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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi ladies, is there anyone on here with pcos ? I’ve been given an ultrasound appointment Thursday to check my ovaries ( won’t get the results till next week) but it was mentioned to me many years ago I had pcos. What I wanted to know if any one who has pcos has the diet helped any of your symptoms? I have problems with a lot of those food groups anyways so will be giving it ago x

5 years ago

@sam I'm so sorry
@alex here we go again! I'm 2dpo I think! I'm not testing either.i just don't have the energy or inclination plus chances are so slim this cycle why waste the money We are having our two month break after this which in all honesty I can't wait! No tracking- nothing!
@emma it's good you've got an appointment. I hope it goes well. I have mine in a few hours xx

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5 years ago

Well, looks like I got my ovulation timing wrong and I didn’t actually ovulate before. There’s no denying this positive. Hopefully I can talk my SO into BDing tonight. I thought I had missed the window this month so this is a second chance.

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5 years ago

Cd 15 and still waiting for a positive opk , seem to be going backwards

5 years ago

@Lawrence: That is definitely positive, wow!
@Sam: So sorry AF showed... I thought for sure you were getting positives

For ladies ovulating or waiting to
For those in the TWW,
For those who AF showed up for I'm so sorry to hear.... best wishes for next cycle, though!

I'm still waiting for AF to go away... Really stinks, I feel like I'm the only one who is stuck with her for the full 7 days. It's really annoying.
On another note, to help keep me cheered up and from going absolutely obsessive with TTC, my husband let me adopt 2 bunnies from our humane society they are amazing, I love them so much! They are father and son, both are neutered, and I've been wanting a pet for a while. I've never been without a pet this long before. I don't have time for a puppy, my husband doesn't like cats (although I love them), and birds can be loud and bite my toddlers. I've lived with bunnies before when my stepmom owned them, so I do know how to properly care for one and did more research before adopting. They both use their litter box about 95% of the time, so it is so easy to clean up after them. It's really helping to distract me!

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5 years ago

Hey everyone just checking in !! So AF stopped today (cd4) its been a really light cycle which is odd lol but oh well... Seeing the doctor on Friday I'll keep everyone posted with the results... Also is anyone's due date in October? I want to create a November Due Date group but I also feel like there might be some still in October maybe even early December? Let me know

5 years ago • Post starter

Update from me. Internal US shows no cysts . She said it was probably the left over follicle from last month but what ever it was it's gone now. She can tell I have ovulated from the left ovary this month. She said she can see some small fibroids top of my womb but nothing to worry about. She wants me to have a spectrum of blood tests plus an hsg tube dye test to check I still have open tubes. We have to pay for all of this privately which is a lot of money She also wants hubby to do a sperm test. I'd say we are talking about £1k before anything. Going to see my gp this week to see what tests I can get done on the NHS. Hubby thinks that we shouldn't waste the money and are blessed to have our daughter. She said that at my age it will be difficult to fall pregnant and 50% result in miscarriage. She suggests ovary stimulation I'm guessing something like Clomid and timed BDing. Going to think about all of this as don't want to try until May after this cycle so will pointless paying to do everything now. xx

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5 years ago

@scuba that sucks babe I'm sorry but I'm glad you have no cysts and things going on... Maybe do the tests in your time off and then when you decide to try again do the stimulants if you decide to do that... It sucks about the miscarriage thing but I'm sure you'll be great

5 years ago • Post starter

It’s good to hear everyone’s updates. Hoping we all get some good news soon. @anna my due date would be late November, and I’m CD 16. I’m guessing there aren’t any October due dates left on here.

5 years ago

@sam - Oh no, sorry af showed.

@crystal - Yay, bunnies! I absolutely adore bunnies! I got my first when I was twelve and actually bred them for a few years, when I lived at home. Have been without one for a few years now and this year we are finally getting two, one for my soon 6 year old son and one for me.

AFM: CD 6 at the moment and af disappeared a day sooner than I expected. I usually bleed for 4 days and then 2 days of spotting, but sometimes I only bleed for 3 days with 1-2 days of spotting. This time it was a 3 day period. Hopefully I don't ovulate later than cd 16, 'cause my husband will be away for work after that. So fingers crossed.

5 years ago

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