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Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
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So just an update... I'm feeling a bit better today regarding the negative... I think I'm still gonna test tomorrow and see what happens, if negative again I'm waiting till Friday... I just have so many of the same type of symptoms and feels that I had with pregnancy no1 and I've been waiting for these signs so long... Really faithful that this could possible be our mont
5 years ago • Post starter
@agath - I hope so, even though I'm really sceptic. My temp's still up. It dropped a little after the rise a few days ago, but are still fairly even. But that doesn't mean much for me, since I don't get a big drop until the day of or the day after af arrives.
So, 12 dpo today and I don't have any strips left. Only digitals, but I don't want to use those. Hoping the tests I've ordered arrive today, otherwise I have to wait until tomorrow. Not feeling too hopeful about this. With my son I tested at 11 dpo and got a non questionable line imidiately. Although the strenght of the line was the same for 3 days before it got darker. But I have never had the tests switch from faint positivt, to negative, to very faint and had a happy ending.
5 years ago
Hi ladies, trying to catch up with everyone. I have been reading everyone's posts
@pandorica I still see your ic line! Fingers crossed
@emma I hope you are OK. How did you get on at A&E?
@Anna I have everything crossed for you that we see a gorgeous positive line from you this month
I'm CD7 and bizarrely got a High on my monitor yesterday and today. We BD'd yesterday and going to try and keep going for every day we can this week. Going to start ovulation strips today too to see where I am. I started acupuncture again on Saturday and signed up for 5 weeks of treatments. I still have this niggling pain in my side and now have 2 referrals for US scans to see what is going on Just need to book them in. xx
5 years ago
Just to add that if I do end up with a positive then my tell tale signs would be heartburn/acid reflux (I had that last night and totally forgot about it) and gas pains... It was so bad with my previous pregnancy (I know I keep referring to it but it's the only comparison I have)
5 years ago • Post starter
Nothing really to update, a&e tried to get gynae to come check me over but they refused to and wanted me to be sent home, the doctor at a&e had a look at me and whatever they did must have moved it as I have had a little bleeding but now a lot more comfortable than I was, just waiting it out now till I m all pain free x
5 years ago
@Anna: I'm still hopeful for you!!
@Pandorica: I definitely see faint positives on your ICs! Don't lose hope just yet
@Emma: I hope you get through this soon you've been through enough...
@Scuba: Hope all is well and nothing serious shows. this cycle!
12dpo and cramping like AF badly.... wouldn't be surprised if she showed up a couple days early, she's been doing that my past few cycles... All hpt's are negative and always been able to get a noticeable positive by now with my previous pregnancies. So I know I'm out this month and my PMS emotions are taking their tole on me today...
But for next cycle.... Wish AF would just show already instead of teasing me with bad early cramps so I can get this over with and start on cycle #2 of TTC#3....
5 years ago
OK ladies. I was kind of accepting I was out this month. I'm 12dpo today, cramping badly, expecting AF to show early like she has the past few cycles. I use the restroom to check to see if there are any signs of bleeding yet from AF and I showed a LOT of egg white, yellowish CM... is this normal? Egg white usually only means fertile, so what is this and is this normal before AF?? It is new to me! Plus my cervix feels very strange to me... I'm so confused. Could I still be pregnant? I'm also nauseous and no appetite at ALL this morning, but that's normal for me before AF with cramping... TIA...
5 years ago
@emma I'm glad you're physically feeling a little better babe... I'm sort of pissed that they didnt want to help you though...
@crystal I also do actually I have my fingers crossed lol If it helps the only time I ever had EWCM was when I got pregnant so it could definately be a sign of pregnant without a doubt I'd test again in a few days if AF doesnt show
5 years ago • Post starter
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