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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Woah @pandorica your chart looks awesome!!!! How many DPO are you today? xx

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5 years ago

@scuba: So sorry AF showed up I wouldn't worry too much about a cyst unless the pain is constant and doesn't lessen or becomes worse. The one my OBGYN kept an eye on gave me constant pain until it went away on its own.

@Anna: I am a BAD POAS addict.... already started at 5/6dpo

@ Emma: I am so very sorry maybe it is better not knowing for sure? It may drive you crazy or it may give you some sort of peace? My thoughts are with you, though.... I've been there and I know how hard and heartbreaking it is

@Pandorica: I agree with Scuba, your chart looks very promising ! And like I told Anna, I am also a bad POAS addict

@Matarikigreen: Hope you find answers and get good news, nothing serious

AFM: Maybe around 6dpo and my POAS addict self took a test this morning. Of course it's and I just wasted another test, but I have no will power.... I need to gain some self control and at least wait until 9dpo, that's just 3 more days... long days... No other symptoms since the cramps similar to AF yesterday, which I am hopeful was implantation cramps, but probably just getting my hopes up... I have no idea what to expect in this ttc#3 journey. #2 was so easy, first cycle... but all the agony and pain we went through for our #1 baby took a long time.... So I can't help but wonder if this will be easy again or agony again...

Still sending lots of to you ladies

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5 years ago

@scuba - Only 6 dpo today.

Thanks ladies, I really hope my chart so far are indicating something good. But only time will tell. And boy, is it hard to wait!

5 years ago

@emma oh no I'm sending you so much love babe you dont deserve this

Okay so update for me... I had pinching on my left side today which is odd as its usually only right... CM increased like when I got home my underwear was almost completely white from cm (tmi I'm sorry)... I am also terrified of saying this but I'll be testing on the 19th as it marks the 10 month anniversary of my mc which is odd as I keep track I know... It'll be 3 days before AF if I decide against it that day I wont be testing till AF... The reason I am terrified is obviously that I dont want to get another negative but also because i feel like I "curse" myself by testing early... I also decided that once I get my positive I'm immediately calling my doctor because i want to try my best to keep this (possible) baby... Those who know me knows that I am super against getting blood tests to confirm pregnancy just because of the fact that it was low from day 1 with pregnancy no 1 but I feel like I want to do my best to give our baby a chance...

5 years ago • Post starter

Hi guys, I know I havent been to active lately but I have gone through all the Feels and back. I am not letting myself get excited this cycle, yes I hope and pray and wish it works this month but I am angry. Angry that all the last cycles i have had cramps and pinching and pulling and all kinds of "symptoms" and theres nothing to show for it. I think I am 6dpo and if I even feel anything I saw stop - Stop is there isnt a reason for it stop!
I am tired.

5 years ago

@dee I totally feel you girl

5 years ago • Post starter

I dont have test strips and I dont buy them on purpose because I would be out of control
I am just going to have my blood test, but I dont know whether I should wait for missed af or at the tw mark.
Anna whne you are testing?

5 years ago

Emma I’m really sorry hun and just know we are here for you!!
Scuba sorry AF showed and wish you the best for his new cycle.
Sam I hope Friday your line is much darker.
Anna go with your gut. All will work out for you.
Dee I totally get you.
Praying we all get our


5 years ago

I want to say thank you ladies for all your lovely words, I’m in quite a bit of pain but at least the bleeding isnt bad, I had the blood test but not sure if I want to hear the results tomorrow, I’ve been in complete bits since yesterday, I never expected this and never been through it before, I feel a fool for being so upset because I was early on but I also feel justified after trying for 13 months and this being our first positive in that time, thank you all for listening xx

5 years ago • Edited

@itsAna - Omg I feel you so hard on this. I had a MC in June and now that I THINK I'm pregnant, I'm in complete denial. I'm still lightly spotting. My brain tells me it's IB, but until I start feeling symptoms other than the current feeling of my boobs feeling bigger and slowly gaining a higher sense of smell, I don't believe it. I tested last night at 11dpo and got a , so I'm afraid of it turning into a chemical pregnancy, so I don't want to say anything to the husband until I KNOW for sure. I guess I'll wait until I officially miss AF. Wishing you the best of luck and pray you get your !

5 years ago

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