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October/November Babies 2019*

Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi girls. Quite an update here. I posted before that my doubling time was super quick? Confirmed today it’s twins. Both measuring very healthy. I wish you all luck this cycle. We tried for a year and a half and what I did differently this cycle was: 1. First iui w gonal f 2. Had an hsg done, not sure if maybe that helped them implant even though tubes were clear 3. Doc had me start progesterone supplements twice a day after the iui. I never had very high progesterone levels, so that may have helped? Don’t forget, your time will come. After month after month of BFN and feeling like it would never happen for us, we now got our miracles.

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5 years ago • Edited

Today's test!
@emma sorry to hear your news!

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5 years ago

Laurence I’m 36 to 37 and my husband is 39 and we never had a child. Age is just a number and as you said if you don’t feel complete why to go by what society thinks? And I’m pretty sure there are millions of women who never had a child at this age and there is no one that can tell them they are old... We are as old as we feel and if you feel you can do this then go for it!

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5 years ago

Oh my god!!! Guess what ladies!! I'm pregnant!!!

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5 years ago

I'm heading to town in a few hours and I might pick up some tests... Have to go buy stuff for SO at the cosmetic shop so I'm thinking two normal tests and a digi

5 years ago • Post starter

Thanks ladies! I'll be ok. It looks like my levels are going up. My test today was a little darker. 11dpo today. I definitely feel weird!

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5 years ago

Hi ladies I've moved over! xx @anna sounds like you have the best approach for this cycle!
@JL good luck with ttc2.

I had a dreadful night with my 2 year old daughter. Projectile vomiting and no sleep. Im disregarding my temp today just in case as had a broken 3 hour sleep. Yesterday evening I felt familiar cramps and back ache. App says I'm due in 6 days but I don't think we've done it this cycle. I'm not going to torchure myself and test. I reckon AF will be here by next Monday xx

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5 years ago

Hello ladies!! Jumping in again!!! Hopefully we all will get some good news soon!

JL welcome!! Hopefully you’ll have a quick success this time with a super healthy pregnancy soon!!

Scuba I hope you’ll have the chance to get some rest today!! I know how you feel... feeling kinda the same I don’t know what to say girl! Let’s hope our miracle will come!

Anna We missed you!! But you have to admit!! We keeping your board going lol I saw your post on the other board and I really hope this more relaxed approach will do the trick for you and your SO

Matariki How many DPO are you now? Maybe your hcg didn’t have time to show on your urine after (if we say it was) your implantation spotting..

AFM 8DPO here today and still no symptoms at all other my normal breast tenderness and dull cramps. It is most likely that I’m not pregnant AGAIN... pfff and yes I know I’m not out yet till AF shows but you know? After so many years I think I would know if something changed in my system ????????‍??

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, I'm going to jump in. I just got my peak OPK and tons of EWCM today and hoping for a last week of October squish. It's cycle 3 trying for #2 and if this cycle doesn't work we'll be taking a break so I can have a knee surgery in March.

5 years ago

@scuba @hot those little lines are exciting! Can't wait to see what happens!
@cgml can't wait to hear about some blood work.
@sigkap I'm just starting my tww too! those of you that remember from last board... Guess what! I totally ovulated early! (Dropping caffeine may have helped make my follicular phase shorter?) Anyway, the timing isn't ideal but we last BD'd 36-48 hours before I ovulated I think. So not holding my breath but I'll consider myself "tww" still :)

Hoping to grow our family!

5 years ago

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