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TTC May/June 2019

Hi Ladies!!!!

Good luck and baby dust to another month!!

94 Replies • 5 years ago



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Just a quick update from my side, I am 31 weeks today with just 7 and a half weeks till baby M makes her arrival! Gotta say I don't have a lot to complain about I'm just super tired but I had quite an easy pregnancy other than morning sickness up until 16 weeks (I still get sick in the mornings though). But everything is sorted... My hospital bed is booked, nursery is done, baby shower is in 3 weeks the only thing I haven't done yet is packed for the hospital which I need to take care of this month ASAP.

5 years ago • Post starter

Anna hey babe! Long time no see! So happy to see you and read that everything is running smoothly for you! So close for you and your SO to hold your little girl! How exciting! Keep us updated. It’s always so nice to hear from you
Hopefully this new board will be a lucky one for anyone who enters. Good luck ladies. Fingers crossed

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5 years ago

@Alex yeah I was locked out of my account my phone didn't allow me to sign in at all!! I hope this is it for you babe I've got my fingers crossed !!

5 years ago • Post starter

Glad everything is going well for you Anna! You're almost there!

I'm CD21 and 3 dpo, just waiting to see if my LP stays the same on clomid.

5 years ago

@Anna - 31 weeks already, you're almost at the finish line. Or starting line, depending on how you look at it.

I'm just jumping in here to check on everyone, since we're not ttc anymore. The good part is that it seems like I'll at least get my thyroid checked thoroughly. Right now they're treating it as a "silent thyroiditis", which means I'm on a 3 weeks cortisone treatment. I were also prescribed beta blockers. The doctor sent a referral to the endocrinologist to take over from now on. So hopefully I'll get an appointment there at the end of my cortisone treatment. And then it remains to be seen if the diagnose stays the same or not.

5 years ago

Hey ladies!! Anna it is so good to hear from you!! Glad things are going so well.

Alex I am glad to hear from you too. Hope you are doing well

Pando good to see you are getting things taken care of. Hope it all works out for the best.

AFM: not really going to be expecting a May or June baby at this point. With starting clomid this next cycle we will hopefully have a July baby. I may still ovulate on my own this month for a possible June baby but it isn’t likely. So here’s hoping for next month to be our month!!!

5 years ago

Hello everyone,

Ana almost there mama. Yay!!!! As you get closer to delivery , I will give you some advices that I also received and/or experienced. Also if you had not yet started walking and squatting, get on it mama. Also start rubbing the areas between your vagina and butthole. You can apply a bit of light lotion on whatever natural oil you use.

Nice to hear from everybody.

AFM: if I have ovulated I would be around 11-12dpo. Took test but BFN. Disappointed bc our bed schedule was impeccable this month and since I lost some weight I was hoping to conceive. Still have not heard from doc abt ultrasound results. Hopefully I will tomorrow. Hopefully they will put me on Clomid so I can join the Clomid squad????.
Keep y all updated.

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5 years ago

Kait I’m so hopeful for you now that you’re on clomid! 3dpo is still too early but it’s still the time that you’re full of hopes!!! Are you also charting with bbt and stuff? I’m having everything crossed for you this cycle!

Pandorica glad to see that you’re solving your thyroid issues. When I found out mine, doctor said it is a a big possibility that my hypothyroidism causing my infertility. Now it’s under control and even though nothing changed for me I don’t believe it’s because of this. We have more issues as a couple that causes infertility. I really hope you treating your thyroid issues right will give you a baby even though you’re not trying atm!

Shay I’m glad talking to you guys too! I was around all the time just kinda silent since I’m still struggling on accepting my situation.
I won’t be surprised to see a bfp from you sooner than you expecting! You totally deserve it and I believe you’re not far from it

Lalou So sorry hun! I know that feeling when your BDing timing and all was on point with no bfp at the end... Don’t give up! Now that you’re looking at it with doc I’m positive that you also are not too far from a bfp!

Good luck everyone! I really hope to see some great news from our older members in here!!!!!!

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, I'm back in my fertile window just using Letrozole and timed intercourse. Do you think this looks positive to you? I'm on CD10. xx

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5 years ago

Great to hear from you Anna! Glad everything is going smoothly.
Scuba looks positive to me
@Lalou sorry about the BFN . Hope the ultrasound shows everything is ok and a BFP follows soon thereafter.
Kait and Shay I hope clomid works well and fast for both of you.
I am now on CD 14 and AF still there with no sign of stopping! I know anything can happen on the first cycle after a MC but this is really getting old. I’m thinking I probably need to up my iron intake at this point. I’m getting a little warn out. On a more positive note I started school and am loving it!

5 years ago

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