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Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by laughs)
Hi all! Jumping in on this group chat. We've been TTC #2 for 7 months TTC (including an ectopic which took forever to resolve). Going crazy here as I tested a week ago Monday, with a BFN. Started what seemed like a light AF on Tuesday (on schedule). Assumed I was out but had nausea and tender breasts that persisted after AF (uncommon), plus AF never got heavier. Got a BFP on Thursday which has gotten darker everyday (had a very dark positive today). While TTC #1 I had two miscarriages, all that had spotting/bleeding, and my ectopic recently also had spotting so I am trying to remain prepared for the worst. Typically my BFPs didn't get darker with prior miscarriages so DH and I are still cautiously optimistic (him more than me, I think). Still, my bleeding was more than spotting (enough to fool me that it was AF) so I know that doesn't bode well -- plus the fact that the bleeding started before BFP is very weird IMO. That had never happened before either. Due date would be October 7. Curious if anyone has had similar experiences?
5 years ago
@cgml I'm sorry to hear about your ectopic. I had one back in 2015 that also took forever to resolve. Pregnant in the July but started bleeding but numbers went up. Diagnosed ectopic in the August. Hit 0 in the November Sounds you might have had implantation bleeding last week. You should go for some blood work up as risk of another ectopic is high. Then you can see if your numbers are doubling. Keep us posted! xx
5 years ago
@scuba @hot those little lines are exciting! Can't wait to see what happens!
@cgml can't wait to hear about some blood work.
@sigkap I'm just starting my tww too! those of you that remember from last board... Guess what! I totally ovulated early! (Dropping caffeine may have helped make my follicular phase shorter?) Anyway, the timing isn't ideal but we last BD'd 36-48 hours before I ovulated I think. So not holding my breath but I'll consider myself "tww" still :)
5 years ago
@scuba @hot those little lines are exciting! Can't wait to see what happens!
@cgml can't wait to hear about some blood work.
@sigkap I'm just starting my tww too! those of you that remember from last board... Guess what! I totally ovulated early! (Dropping caffeine may have helped make my follicular phase shorter?) Anyway, the timing isn't ideal but we last BD'd 36-48 hours before I ovulated I think. So not holding my breath but I'll consider myself in the tww still :)
5 years ago • Edited
@scuba - thanks for the reply and fingers crossed for you and a sticky bean!! And so sorry for your ectopic - sounds like we had very similar timelines, though my numbers went down initially (so I knew it was non-viable) before going back up. I'm super worried that it's happened again given the bleeding; it was really a terrible experience. I did get my blood drawn on Friday evening as my obgyn's office would like to monitor closely b/c of the previous ectopic. I haven't gotten the results yet - I just called and the results are "in" but my doctor hasn't reviewed them yet. Though I know I'll just have to go in again today for a second draw and they won't be keen to draw any conclusions one way or another with just one draw.
@Teacherswife - will definitely post when I have definitive blood work results. Hope you get a BFP this month!
I'm so thankful for groups like this, it's comforting to have others who are talking about their experiences.
5 years ago
Back again too! 4 dpo and waiting
@scuba and @hot those are promising little lines! I'm excited! Hope they get dark soon
@cgml I hope blood work shows a healthy pregancy
I'm pretty sure I ovulated last Thursday (got O pain + cervix went from HOS to low and closed) but got EWCM last night Cervix is low and closed still so I really don't think I'm ovulating late. Not sure what's up.
5 years ago • Edited
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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