Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by informative)
Anna that’s awesome news. So gals to hear everything is fine. Also the fact that the doctor is confident that you’ll conceive in 3 months. They don’t usually make those statements unless things seem really promising. I’m happy for you and can’t wait to to hear you got your bfp.
AFM I’m still taking a relaxed approach this cycle. I’ve been keeping up with the gym. So I’ve completed 2 full weeks. 5 days a week 1 hour a day. I feel great. I should be about 4/5 dpo. Not temping or symptom spotting as I realize all those things in my head that made me feel pregnant are real. But they are actually just the affect of the rise in progesterone during the luteal phase in the event we do conceive. I plan not to test until AF is due unless I’m vomiting or some extreme sickness.
Congratulations again to all who got their BFP. To us that are still waiting good luck.
5 years ago
Hi Everyone,
Just in case someone does not have insurance and what to check all the hormonal patterns you will get done at the OBGY, there's "letsgetchecked" you collect the sample at home and send it to the lab with the test that you want to duo and you know the price bore hand.
They have all the LH, FSH, ANTIMULLERIAN, PROGESTERONE ETC... It s even cheaper than when I went to the doctor (wit insurance) to check all my things :)
5 years ago
So the supplements the doctor gave me this month I cant find for shit around town lol meaning I'll have to drive to the city today to get it... I phoned every pharmacy yesterday and went to the cosmetic shop (I dont know what you call them but they have a pharmacy area and a shop area where you buy pregnancy tests and vitamins and bath things etc) and none of them have anything... So we'll see if I can find it today
5 years ago • Post starter
8DPO am - OK I can't believe I tested but I've been feeling off. I'm exhausted, went to bed at 9.30pm last night. Both breasts and nipples incredibly sore and temps very high - above my normal. Am I seeing things? This has a sensitivity of 25mIU. What do you think? Line there from the start too. FRER on order and arriving today. xx
5 years ago
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