Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
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Hi everyone!!!!!!
I think @scuba and I have very similar patterns/time line and symptoms.
I ran the half marathon on my ovulation day, so I think that screwed my cycle this month :( I had a positive OPK the day before the race, but them another positive 3 days later, I think my body was exhausted after the race to ovulate.......
But the weekend and today my boobs are sore and I have some pulling and pinching, so I hope ovulation just occurred later than usual, AF is expected in 3-5 days
Have a great week!!!!!!!!
5 years ago
Hey ladies. Jumped over from the other board.
@Anna hope your relaxed method works for you!
@scuba I also caved this morning when I realized I hadn’t peed in the middle of the night. I think I see the line on yours!!
I think I see something but only 8dpo so going to try and wait a few days before testing again.
And also I had such bad Evaps with FRERs last month that I don’t really trust them at all.
5 years ago • Edited
@scuba, according to countdown and my normal calculation AF should be here wed/thursday I have 26-27 day cycles....... so if by sat morning I see nothing I think it will be a good idea to test given I ovulated late this cycle :)
If you read a tantrum from me on wednesday hahahahahaha that isa good sign that AF is coming and I don't need to test ahhahahahahha
Good luck everybody!!!!!!!! a wish a lot of BFP!!!!!!!
5 years ago
Morning ladies! My period is due tomorrow or Wednesday, however, I had horrible pms cramps at our Superbowl party last night. I took a frer test Saturday with what looked like a bfn but other people said they saw stuff so maybe I'm not out this month yet.
My BBT thermometer also showed up from Amazon last night and I got to use it before but to find out I had a 101.7 fever with a 99.6 when I woke up this morning. Yuck.
Here is to hoping, otherwise I have a large glass of sangria with my name on it if AF shows up!
5 years ago
Hi all! Jumping in on this group chat. We've been TTC #2 for 7 months TTC (including an ectopic which took forever to resolve). Going crazy here as I tested a week ago Monday, with a BFN. Started what seemed like a light AF on Tuesday (on schedule). Assumed I was out but had nausea and tender breasts that persisted after AF (uncommon), plus AF never got heavier. Got a BFP on Thursday which has gotten darker everyday (had a very dark positive today). While TTC #1 I had two miscarriages, all that had spotting/bleeding, and my ectopic recently also had spotting so I am trying to remain prepared for the worst. Typically my BFPs didn't get darker with prior miscarriages so DH and I are still cautiously optimistic (him more than me, I think). Still, my bleeding was more than spotting (enough to fool me that it was AF) so I know that doesn't bode well -- plus the fact that the bleeding started before BFP is very weird IMO. That had never happened before either. Due date would be October 7. Curious if anyone has had similar experiences?
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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