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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Alex wooohoo! Fingers crossed! Hehe! xx

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5 years ago

So AF due today (cd29 its 1pm already) and no show... Only thing I'm having is gas pains and cramping

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5 years ago • Post starter

Woke up and af showed her ugly face. It's a bit weird that I always get my period on time, even when it's a chemical pregnancy. I've only been late 2 or 3 times with a chemical, and that was only 2 days. Oh well, I'll still be around in this thread since we have a shot at a November baby. Hope to see some more bfp's in here!

5 years ago

@pandorica I can't believe it! I'm so sorry. It just sucks xxx

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5 years ago

@pandorica oh no babe that sucks I'm sorry !!

Am I the only one in the waiting game left?

Okay so maybe tmi I dunno... I am having the worst bloating and gas ever !! I was standing outside and I got such intense cramps that I thought AF was here... I ran to the bathroom and nothing... Even checked my CP and there was no blood or spotting or anything it's still firm and closed. I then thought maybe I just really need to go to the bathroom as I have this weird constipation thing going on but still nothing... Cramps lasted about a minute and then disappeared again... no idea what's going on

5 years ago • Post starter

I’m back for another month and on CD 11. I usually ovulate on CD 14, but was surprised to get a nearly positive OKP yesterday and this morning. We haven’t BD yet, but hoping we can find some time tonight. I’d be so sad if we were too late or missed the window. Fingers crossed.

5 years ago

Another crazy update... So after the intense cramping went away I got a stinging pinching pain right there for a few seconds as well as lower back aches while the stinging lasted... I honestly have no idea what's going on...

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5 years ago • Post starter

@anna is there any chance you ovulated late? Your symptoms sound so much like implantation.

5 years ago

@sam have you tested again today ? Hope you still get your positive x

5 years ago

@Anna: I'm still waiting for AF... AF was due today but nothing so far, but still getting BFN so I'm sure she's around the corner... Hoping she doesn't show for you!
@Pandorica: I'm so sorry AF showed for you... I was really hoping your tests would darken into for sure BFP

AFM: Still awaiting AF, she was due today. She's been early for several previous cycles before TTC and NOW she decides to show late and make me wait to try again next cycle... what a witch-face!! I'll still have a shot at a November baby, though, so I'll still be stalking this thread until AF shows and leaves again... fingers crossed for all of you in the TWW or ovulating!

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5 years ago

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