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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Amarie. I remember you because I am from the Bahamas. Congratulations. I am super happy for you. I do feel we stress to much about it and builds up the cortisol stress hormone in the body which causes it not to happen.
There will be more cruises.
I am 5/6 dpo and as I’m trying I haven’t stressed or obsessed at all this cycle, added exercise and hoping for the best.
This gives all of hope. Hope everyone gets their BFP.


5 years ago

Bimini: thank you so much! I am so nervous and excited! I can't believe it happened this month for us!
I have zero symptoms other than taking a nap today, but we had a busy day at the Crayola experience in Easton PA with aunite and my daughter. I just want Monday to hurry up so I can take a digital!

5 years ago

Amarie that is very exciting. Thinking back the cycle I conceived I didn’t really have any symptoms. I think only when we “symptom spot” we really have them. But you were not expecting it. I’m happy for you. Keep us posted and I know the digital really makes you feel better.


5 years ago

Omg photomomma! Triplets eeeek! I can't imagine what that would feel like. How terrifying and exciting. I really hope all goes well.

Sorry to those who have not caught their egg yet. It looks like I may be pregnant. I'm 10dpo and getting vfls. My hubby left me on Wednesday so this is very bitter sweet!

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5 years ago many . Congratulations to all the new parents.

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5 years ago

Wow congratulations for all the bfps! My FRER and wondfo were stark white. I feel stupid for hoping and doing a test. I know I'm only about 8/9 DPO but I reckon I'm out. And that's it for the next two months when we are having our break. Maybe this is a good thing. Lose weight weight and get back into shape for our honeymoon in June. xx

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5 years ago

Thanks everyone
@scuba it is still very early and you could still get a this month!

5 years ago

@scuba i’m sorry your FRER was negative. I really thought that line you got yesterday was a positive.
@Matarik congrats on the BFP but sorry to hear about your marriage. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Keeping you in my thoughts
Amarie: congrats!!
I’m 3 dpo today. My 4 year old has been waking up at night a lot the past few months and last night, my husband got up with her because my son was sick (again!) and I was taking care of him. DH was really tired from the interrupted sleep this morning and realized what I have to do every night. He thinks that’s why I am not getting pregnant. He says I’m just not rested enough.

5 years ago

Hello Ladies, My name is Nadia. My 32nd birthday is tomorrow, I have a 4 yr old not so little guy and have been married for 6 1/ 2 years.
I started the ketogenic diet 6 weeks ago, I have lost 15 lbs so far and my period seemed to regulate itself, last AF being Jan 29!
Last week I was visiting my aunt and she low key told my son (Milo) are you ready to be a big Brother, I was thrown off by this lol. Wednesday I was about to cry because Milo was unable to attend his swimming class, which we were already at the pool for, and him being 4 of course he couldn't grasp why not.
Friday I took an internet cheapie, which resulted in a very faint positive, I did an FRER and another cheapie the next day and still faint.
I haven't told my Husband yet as I am waiting for tomorrow as we are going
away for a mini Family vacation

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5 years ago

@Nadia congratulations! Any guess as to what DPO you are? I got a very faint on an internet cheapies and frer last night at 9dpo and this morning was just a faint positive on my cheapie.

5 years ago

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