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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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@Scuba: Looks like perfect timing!
@Sam: You must be confused, your hpt tests still show faint positives, in my opinion. Wouldn't hurt to see a doc and get a blood test?
@Emma: So close!
@Anna: Really hoping this is your month!

AFM: Just trying to catch up with you ladies. Still waiting for AF to leave! She should be gone around Thursday. Hoping this is all our month!

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5 years ago

@Anna sorry this past cycle didn’t have the desired outcome but I love your attitude for this new cycle. Kudos to you!
@Scuba seems like your timing is pretty good but I definitely understand the frustration of feeling like you weren’t able to optimize it
@Jenny congrats! I agree that being able to relax makes a huge difference but it’s not always easy to do.
I’m on CD 12. O is usually on CD 15. I had tons of EWCM last night which I was happy about because I pretty much hadn’t had much of it at all since my chemical in August. We were able to BD last night so I feel pretty good about this cycle so far.

5 years ago

Legit question .. me and DH BD during my ovulation 1
X but he didn’t actually ejaculate , he always has pre cum. I am 5 dpo had some spotting today, and started to wonder if it was possible I could be pregnant based on that one day! I have read chances are slim but has anyone ever gotten pregnant this way .

5 years ago

Jenny!! Keep on going everyone. I am tracking y all afar. No updates for me yet. Still waiting to see whether or not I conceived this cycle although we bd only once. It only takes once though. Baby dust everyone.

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5 years ago

I thought I already ovulated because the okp was nearly positive 5 days ago, but I tested tonight and it still looks like this. If the 2nd line is still that dark maybe I didn’t ovulate when I thought? How long do your okps stay positive after you ovulate?

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5 years ago

Hi ladies
So upset today as AF showed up!!!
Hate wondfo tests will never buy them ever again!!

5 years ago

Hello everyone! I’m officially on the tww once more. 3DPO today and I’m not exited about the craziness I’m gonna experience again.. I’m not planning to test this cycle unless AF decides not to show. It’s been a weird cycle since I ovulated on Cd15 which I never had O this late before. Usually it’s cd11-12. That means that I may experience a longer cycle.. so... my usual cycle is 24-26 days and my longer LP was once 15dpo. I’ll give it 15 days and if not AF, then I’ll test but I highly doubt it.. So sick and tired after 8 years with all of this tbh...
Wishing everyone good luck and most of all I’m wishing peace in mind! Hugs

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, is there anyone on here with pcos ? I’ve been given an ultrasound appointment Thursday to check my ovaries ( won’t get the results till next week) but it was mentioned to me many years ago I had pcos. What I wanted to know if any one who has pcos has the diet helped any of your symptoms? I have problems with a lot of those food groups anyways so will be giving it ago x

5 years ago

@sam I'm so sorry
@alex here we go again! I'm 2dpo I think! I'm not testing either.i just don't have the energy or inclination plus chances are so slim this cycle why waste the money We are having our two month break after this which in all honesty I can't wait! No tracking- nothing!
@emma it's good you've got an appointment. I hope it goes well. I have mine in a few hours xx

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5 years ago

Well, looks like I got my ovulation timing wrong and I didn’t actually ovulate before. There’s no denying this positive. Hopefully I can talk my SO into BDing tonight. I thought I had missed the window this month so this is a second chance.

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5 years ago

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