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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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When I say we've been bd every day I really mean it lol... SO wants to keep going till the 12th to be sure and then obviously the 14th is valentines day so we definitely having sex then lol... Guess who's gonna be pregnant this month lol I wish

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5 years ago • Post starter

Eeeek Anna! You are definitely covering your bases! I have a really good feeling about this cycle for you! xxx

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5 years ago

KitKat welcome!! Hope you’ll get some good news soon!!

Jl yea it sounds like IB! Maybe you’re having an early one too. Fingers crossed for you!

Selera I have a kinda shorter LP so I believe that if it came to be a positive it would be by now. My LP is usually 11-13 dpo. Idk though. That’s my theory maybe I’m wrong.

Anna I really wish this will be your month! You and your SO are so much worth it!!

So yea I tested again half an hour ago 11dpo today and it was negative Yesterday’s shadow was as it seems another ghost shadow on those damn tests.. why do I bother keep buying them? No one to blame but me after all
I’m having period like cramps and I feel maybe she will come earlier. Maybe on Friday... I had a temp jump again but it doesn’t say anything to me. Last month it has to go to cd 3 for my temp to drop other than this nothing. I’m left with my BFN here

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5 years ago

Don’t you just hate it when you overlay your chart to onother pregnancy chart on FF and it aligns so beautifully

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5 years ago

@alex I'm sorry. Those damn evap But it's not over yet xxx I overlay my charts all the time! Don't know why we torchure ourselves xxx

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5 years ago

Scuba your chart is still looking good x

5 years ago

So I did an FRER this morning. I THINK I see something!?!?! If it only started showing yesterday I probably won't get anything stronger for 48 hours but I could help myself. Impossible to see it on the camera so can't take a pic, but it was there immediately. But then again could be another evap! xx

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5 years ago

@emma thank you! xx How are you doing?? xx

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5 years ago

My test still looks about the same but maybe a little more pink, I’m 4 weeks today, I only have a digital left so don’t know when to use it but going to try wait till next week, cancelled all my hospital appointments yesterday lol still haven’t told OH fingers crossed for you scuba xx

5 years ago

Scuba I really hope you’ll get your bfp!!
Emma Can’t wait to see soon the magic word “pregnant” on your Digi!!

I’m so disappointed by my self guys... Next cycle I’ll try to test even later. I can’t deal with this shit anymore. It’s too depressing. It is so much better when you have this hope......

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5 years ago

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