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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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It’s good to hear everyone’s updates. Hoping we all get some good news soon. @anna my due date would be late November, and I’m CD 16. I’m guessing there aren’t any October due dates left on here.

5 years ago

@sam - Oh no, sorry af showed.

@crystal - Yay, bunnies! I absolutely adore bunnies! I got my first when I was twelve and actually bred them for a few years, when I lived at home. Have been without one for a few years now and this year we are finally getting two, one for my soon 6 year old son and one for me.

AFM: CD 6 at the moment and af disappeared a day sooner than I expected. I usually bleed for 4 days and then 2 days of spotting, but sometimes I only bleed for 3 days with 1-2 days of spotting. This time it was a 3 day period. Hopefully I don't ovulate later than cd 16, 'cause my husband will be away for work after that. So fingers crossed.

5 years ago

@Lawrence omg I just saw my due date jumped to December 1 lol never noticed????

@pandorica good luck babe I hope you ovulate soon + I totally agree with you about periods... I'm usually 4 days with day 5 just being a spot or two... This time I started spotting with light flow cd1, had light to medium bleeding cd2 and cd3 and nothing but a spot on cd4

5 years ago • Post starter

@scuba glad to hear the cyst is gone but sorry you weren't able to get more good news from the doctor
@Sam I'm so sorry to hear AF showed up. Those tests really looked positive. Was AF late? Do you think it may have been a chemical?
@Crystal You're not alone with a full 7 day period (although I got lucky this month, it was only 6...)
I had my yearly OBGYN appointment today and talked about the fact that we've been TTC for 7 months with no success and since I am over 35, they gave me a referral for a fertility specialist (apparently they automatically do that after 12 months of TTC for women under 35 and only 6 months if over 35). So if this cycle isn't successful, I'll be making an appointment to see what they have to say.

5 years ago

@agatch I hope you get bfp soon. I'm sure the fertility doctor can help and shine some light. But I'm still going to hope this cycle you'll get bfp
@anna good luck for a December baby
@everyone I truly hope everyone will start seeing their bfp
Update on me I think I might be pregnant... I got a very light positive but I can very much see it no squinting. It still very light so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.

5 years ago

Ladies I’m feeling so disheartened today, after all that’s happened I was determined to get pregnant this cycle and now on cd16 and still no opk peak I’m just feeling it’s not going to happen, we have BD everyday for the last 10 days which just feels pointless now with it looking like I’ve not even ovulated, so fed up with all this now

5 years ago

@emma don't give up. It's your first cycle after your chemical. Things are going to be a little out of sync. Have a day's break and try again. Doing it every day actually reduces your chances anyway. Our doc yesterday said 3 times a week is enough with 4 in a row only when we get a positive OPK xxx

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5 years ago

Scuba my readings have been high for the last 10 days that’s why we are bd so much I’ve added my temp chart as I know you lot know what it means more than me haha

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5 years ago

Hmm still could go higher! Looks like FF hasn't detected a proper thermal shift yet either. You could still ovulate in the coming days. I'd definitely recommend a break to recharge for both of you. Sperm can survive 5 days in fertile cm so you have covered yourself xx

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5 years ago

@Jilly Congratulations on your


5 years ago

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