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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@JL - I've always thought half a line means the test was "invalid". Being in limbo is so horrible, thats a long time to have to wait for a scan

7dpo here. Little bit of cramping today, had more RLP when I got up too fast overnight. Trying to not get my hopes up. It's my birthday this week. A BFP would be amazing, but I keep telling myself a BFN means I can have some birthday drinks with some friends on the weekend.

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5 years ago

@emma it's scary but it might be best babe... It might also help with getting pregnant faster afterwards as it cleans out everything and opens you up for sperm Good luck babe

@JL I hope its not another ectopic but a normal baby and that the test is actually positive I have my fingers crossed for you

@mustique I love how positive you are staying I couldn't do it for sure... Hopefully the RLP will be a tell sign that you are pregnant!!

5 years ago • Post starter

I'm heading to town in a few hours and I might pick up some tests... Have to go buy stuff for SO at the cosmetic shop so I'm thinking two normal tests and a digi

5 years ago • Post starter

Seems like this is going to be yet another confusing cycle.

8 dpo - squinter on predictor early
9 dpo - negative CB early but a faint line on an IC
10 dpo - negative predictor early

And today I definitely can see a line on that IC and it's stronger. What is going on? Going to the pharmacy tomorrow to buy a different brand and hopefully get a more definite answer, I don't trust the ICs. My boobs are hurting more now and are sore when I touch them. Have more cramping now too.

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5 years ago

Better light and a bit dried. With my son I got a faint line on 11 dpo, but it was very noticable right from the start, nothing I had to quiestion..

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5 years ago

@pandorica I voted positive on your photo I definitely see a line

5 years ago • Post starter

I feel so stupid for testing I'm more negative now than ever

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5 years ago • Post starter

Spoke to out of hours and being sent to a&e, fun day out, hoping you ladies get your soon xx

5 years ago

@Emma sorry to hear that. I hope things resolve quickly and painlessly
@Anna I'm so sorry. I really hope you still get your BFP this cycle.
@Sam Congrats!!
@JL sending positive thoughts your way! Hope everything turns out ok
@Pandorica your BFP is coming in the next couple of days. Is your temp still up?
Sorry I disappeared for a few days. My DH and both of my kids got sick with colds and ear infection so I've been busy taking care of everyone. They are starting to feel a little better and I'm hoping I won't catch whatever they had!

5 years ago

8dpo and a BFN. What a waste of $9

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5 years ago

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