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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi ladies...AF is here so it’s now CD1 for me. My cycles are usually spot on 28 days but last cycle was 29 which gave me false hope as it’s never late. I prayed if I didn’t conceive this cycle that it would go back to 28 days and it did. So that’s a plus. We have to look for the good in all things.
I plan to take a real relaxed approach this cycle. Drink til it’s pink ( positive pregnancy test). Going to pour a glass of wine now.


5 years ago

@Crystal thank you. I really hope to find out what is wrong. Hubby and I are getting worried. I have had less than average health care up until now. I'm relieved to have found a doctor who is taking me seriously.

@Emma i'm so sorry.

5 years ago • Edited

Omg...I'm REALLY questioning what's going on down there. If I wasn't tracking, I would SO think AF came early, but my cervix is so high I can barely reach. My periods usually rotate from light to heavy, so I'm wondering if I was due for a heavy flow this time and maybe THAT'S why I'm 'spotting' this much, but I don't need a pantyliner, I just get stuff when I pee. THIS IS SO CONFUSING!

5 years ago

Ladies, it has been such a pleasure talking to you and sharing our TTC journey together. My husband and I are pushing the pause button for now as the Army is giving us orders sooner than we expected. I don't want to be 8 or 9 months pregnant or have a newborn and have to move across the country or even continents. It is very heartbreaking that we can't give our daughter a sibling soon but everything happens for a reason.
So in order to look forward to something, my hubby and I booked a cruise to the Bahamas in October! I want to drink on that cruise so I will not be pregnant! (Maybe we will make a cruise baby though!)
I wish you ladies the best of luck and I may pop in from time to time to see you all with a BFP!

5 years ago

@dee I want to test on the 19th but we'll see if I actually get that far and dont just wait it out...

@emma every loss is heart breaking babe I'm so sorry you have to go through this and never feel guilty/not allowed/stupid for grieving over an early loss... You deserved that baby and you'll deserve and get your rainbow baby

@kitkat I totally agree with you about confirming first... At this point I just have my SO going you have to be pregnant every night... And when I tell him 12 more days he corrects me like :no it was 12 days a few days ago lol... When are you planning on testing again? And I hope it's not a chemical

@crystal that's exactly why I'd go to the doctor because if something is low they can help me out and I so want a healthy full term baby !!

@bimi I absolutely love your approach it's the best I've ever heard!! Good luck babe I might join you if it doesnt happen this month

@amarie good luck with your SO's plans and have fun on the trip !! Hopefully by then you can come back with a bfp !!

5 years ago • Post starter

So SO's birthday is the 10th of March and it's his big 30 so we're throwing him a surprise prostitutes and priests themed birthday party lol... Which is odd but exciting I cant wait to dress him up haha !! (No offense to anyone as I know the theme can be a bit dodgy)... He also surprised me last night and bought me a new car (The Volkswagen Tiguan) which we're getting in May/June... I'm so happy to be with him he's completely amazing and I wouldn't trade him for the world

5 years ago • Post starter

@Emma i am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you
@Scuba sorry AF showed up
@Anna it’s amazingly how lovingly you talk of your SO. I hope he knows how lucky he is too! I really hope you 2 get to celebrate an addition to your family very soon!
As for me, AF due tomorrow. I got what I think is a nasty evap on a cheapy this evening and am now wondering why I tested again! I was 99% sure I was out this cycle and had made my peace with it but now this brings back just enough hope that there is definitely room for disappointment again tomorrow when AF show up!

5 years ago • Edited

@agatch I hope its not an evap but an actual line I've got my fingers crossed

Loads of cramping for me today... On both sides and currently as I'm talking... I also get period type cramps when I have to pee but dont go immediately so I assume it's a uti? (Not sure how it feels)

5 years ago • Post starter

I'm 7 dpo today and symptom whise I barely have any so far. Only feeling a bit warmer than usual, but that's not uncommon for me after ovulation. Maybe some slight pinching, but not much. My bbt is steadily rising, at least so far. Starting to get sick of all this waiting. Never thought we would pass 2 years, but here we are. Ah well, not much I can do about it more than I already am.

5 years ago

@Anna: I've had UTI's off and on for many, many years... they can be painful from cramping to the pain during and after peeing. The feeling you have to pee but only dribble is the most uncomfortable feeling!! And it can cause pink when you wipe if you have a tad of blood in your urine, which I have experienced also. It causes bad cramping that feels just like AF, too! I take AZO for bad symptoms, but not sure if its safe to take if possibly pregnant or TTC?

@amarie: best wishes to you and your future travels!

@Pandorica: Your chart still looks amazing! I am 6-7dpo also and not too many symptoms other than a sudden decrease in appetite and cramping a bit still...

@agatch: I get your feelings with the possible evap, but for you!

@Kitkat: If its only pink when wiping and you don't even need a pantyliner, I wouldn't think it is AF early...

@BiminiL Sorry AF showed, but the relaxed approach is the best... it is when I finally conceived my

AF: 6-7dpo, another negative hpt this morning. Only symptoms is sudden decrease in appetite and mild cramping, still. Feeling super tired today and just sort of blah... I need to stop testing because it is already starting to get me down seeing the neg test this morning. I know it is still early, but I at least got a squinter at 7dpo with previous pregnancies, so it is already starting to make me think I'm out... Need to stop testing until at least this weekend!

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5 years ago

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