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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@scuba just wanted to say thank you for your post about age. I’m 38 and my husband is almost 42. I’ve been feeling discouraged the last few days that maybe we are too old for a second, but our family doesn’t feel complete just yet.

@emma I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope your husband comes around and you can try again.

5 years ago

@lawrence My husband's sister fell pregnant naturally with her second at 43 and a friend at 45 (surprise baby!). I'm not giving up but appreciate we might need some help after 6 months if nothing happens.

Right now I'm baffled with my very sharp stabbing ovulation pains at 14/15DPO. No sign of spotting hitting the tissue. What does it mean?!?!?! Lolol xx

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5 years ago

@Emma - So sorry about your chemical. Those suck!

5 years ago

@nicole welcome! Good luck! Yes mental torchure is a great discription! xx

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5 years ago

Wow, I missed reading this post over the weekend (my son was sick with a stomach bug) and I'm trying my best to catch up and get to know all the ladies here!

@scuba: I wouldn't lose hope just yet until AF officially arrives!
@emma: I'm so very sorry to hear about your chemical...
@nicole: welcome and good luck! TTC is very torturous HA!
@Sam: I still see a very faint positive on your tests!

AFM: Thanks for all the welcomes. I am probably around 5dpo as I don't know exactly which day I ovulated, I only know when I was fertile due to watery cm. I am having dull aches and cramping, so probably getting my hopes up thinking its implantation pains?
I ordered my box of easy@home pregnancy tests and they're supposed to arrive today! I'm a nut when it comes to testing, but I am going to try to hold out until at least 9dpo... which I already know I don't have the will power to wait that long HA! AF is expected around the 22nd-24thish (my cycle lengths vary).

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5 years ago

@Emma I am so sorry. I hope your DH will want to try again soon.

@scuba, maybe late implantation?

@sam, eeekkk I see the lines. I hope your FRER is a strong positive. Can’t wait to see it.

girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

Temp is still up and so is my resting heart rate. I read that resting HR stays elevated during LP and through pregnancy.

I am anywhere between 11dpo - 13dpo. BFN this morning. Pic is posted in my album. I think I'm out this month. I'm just really anxious to get AF so I can start my first round of Clomid.
Anyone else taking Clomid?

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5 years ago

@Emma I’m really sorry about all of this. I pray you get your heart desire.
@nicole welcome and all the best in your try journey.
&kitkat sounds like what I’ve heard implantation describes as. Fingers crossed for you.
Ladies continue to be positive and I pray it works out for all of us soon!!


5 years ago

@Emma I really hope you’re blood test will show you are pregnant!! Will be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed the next few days
@Scuba I see something but it’s hard to say if the line has color from the picture ????
@Hot sorry AF showed up. Hope the next few months brings you what you’re hoping for
@kitkat that could definitely be IB. I never had it for my 2 pregnancies but did when I had my chemical in August.

5 years ago

@Hot: Sorry AF showed, but sounds like you're in a good state of mind and in a good place
@scuba: I definitely can see something faint!
@Emma: That could definitely explain the faint tests not getting any darker, so really hoping you get good news!

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5 years ago

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