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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Feeling out this month now. I think AF will show up tomorrow or Wednesday. Just want her to hurry up so we can move on to a new month!
Plus if it doesn't happen this month we have to take March and April off because I will be out of town during o time.

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5 years ago

Damn girls yesterday I was like "let me create a new forum to keep up" and today there's 3 pages worth already lol...

@everyone new welcome to the gang and I'm hoping for those bfp from you guys !!

P.S. I also see a line on the test I have my fingers crossed

@alex girl it's been fun lol and I appreciate that you guys keep it going it makes me happy I'm sure you still have a chance for pregnancy most people actually dont have true symptoms till 6 weeks

So I havent opened any of my period apps yet so I honestly dont have any idea when AF will be due, I dont have any idea when I'm entering my green week or not. Unfortunately I did get a notification from one app that said "You're ovulating Ferbruary 7th" lol but I dont think its accurate... I have to say though this cycle is so much fun SO and I have been bd every night for 3 days in a row now and honestly I don't care and we're having so much fun

5 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies, I did a cheapie this morning and reckon it was an evap yesterday. So that's it! I'm promising not to test again until I'm past my AF date. CCTM put me only at 4DPO but on FF I'm 10DPO. If I'm only 4 there's no chance I'm pregnant as we didn't BD at all in that window. I guess time will tell! xx

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, I'm gonna join you this month too. It's cd 13 for me and I'm ovulating in a few days. Decided to take my bbt this month and use digital opk.

Good luck everyone, and wishing for lots of bfp's!

5 years ago

Bright red spotting for me tonight. I have accepted this cycle wasn't the one so i'm hoping af comes full flow sooner rather than later so I can reset the clock. I'm going to try bbt charting this coming cycle. I've never done it so not really sure about it.

5 years ago • Edited

@pandorica good luck! @matarik I'm sorry. Here's hoping you can reset quickly!

What is typical cm when you are pregnant? I'm trying to symptom spot! xx

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5 years ago

@scuba when I was pregnant I had EWCM which I dont ever have lol... I was around 5 weeks when i got it, before then i had a thinner version of creamy cm

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna thank you! I'm sure last cycle I started spotting right about now. That's got to be a good sign for me! xx

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5 years ago

Wow so many members in here! Welcome to everyone and hopefully we’ll have as many bfps!!

9DPO here today and I wanted to test late evening just to check if the statistics are right but in order for this to work one must be pregnant which I’m probably not. I had a temp jump this morning and got me exited so I tested with fmu and of course it was negative. I wasn’t very surprised though and I didn’t get sad... I think I’m in the phase that I accepted my infertility... I’ll keep going anyways! Hope dies last!!!

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5 years ago

@alex keep going! Still early to test so I'm crossing my fingers for you! xx When is your AF due? xx

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5 years ago

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