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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@emma that's terrible they should be willing to help no matter what !! I would get another opinion though or just see someone that is willing to help you and actually listen

@sam I'm hoping your tests stay positive babe I have everything hoping for you!!

@becky thanks girl I just think my odds are really low but I appreciate it

5 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies, so just got my results from my CT scan. I have a 1.7cm cyst on my right ovary. So now I need the internal us (which I should have had the other day ) and a gynae referal. Can you still try for a baby with a cyst?? xx

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5 years ago

Eeeek OK ????. I'll try just before bed as peed an hour ago so need to hold it now xx

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5 years ago

Another pic on white background xx

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5 years ago

Amarie. I remember you because I am from the Bahamas. Congratulations. I am super happy for you. I do feel we stress to much about it and builds up the cortisol stress hormone in the body which causes it not to happen.
There will be more cruises.
I am 5/6 dpo and as I’m trying I haven’t stressed or obsessed at all this cycle, added exercise and hoping for the best.
This gives all of hope. Hope everyone gets their BFP.


5 years ago

@matarik congratulations on your bfp. I’m terribly sorry about your marriage. I’ll keep you in prayer and it will all work out.
@nadia congratulations.
@agatch yes sound like you need more rest. So nice that Hubby realizes and willing to help.
@Anna sounds like you’ll be pregnant even before the 3 months if you and SO keep that up. Lol
To everyone waiting good luck and congratulations to anyone I missed. As it’s been quite a few bfp. I hope to be next. I’m 6/7 dpo and I plan to test about 12dpo or later.


5 years ago

Hi everyone, we are back ttc again. I am 28, married for 5 years with 1 little one. I am currently ttc #2 and am looking for ttc buddies to help keep my sanity. This is my first cycle ovulating post partum (18 months with no AF). I had 2 miscarriages back to back (1 was ectopic) last time we were ttc so I am super nervous about ttc #2. I was shocked to be having signs of ovulation a couple days ago as it has been so long since I have had a cycle, but super excited I realized what was happening and was able to track a bit/BD. that my cycles will at least exist now & be regular.

girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

Hi ladies I've moved over! xx @anna sounds like you have the best approach for this cycle!
@JL good luck with ttc2.

I had a dreadful night with my 2 year old daughter. Projectile vomiting and no sleep. Im disregarding my temp today just in case as had a broken 3 hour sleep. Yesterday evening I felt familiar cramps and back ache. App says I'm due in 6 days but I don't think we've done it this cycle. I'm not going to torchure myself and test. I reckon AF will be here by next Monday xx

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5 years ago

@JLtyc welcome to the group i don't know if we can keep your sanity going but we're all somewhat insane so welcome to the family lol

@scuba damn babe it sucks to be back for another cycle but fingers crossed right I'm sorry you had a tough night with the toddler... Hopefully you'll get a bfp and not AF but I agree with waiting to test till she's past due

5 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies!! Jumping in again!!! Hopefully we all will get some good news soon!

JL welcome!! Hopefully you’ll have a quick success this time with a super healthy pregnancy soon!!

Scuba I hope you’ll have the chance to get some rest today!! I know how you feel... feeling kinda the same I don’t know what to say girl! Let’s hope our miracle will come!

Anna We missed you!! But you have to admit!! We keeping your board going lol I saw your post on the other board and I really hope this more relaxed approach will do the trick for you and your SO

Matariki How many DPO are you now? Maybe your hcg didn’t have time to show on your urine after (if we say it was) your implantation spotting..

AFM 8DPO here today and still no symptoms at all other my normal breast tenderness and dull cramps. It is most likely that I’m not pregnant AGAIN... pfff and yes I know I’m not out yet till AF shows but you know? After so many years I think I would know if something changed in my system ????????‍??

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5 years ago

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