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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Alex, chin up buttercup! We are not giving up, we are not quitters! We are BadASS women that KNOW the struggle better than anyone! AND WHEN not if but WHEN we all get our BFP its gonna be even sweeter! remember that, dont give up. I know its hard and I literally just posted a super depressing post of my feelings but you know what sometimes all a girl needs is some good lovin' ant that makes you feel better. We are here for each other!! so dont get discourage. We will get there xoxo

5 years ago

@sam I can see a shadow but not sure if it's an evap. I've had a few like that this week. Have you got an FRER you can try too? xx

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5 years ago

Wow what a busy post the past few days!
AF finally showed up 4 days late in full force haha. After work this weekend I am having a large glass of sangria (or two) and going to just have fun and enjoy it this month

5 years ago

Emma I think you will get pregnant on the digi now. So for sure tomorrow. Congratulations again. I’m happy for you and can’t wait to see the pic of the digi.


5 years ago

@emma here are the levels :
Clearblue (manual and digital tests): 22 mIU/ml
e.p.t. (manual and digital tests): 22 mIU/ml
First Response Early Results: 6.3 mIU/ml

Your numbers double over 48-72 hours. So I would hope you are close to digi levels xx

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5 years ago

Going to buy another digi ladies, will I still be ok to use it if I do a 4 hour hold ? I’m about 15dpo

5 years ago

Hey again!
Another month of trying. I think my body is back to normal it was all over the place for last few months. I believe I ovulated 3 days ago but have been baby dancing pretty much every day just so we don't miss it. But the month seem like I'm back to normal. it would but prefect if we got this month being I would be finding out on my partner birthday and beginning of the 2nd trimester would be my birthday (or if I calculated right lol) I don't want to get my hopes up but it would be pretty awesome if it did.
@kitkat that sounds like a good sign I hope you get that bfp very soon
@crystal hope your little one is feeling better. Hope you get a bfp soon!

5 years ago

@scuba - Only 6 dpo today.

Thanks ladies, I really hope my chart so far are indicating something good. But only time will tell. And boy, is it hard to wait!

5 years ago

@Sam, if you don't have you period it's fine.
Let you body work out.
Wait a couple of days ( I know its hard) if AF does not show it will go back to positive
LOVEEEEEEE! everything will be fine

@ anna, I think this is your month!!!!

5 years ago

@Emma - I know what you're feeling, it's the same thing here. It doesn't matter if we have been trying for 2 years now, they won't help us because we already have a child.. Like you I'm only looking for answers to why it won't happen, I don't want any treatments or such. But that doesn't matter.. And seeing a private clinic isn't my first option because of the price tag that goes along with it.. It sucks, for sure.

5 years ago

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