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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@emma maybe the blood clot has something to do with it? I bled for 8 days with my mc and that was on meds to make the bleeding stop... I'm so sorry you're going through all of this babe I'm sending you so much love and hugs Also, I'm sure you can be ovulating now I know some people who got pregnant before they had their post mc period

@pandorica personally I dont trust IC as they give nasty indents but I mean you've got this girl it's a line and I think its pink so I got my fingers crossed

@crystal I'm 9dpo today but symptoms seem to have gone away which is upsetting me because I really want a freakin positive (and obviously sticky baby)... I'm sorry you have a lot of stress girl hopefully it gets easier the next few days and try to keep your head up okay

@kitkat im sorry AF showed babe

@sam omg congratulations and I hope you have a healthy baby girl !!:bouq

@mistique I also had that before babe fingers crossed

@terra it's still early I hope they can sort it out for you and keep that baby healthy!! I'm holding everything for you

5 years ago • Post starter

Just a quick update for me... The thing underneath my arm went awaymostly ltoday... No sore boobs, no cramping yet (it is 6am lol so nothing much to report)... I'm trying to leave my boobs alone as I feel it creates tenderness that isnt hormone related... I'm actually a bit sad because I had cramping, sore boobs, and and and before I got my positive with baby no1 and it started at 7dpo but I have nothing now

5 years ago • Post starter

KitKat sorry AF showed.
Emma I’m really sorry for your loss. I don’t think BD could hurt at this point. Might happen on this cycle. I would start so you don’t miss it.
Anna don’t beat yourself up and keep positive. I feel good about it for you.
Sam huge congratulations to you!! I am really happy for you and that good news. I hope there are more to follow.
I’m still here CD 4. So this is the calm part. AF is over after only 3 days.
Fingers crossed for everyone testing now or soon!!


5 years ago

Sorry Emma. I just saw the update. I hope you pass it soon on your own.


5 years ago

So the cramping continues on both sides... We'll see what happens

5 years ago • Post starter

@Sam - Congrats!

As for me, I'm going to assume I'm out.. Don't know what was up with that early response at 8 dpo, maybe a faulty one. The IC yesterday must have been a pretty convincing evap, 'cause the early response I took half an hour ago is almost stark white..

5 years ago

Uhg i want to test so badly I want to know if I'm pregnant already!!!! Why is it taking so long Lol says me who ie terrified of having another negative... On the plus side I havent tested yet and I'm 9dpo today so I'm holding out good

5 years ago • Post starter

I’m feeling really sore now and still not passed it , debating weather to go a&e but would they do anything ? I can’t stand this pain now

5 years ago

Ok so went to the doctor on Wednesday about the pain I have been having on my left side off and on along with what feels like uterine pulsing discomfort. They did blood work and it was normal so not pregnant. Doctor expects I either have a cyst or the start of another ectopic pregnancy. So today I took a test and the start of this second line was there in 30 seconds, but it was hard to capture on camera. At 10 minutes it looked like the photo. I am starting to think doc may be right and it is the start of another ectopic. Wednesday she had me schedule an ultrasound for the 25th to check because that is the soonest they could get me in. I just don’t know what to think right now. I don’t know if I can mentally handle a 3rd miscarriage.

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girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

@Sam congrats!!!!
@emma I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. That sound so painful I hope it resolves soon!
@JL my thoughts are with you, I hope some good news comes your way. Everything will be okay!
@Anna I'm anxious for you to test too!!
@pandorica Don't count yourself out yet girl! It's still early
@mistique, @crystal where you at??
Sorry if I missed people! This is a busy thread!

Hoping to grow our family!

5 years ago • Edited

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