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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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My husband is as scared and dumbfounded as me. Basket of emotions what we did this month different: 1. Had hsg, heard it can make you more fertile 2. Injectables it was gonal f 50 units, only used 1 pen the entire cycle. 3. Progesterone vaginal suppositories I had lots of semi mature eggs but didn’t think the little ones would fertilize. They never did the previous months (but I wasn’t on gonal f so maybe it made better quality eggs or something?) part of me hopes that it will reduce naturally down to twins, the risk to the other babies would be dramatically less, but I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. Confused and scared I guess. With three you’re at risk for severe prematurity, and I’m already a prematurity risk delivered my daughter at 35 weeks. I hope I don’t get hate from people but it’s just a scary situation all around

5 years ago

@ photo. Huge congrats!! I don’t know what your feeling right now but what I do know is it’s natural to have mixed emotions. Also if you do get hate from people just dismiss it. Because until we are in that position we could only imagine what it feels like. While that is your reality. It’s scary with one baby so I’m sure you’re scared. Just trust God and follow all doctors orders and it will all be fine. He won’t give you more than you can handle. Keep us updated!!!


5 years ago

Hi ladies, so I got this this morning, had to do it this morning as went for my ultrasound this afternoon and needed to empty before I drank lots anyways my app is saying it’s my peak, what do you ladies think ? Unfortunately it was my last opk as my others haven’t arrived yet, we will BD the next few days still to make sure

So sonographer wouldn’t give me any details from my ultrasound but she did read out measurements of my cyst on my right ovary which is almost 4cm x 2.7cm which I’m guessing is why I get a lot of pain still in that ovary, will get results next week, has anyone else had a ultrasound where they couldn’t find the ovary ? They really struggled to see my left one even with a internal probe

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5 years ago

@Emma that looks positive to me. So keep BD and good luck to you.
I don’t have any insight on seeing an ovary on Ultrasound. I hope they get you all the answers you need and that cyst would just disappear.
Keep us posted...


5 years ago

Unfortunately it’s a dermoid cyst and I’ve had it about 7 years of what I know of but I have a feeling i had it a lot longer, thanks for your feedback on my opk xx

5 years ago

@photomama I totally understand what you are feeling and honestly think I would react the same way. Thinking of you and hoping for the best for you and your babies!
@jilly thank you and congrats on your BFP.

5 years ago

At my new doctor and this chick across me goes "I feel like I've been pregnant forever" and her friends looks at her and ask "after only 2 days?" and I wanted to flip I'd kill to be pregnant

5 years ago • Post starter

UPDATE: Okay so doctor said everything looks good... He took some blood and is testing my egg count and quality (super expensive blood test)... He said that the stuff I gave SO is good and he prescribed me some supplements for this month... Going back in 2 weeks to discuss meds like clomid and so... But he said he's positive we'll be pregnant within 3 months

5 years ago • Post starter

That’s great news Anna

5 years ago

Hello everyone. Sorry for not Being around every day as much.. I’m trying to keep my self busy and not thinking about ttc so much!
Photo mama That’s such a blessing but I completely understand you worrying! I think anyone would have the same reaction!!

Emma I hope you’ll catch that egg this month also and crossing everything that this one will stick

Anna I always feel so down when pregnant women around me complaining about their pregnancy even if they’re doing it with humor. Basically I’m always feeling down when there are pregnant women around me period. Lol
So glad that you had good news and nothing to worry about. I hope you’ll hold your bfp soon!!!!!!!!

AFM.. 6 dpo today and really nothing much to report... at all! Everything is like every other month! I haven’t booked my appointment with my doctor as I wanted to because I really don’t feel like it... I think I’m starting to give up tbh... But as I always say, hope dies last! We’ll know soon

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5 years ago • Edited

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