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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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So ladies, I did a test and even though you're not supposed to open them I had to. The plastic had a big scratch where the line should show, so I couldn't see anything. When I opened it I saw this. First time I actually see something on these. So for a better line on saturday. Did upload pics in my gallery too, if anyone wanna see.

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5 years ago

Happy Valentines for all you wonderful ladies!!!!!

5 years ago

Oh yeah, I've been getting hot flashes at night starting 2 nights ago which wakes me up - which is REALLY WEIRD for me. I'm always freezing at night (California girl let's all just take THAT with a grain of salt. LOL.)
Send me some V-day because this girl is testing asap!

5 years ago

@Kitkat: LOTS OF Your way!!
@Pandorica: I hope so, too, for you
@Becky: Happy Valentine's Day to you, too

Happy Valentine's Day to ALL you ladies
Early, but feeling down and out already this cycle.

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5 years ago

@crystal - *BIG HUGS TO YOU* Your time will come. Keep me posted on how you're doing girlie.

5 years ago

So after seeing a little something yesterday I wanted to give one last ditch effort to being able to write some news in my husband's Valentine's card... What do you guys think?

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Hoping to grow our family!

5 years ago

@Teacher - big congrats!

AFM: Getting a bit tired of that thing on my neck that won't go away. It popped up around 6 dpo and are like a big pimple, but the kind you can't pop and has to go away by itself.. Starting to get a few more of those, but smaller. Boobs hurt a little, but only a bit. The worst is that I feel so warm. I'm gonna be so bummed if this isn't our little sticky bean! Waiting a few more hours to test. Realised my smu is much better than my fmu. My bbt just keeps on rising too. Really hard not to get my hopes up now. Added a bigger photo of my chart for those who are interested.

This is actually a cycle where I'm not using any "fertility" supplements. I took red maca for 3 cycles and it messed with my ovulation, so I stopped using it. Now I'm only taking vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, magnesium and some pain meds for my fibromyalgia, which I guess I have to stop during the pregnancy just in case.

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5 years ago

@kitkat i really love your nails they look amazing !! I'm sorry babe I dont see anything but if you are 11dpo then it's still too early so I have my fingers crossed for you

@pandorica I get those too it's really annoying I hate it... Hopefully it goes away soon and that bean of yours stick !! I'm rooting for you babe

Honestly I feel like I might lose my shit if I get AF this month... I honestly dont think I'm pregnant which is really upsetting and it's starting to hurt really bad I mean why the hell can't I get it? But I guess it's too early to get depressed and sad lol...

Symptom wise I have this weird sensitive spot underneath my left underarm super odd lol even if I just lower my arms too fast/hard it hurts haha... Also had stinging/burning in my left boob again and I definitely need to pee every 30 min to an hour (which has nothing to do with pregnancy but whatever )

5 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies, I received my positive beta today but it was low 47 13dpo and low progesterone 13.4. :-(

5 years ago

@emma maybe the blood clot has something to do with it? I bled for 8 days with my mc and that was on meds to make the bleeding stop... I'm so sorry you're going through all of this babe I'm sending you so much love and hugs Also, I'm sure you can be ovulating now I know some people who got pregnant before they had their post mc period

@pandorica personally I dont trust IC as they give nasty indents but I mean you've got this girl it's a line and I think its pink so I got my fingers crossed

@crystal I'm 9dpo today but symptoms seem to have gone away which is upsetting me because I really want a freakin positive (and obviously sticky baby)... I'm sorry you have a lot of stress girl hopefully it gets easier the next few days and try to keep your head up okay

@kitkat im sorry AF showed babe

@sam omg congratulations and I hope you have a healthy baby girl !!:bouq

@mistique I also had that before babe fingers crossed

@terra it's still early I hope they can sort it out for you and keep that baby healthy!! I'm holding everything for you

5 years ago • Post starter

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