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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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The wondfo tests are still positive and i have no cramping or bleeding

5 years ago

@Emma - I know what you're feeling, it's the same thing here. It doesn't matter if we have been trying for 2 years now, they won't help us because we already have a child.. Like you I'm only looking for answers to why it won't happen, I don't want any treatments or such. But that doesn't matter.. And seeing a private clinic isn't my first option because of the price tag that goes along with it.. It sucks, for sure.

5 years ago

@emma that's terrible they should be willing to help no matter what !! I would get another opinion though or just see someone that is willing to help you and actually listen

@sam I'm hoping your tests stay positive babe I have everything hoping for you!!

@becky thanks girl I just think my odds are really low but I appreciate it

5 years ago • Post starter

It really does suck pando, I plan on getting a referral to a gynae again if I don’t fall pregnant this cycle, last time I saw one he said he don’t know what’s wrong with me and offered me a hysterectomy which obviously isn’t what I want so I plan on seeing someone else, I’ve been told by 2 sonographers that I look like I have pocs but I’ve not been diagnosed so I could do with that being investigated more, hope you manage to get some answers too x

5 years ago

@Anna I test twice a day too. I'm surprised I didn't catch it but I suspect it surged over night CD12 and that is why I missed it. I normally surge in the arvo but the ovulation pain I had on CD13 was so intense i'm not overly worried anything is amiss. This is my chart today so temp rise is looking good. I'm thinking i'm either 1 or 2dpo

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5 years ago

Well this is me guys with another beautiful negative test... Uhg I dont know what to do anymore... Bring on AF... My boobs still hurt though

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5 years ago • Post starter

Sam I really hope you’ll have bfps on all tests soon

Emma I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I don’t understand why a doctor wouldn’t help a person if the person feels that they need help. Definitely never heard that where I live no matter if you have children or not.

Anna I really hope it’s too soon for your test to show positive. Crossing fingers for you girl!

I was wondering this morning if I missed my surge too. I normally ovulate around CD12 and now I’m on cd13 and no positive opks not even close to positive but I keep having ovulation pains since cd10-11. I had a temp jump this morning like the ones you have on 1dpo but I don’t have boob pains that I usually have. I’ll keep testing and BD though and of course I’ll keep charting and see what happens

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5 years ago

Hi @alex we've missed you! xx
@Anna I'm still crossing my fingers too for you
I'm at CD10 and another High reading this morning. Was sure it was going to be Peak. Will see what my opk does today.
My consultant has now referred me to a another specialist and a CT scan of my abdomen this evening. I see him again tomorrow evening to go over the results. Still have this constant dull pain but last night it was mixed with ovulation twinges which are the same as what I was feeling last week before my AF started so not sure if it's O pains or not Plan is to BD again tonight which makes it a consistent every other day. Hopefully it's a good schedule to catch the egg . Temps are being very consistent for now xx

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5 years ago

@alex its odd that your temp spiked up like that but negative opks... I hope you get your surge soon and keep baby dancing girl !!

Okay so I checked my cp and it's still shut closed... I dont know if AF will show today I think its gonna be a long cycle again... I ordered sperm-i-prove for SO today so I'm gonna get him to start taking that... Also sorted out things with my insurance so as soon as AF shows I'm making an appointment to go see the specialist. I'll be ordering inofolic for myself soos as well and start taking that as well as a BBT thermometer or OPKs we'll see how it goes... Giving it our all this cycle as it's the last chance before needing to skip a month or two

5 years ago • Post starter

Hey Scuba! Glad to see you again!! We’re on the same boat here once again! Hopefully we’ll
both catch that egg!

Anna Hopefully you won’t need any of this!!

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5 years ago

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