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February/March 2020 TTC babies

Hi ladies!!!

Congrats to those with the bfps and good luck to everyone in their tww!!

You've got this

264 Replies • 5 years ago



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I will be the first to start: hle% s all stay positive. Any plans for the upcoming weekend? We are going to a mini picnic pool party on Saturday.

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5 years ago

Hey all! I’ll jump in too as usual!
How convenient for me. New board and CD1.. One more cycle closer to the days I can start hoping for real!!!!

Not much for this weekend since I’ll be working but I really hope the weather to decide that is summer here in
Greece because all this moodiness makes me so depressed lol
Hope for everyone, this one to be their lucky board!!!

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5 years ago

@lalou we'll be painting the baby room one more time and laying the floors... It's winter so no pool parties for us lol !!

@Alex aww damn a working weekend sucks though !! Do you get midweek off days?

5 years ago • Post starter

Anna Yes! I’m normally working on weekends but I have a Monday day off usually When everyone else hates Monday’s I’m here loving them lol

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5 years ago • Edited

Awwww baby s room so fun!!@Ana. Yeah we have kind of a reversed season with y all . Still enjoy. I am looking forward to seeing my duster in law this weekend. I am waiting for her to officially announce the twins pregnancy.

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5 years ago

Hi ladies...I’m joining. Still wishing everyone a successful cycle.

No weekend plans beside work. I was on vacation. I typically work weekends and be off Monday and Tuesday.

About 5dpo and really hoping this is the cycle. If it is then I would be due first 2 weeks of February which is when I was due this year if I didn’t have the Stillbirth in November.


5 years ago

I'll join you in here! 13 dpo today and I don't know what to believe, to be honest. Got a lighter line yesterday with fmu and I felt all hope disappear. But then I tested in the evening and got the strongest line so far! Either my hcg had a slow start, or my body's messing with my completely. If this is a viable pregnancy, I will be really happy. But right now I'm still sceptic. Going to test today in a few minutes and if that stronger line's still there, then I can hold on to hope for a little while longer. If not, I know how this ends.

5 years ago • Edited

Well, now I know I won't get to keep this one either. I just started spotting, punctual as always.

5 years ago

Pandorica oh no!!! I’m so sorry girl! Sending hugs your way

Today is CD2 and I’m cramping so bad to the point I cannot even walk properly. This happens to me now and then and it’s not fun. I’m not sure how I’m gonna work today. Since my work needs physical movements it’s very hard to function in this situation! Let’s hope it will get better soon!

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5 years ago

Joining. 12 DPO today and tested negative again this morning and had a slight temp drop. Hopeful for the next cycle as we see the RE next week to decide on a treatment plan now that all of our diagnostic testing is done. Good luck everyone!

5 years ago

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