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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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So, I'm cd 14 and got a solid smiley today. Was not surprised since my bbt dropped below 36°c. Nice to ovulate a few days earlier than usual.

5 years ago

Morning ladies! I had a very vivid dream last night that I got a BFP - but bizarrely the lines on the frer were really close together, not like they normally are. So of course I tried a cheapie today. BFN Stark white too. 11dpo today. I think I'm out xx

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5 years ago

Morning ladies!
Anna and Agatch thank you, I don’t know what to expect anymore so I’m just going with the flow.
I didn’t go to the doctor after all cuz around my O days he had a family emergency and went out of town for several days and the main reason I wanted to go was to see witch side I ovulated. So I’m postponing it for next cycle which I believe won’t be long. Due day on Sunday.
I have a totally new batch of tests now and my yesterday test was stark white. I mean white white... not even my eyes could invent lines lol but today 10 dpo I have this shadow. I can see it for sure but idk if you guys can see it. I posted it on the gallery. I would appreciate it if you all took a look and vote.
I’m not hoping too much though cuz I had a temp drop this morning and I have pms pains... and as about the shadow... I had so many in the past and at 10dpo I believe it would be a line by now!!
Anyways.. I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday

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5 years ago

@alex Oh I'm just not sure I can see the shadow on the pic Maybe more obvious in person? xx

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5 years ago

@alex I'll have a look for you now babe

So I dont even think I'm close to ovulation or I have missed it because my cervix is super closed... I only started checking yesterday so it could be that I missed it but either way we're having sex every day so I'm not concerned... Lol

5 years ago • Post starter

@alex i see a linegirl I voted positive

5 years ago • Post starter

Scuba and Anna Yea the line is definitely there I personally have no doubt about it I’m just not sure if it is another false shadow as I had so many times before but with another batch and with a slightly different packaging and test strip.. I guess time will show

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5 years ago • Edited

Ladies I need some advice! So I just went for a long walk at lunch and had familiar dull cramps and also felt very wet - like my AF had started. I rushed to the toilet and instead I have ewcm! No sign of AF. Then decided to check cervix position and I think I'm doing it wrong!! Please excuse the details, but when you check it's not the spongy bit as you first go in?? Because I was able to insert my finger in all the way and felt the roof of something. Is that the top of the cervix? So basically it's high firm closed? I think I've been doing it wrong all these months!! xx And Boots had another sale so stocked up on FRER and digital clear blues! I now have 6 premium tests xx

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5 years ago

OK I think it is the spongy bit ???? Just looked at ' my beautiful cervix' on Google! Lol xx

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5 years ago

Ladies hope this ok to ask here, did my frer again this morning and it’s about the same darkness but showed up quicker so I guess that’s something, I’m getting a kind of pulling/ ache in my womb today though, I can’t remember from the others but is this normal ? I’m now worrying af is going to come and I’m not really pregnant

5 years ago

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