend should be interesting. 5 months ago my sister bought a matching packnplay, carseat, and stroller from Target (of course she wanted the one I wanted before my chemical last year). Well, she changed her mind and canceled the order. Except Target screwed up and delivered the new set my sis bought PLUS the target set she originally got...FOR FREE! They wouldnt take it back . So she gave the Target set to my mom and my mom is now giving it to me for when I take care of my nephew here. So the set I wanted...I'm picking up on Sunday FOR FREE. Happy yet sad at same time. Sort of bittersweet since I'm temporarily barren.

You have amazing bad luck Phat when it comes to the sickness thing! Hope your little one feels better soon and you feel worse (that sounds soooo wrong ).

Lammy-I think it's totally normal to notice more symptoms at night. All day long we're running around with a million thoughts zooming thru our heads. At night, you're more quiet and can notice the sickness more. Plus, with my chemical, I had evening sickness.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Tara - I hope when the doc does your tests you're pregnant so you can rub it in her face!

11 years ago

11 dpo

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11 years ago

@Phat - I am so excited for you. I ran across your HPT! I hope it is the start of a stong BFP for you! and

Also good suggestion to warm up the thermometer first. I tried it and that is much better. I am now officially obsessed wtih temping. Always looking to see if there is a temp drop!

AFM...I have a strange feeling in the area where I believe my left ovary resides. It is a nagging little ache. It is not a pain, just an odd ache. Also, my taste buds have been messed up since yesterday. Today I tried to eat dinner and it tasted very strange. My family said it tasted fine to them, but I was grossed out by it. When I was pregnant in August, I remember the Twix tasting like soap to me...that was what made me think, I must be pregnant. The strange taste is not that bad, yet, but I hope it is sign that I'm on my way to a this month!

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11 years ago

Holly - I have a sneaking suspicion it's either a trick of my eyes/camera or a chemical. Other than slight nausea I don't have any symptoms, and my daughter has a stomach virus, so I may be sick. y boobs were hurting, and they've started hurting less. I have crampy cervix feelings & lower back pain - usually signs AF is coming. I don't know when AF is due. My O date was a week late this time. I did eat a Jr. Baconator, and it wasn't nearly as good as it should have been.

I hope your funny tastes are a good sign!

11 years ago

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