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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@agatch I hope its not an evap but an actual line I've got my fingers crossed

Loads of cramping for me today... On both sides and currently as I'm talking... I also get period type cramps when I have to pee but dont go immediately so I assume it's a uti? (Not sure how it feels)

5 years ago • Post starter

I'm 7 dpo today and symptom whise I barely have any so far. Only feeling a bit warmer than usual, but that's not uncommon for me after ovulation. Maybe some slight pinching, but not much. My bbt is steadily rising, at least so far. Starting to get sick of all this waiting. Never thought we would pass 2 years, but here we are. Ah well, not much I can do about it more than I already am.

5 years ago

@Anna: I've had UTI's off and on for many, many years... they can be painful from cramping to the pain during and after peeing. The feeling you have to pee but only dribble is the most uncomfortable feeling!! And it can cause pink when you wipe if you have a tad of blood in your urine, which I have experienced also. It causes bad cramping that feels just like AF, too! I take AZO for bad symptoms, but not sure if its safe to take if possibly pregnant or TTC?

@amarie: best wishes to you and your future travels!

@Pandorica: Your chart still looks amazing! I am 6-7dpo also and not too many symptoms other than a sudden decrease in appetite and cramping a bit still...

@agatch: I get your feelings with the possible evap, but for you!

@Kitkat: If its only pink when wiping and you don't even need a pantyliner, I wouldn't think it is AF early...

@BiminiL Sorry AF showed, but the relaxed approach is the best... it is when I finally conceived my

AF: 6-7dpo, another negative hpt this morning. Only symptoms is sudden decrease in appetite and mild cramping, still. Feeling super tired today and just sort of blah... I need to stop testing because it is already starting to get me down seeing the neg test this morning. I know it is still early, but I at least got a squinter at 7dpo with previous pregnancies, so it is already starting to make me think I'm out... Need to stop testing until at least this weekend!

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5 years ago

@emma-- I'm so sorry you're going through this. There is no ache like that of empty arms. I hope you do have another chance.
@Pandorica--I so admire your perseverance. May it not be required any more!
@itsAnna--you are so fun. This journey is so much better shared with you and the rest of these amazing ladies!

As for me--AF is due tomorrow or Friday. My Hubby and I had our big Valentine's date last night to try to keep the pressure off. So glad we did--we had a wonderful time! We watched "Young Victoria" at an arts center, and we were the only ones to show up because of terrible snow. It became a private viewing! :D But I've been getting mood swings (a PMS sign for me) and a temp dip this morning, so I fear I'm out this month. Trying to remember that There's more to life than ttc...

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5 years ago

So, I looked back at my previous pregnancy tests (which are still on this site) and my first very-much-a-squinter was at 8dpo, not 7dpo LOL... much clearer around 10dpo... so going to try to hold out on testing again until Saturday morning... Due to the symptoms I have logged yesterday and today, CTP says my probability of being pregnant is 22.8% now instead of just 20%... is this going to happen every cycle? I wonder how accurate their increase in % is? What do you ladies show in their analysis this cycle if you are in your TWW??

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5 years ago

Finally AF showed up! Onto cycle #14 I believe! I called my RE to confirm how to take my Clomid and when to schedule an ultrasound. I'm waiting on a call back. Im so anxious to get started on a new journey. First time taking fertility meds and excited to see if it works. If I get pregnant this cycle I'll be due around Nov 25th.... But I will have a C-section at 39 weeks... So I'm estimating the week of Nov 18th... Fingers crossed!
I wish everyone the best of luck on their journey! And congrats to the BFPs!

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5 years ago

@adoette, i've had pink and brown, but I think it's slowing down now. I want to test sooooo bad! Trying to wait it out.

5 years ago

So I took a test on the off chance I'd get a positive and could surprise hubby on Valentine's day. Pretty sure it's a BFN! My line eyes see a little something, but I'm thinking it's an indent! Im really having no symptoms so I wasn't expecting anything.

Hoping to grow our family!

5 years ago

I went and checked it again and this is what I see... Do you guys think evap? I checked the clock right away and it would have been 13 mins

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Hoping to grow our family!

5 years ago

@teacher hard to say from the pic. How many dpo?
@kitkat Fingers crossed that sounds really good! How many dpo? I think you were just like me so 13, right? How long is your LP usually?
@Nicole Best of luck to you for this coming cycle!
@crystal things can also be so different from one pregnancy to the next. Any line at all at 7 dpo is rare so I wouldn't worry about a BFN at 7 dpo. I don't really trust the algorithm for the %age increase and decrease. Some of it sounds good like if you get a BFN after 9 dpo your number goes down which sounds statistically valid but other than that symptoms vary so much from one person to the other that I don't really worry much about it. I think it is more important to compare symptoms to your past cycles and see if some things are really out of the ordinary for you.
AFM, 13 dpo and no AF so far. The past 4 cycles I only had a 13 day LP so I've been thinking AF was here all day but every time I check, still nothing. I use to have a 14 day LP so maybe I am just going back to that. I can't help but thinking that there may still be hope although I really feel like AF is coming and got another BFN today (with quite diluted afternoon urine but still). I just wish AF would just show up already so I don't spend half of the night awake wondering if I should go check... Or maybe I should wish for more sanity and patience so I can just be rational and reasonable about the whole thing !!

5 years ago

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