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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@photomama omg that's so exciting I'm so happy for you !! Congrats babe I'm shouting !!

5 years ago • Post starter

Okay so my cervix dropped, went soft and is starting to open so I think AF should be here within the next day or so (cd27)

5 years ago • Post starter

Ok ladies, temp drop this morning so I did this with fmu, I know I shouldn’t have so I will test again later, looks like I might ovulate in the next few days, we dtd yesterday as I felt upto doing it and everything feels fine so hopefully we are a go now to ttc again

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5 years ago

Anna I hope af stays away for you x

5 years ago

@emma it could definitely be possible that you are ovulating again soon I wouldn't be surprised... If you feel emotionally okay get on it babe and make that baby !! And thank you, I really hope so too I got my positive at cd29 last time and it was faint so cd27 (today) could still be early for me I'm just losing hope slowly at a time

5 years ago • Post starter

Anna I have long and irregular cycles with my last couple of children it wasn’t till 6 weeks after my last cycle that I got a bfp but I also wasn’t tracking ovulation so didn’t know when it all happened, you still have a chance, fingers crossed for you

5 years ago

@emma I'm for reals holding on to hope if no AF by Friday I'll test again I might actually wait till next week depending on how I feel...

Weird update I just went to pee and something pinched the sh*t out of me lol... I actually jumped on the toilet it felt like a needle stuck into my cervix and it's been pulling ever since

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna ooo that's an interesting sign! I really hope you get your positive. Since you didn't really track this cycle you may have ovulated later so you could be testing earlier than you think you are
@emma good luck with BDing!
@photomama wooohoo! Such incredible news!
I have my scan at lunchtime today and am fasting. I'm starving!!! OPKS are still negative but then I'm only CD8! Another High reading on the monitor and tons of ewcm so going to try to BD tonight. I think the plan is every other day until I get the positive. We are just too knackered to go for it every day xx

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5 years ago

Got my test in the mail today and used the fmu I saved in a cup. As I feared (and sadly expected) it's barely a shadow. I'm going to get in contact with a doctor and see if he/she can check my thyroid levels. I want to get it checked to make sure if it's my fibromyalgia that makes me feel this way, or my thyroid. I always feel exhausted, no matter how much I sleep, so I barely have any energy to do stuff not even basic house chores. And I'm always cold/bad blood circulation. My mum have had thyroid problems for years and now have an enlarged thyroid. IF it's my thyroid levels, that could be the explanation to my chemical pregnancies.

5 years ago

@pandorica Temps still look amazing though. Do you have a pic of your recent test?

I forgot to add my pre ovulation temps are very consistent this cycle. I wonder what's going on! xxx

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5 years ago

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