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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Teacher - big congrats!

AFM: Getting a bit tired of that thing on my neck that won't go away. It popped up around 6 dpo and are like a big pimple, but the kind you can't pop and has to go away by itself.. Starting to get a few more of those, but smaller. Boobs hurt a little, but only a bit. The worst is that I feel so warm. I'm gonna be so bummed if this isn't our little sticky bean! Waiting a few more hours to test. Realised my smu is much better than my fmu. My bbt just keeps on rising too. Really hard not to get my hopes up now. Added a bigger photo of my chart for those who are interested.

This is actually a cycle where I'm not using any "fertility" supplements. I took red maca for 3 cycles and it messed with my ovulation, so I stopped using it. Now I'm only taking vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, magnesium and some pain meds for my fibromyalgia, which I guess I have to stop during the pregnancy just in case.

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5 years ago

@kitkat i really love your nails they look amazing !! I'm sorry babe I dont see anything but if you are 11dpo then it's still too early so I have my fingers crossed for you

@pandorica I get those too it's really annoying I hate it... Hopefully it goes away soon and that bean of yours stick !! I'm rooting for you babe

Honestly I feel like I might lose my shit if I get AF this month... I honestly dont think I'm pregnant which is really upsetting and it's starting to hurt really bad I mean why the hell can't I get it? But I guess it's too early to get depressed and sad lol...

Symptom wise I have this weird sensitive spot underneath my left underarm super odd lol even if I just lower my arms too fast/hard it hurts haha... Also had stinging/burning in my left boob again and I definitely need to pee every 30 min to an hour (which has nothing to do with pregnancy but whatever )

5 years ago • Post starter

Ladies I completely stopped bleeding yesterday, so had a total of 3 days, it wasn’t anything like my periods either, is that it ? I’m was kind of expecting atleast a week etc, is only a few days normal for a early miscarriage ? Hope this is ok to ask here, I find you ladies so knowledgeable and helpful so your my first to ask ladies xx

5 years ago

@Emma - It can be completely normal. Sometimes it's like a heavier period, and sometimes it can be lighter. I always bleed 3-4 days, including the cycles where I had my chemical pregnancies.

5 years ago

Ugh, I was at least expecting to see a shadow like line on today's test. But it's stark white. I know it's early, but I still feel bummed out.

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5 years ago

On a more confusing note - I got this after only a 2 hour hold.. Not sure which test to trust at the moment, since IC's are notorious for evaps.. But it's stronger than the lines I've gotten before on these.

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5 years ago

@Anna: Thank you, I know it is too early to start feeling down and out yet, but I'll get over it. Your symptoms are promising! How many dpo are you now? Your dinner sounded so romantic! My hubby got me a super huge box of Twix that says "I love you TWIX much" LOL... in case anyone was wondering what my favorite candy was

@Emma: I am unsure about the short bleeding. My late miscarriage I bled 2-3 weeks, my chemical I bled maybe a day longer than AF usually is... so I have no advice for you on the shortness of the bleeding...

@teacher: Congrats, that definitely looks positive!

@Pandorica: I personally HATE CB for early testing... blue dye tests at all for that matter. I definitely see something stronger on the IC test! Seems more solid and noticeable than your ER from yesterday! Your chart looks even more amazing!

@Kitkat: Ditto on the nails like Anna said!! I also do not see anything, but those $1 are not the best at picking up positives this early. So don't count yourself out yet

@agatch: So sorry AF showed for you

AFM: Another blaring this morning. Of course at 9dpo, I honestly don't know why I expect to see a blazing positive but I am still letting it get to me because I've been emotional the past couple days. Stressing over bills lately isn't helping (our mortgage went up) so a little bit of a hint of a line would've just been the thing to cheer me up... Hopefully I'll start to see the hint of something soon...

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5 years ago

pandorica - I can definitely see a line on your IC!!

5dpo and I've been having crazy cramps today - at one point I had to stop and lean against a table for a little while

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5 years ago

Ladies dr has confirmed I’m now not pregnant by blood test, I also did a home test which was negative, I’m going to see gp later to check me over and make sure everything is ok ( I feel weird downstairs) anyways I tried a opk yesterday which was faint then I’ve done this one today and looks like I’m coming up to ovulate maybe soon, can I ovulate early after a chemical ? I think we are going to try again this month so obviously don’t want to miss it but not sure weather to trust this or not again thank you ladies for your support x

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5 years ago

I think I'm out. I did some research and it looked like AF came early. It started light and got heavier with clots ...and got a sizable one after the test. AF can suck it.

5 years ago

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